Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 695 I Want To Go In

Chapter 695 I Want To Go In
Chapter 691

Qin Su'e said to Wei Chen that she hoped that her own children could also go. Wei Chen would not worry about such things. After all, the relationship between her family and Wei Hao is needless to say, and her children are also Wei Hao's nephew. .

"Brother Jinxian, I still really need your help in this matter. Now everyone is looking for connections, hoping to send their children there, but there is no way out. Ordinary people don't dare to disturb Xia Guogong's mansion. I know Duke Xia is very busy, so if I disturb you, I'm afraid it will cause discomfort!" an official said to Wei Chen.

"Okay, let me ask. You know that I don't even know about it! Just recruit 200 people?" Wei Chen continued to ask the official.

"Yes, just recruiting such a small number of people, do you think everyone can take it easy?" The official nodded immediately.

"Okay, then I'll ask, but I don't dare to agree now, and I don't know how many people have gone to find Shen Yong. If there are too many people, it may not work!" Wei Chen said immediately, and the officials Immediately nodded and said, as long as Wei Chen speaks, then basically the matter is settled, Wei Chen is Wei Hao's elder brother,
Soon Wei Chen sent those officials away and returned to the study, where Qin Su'e also came in.

"Master, if the two children in the family can learn skills from Shen Yong, it would be good. Although Dalang will take over your position in the future, he still needs to learn more skills. Erlang also needs to learn more, so You still need to find Shen Yong!" Qin Su'e immediately said to Wei Chen.

"You, worry too much. Our children need to study, and still need to occupy such a quota? You can go there at any time. The key is that this time the school is on the capital side. We still need to go to Luoyang and come back next year. Daddy Lang Erlang is not very big, if we keep them in the capital, who can take care of them then!" Wei Chen smiled and said to Qin Su'e,
"I want to stay in the capital. My mother is getting old, and you will come back next year, so I will stay in the capital for a year and take care of those children. What do you think?" Qin Su'e looked at Wei Chen and asked.

"Well, you can stay at home!" Wei Chen thought about it, nodded and said.

And Wei Hao sat at Li Jing's house, chatted with Li Jing, and didn't go back to his house until after dinner.
At this moment, all the princes of the state knew that Wei Hao was going to recruit students, and they all hoped to send them to Wei Hao, but at night, they didn't want to look for them either!After Wei Hao returned to the mansion, Li Lizhi went to Wei Hao's study immediately.

"Husband, did you promise to start recruiting students today?" Li Lizhi approached Wei Hao and asked.

"Well, I agreed, and it really needs to be cultivated. I don't want to be an official in those businesses. I just want to educate a group of students well. It's good to lay this foundation now!" Wei Hao She nodded and said to Li Lizhi.

"Well, that's fine. I'm just wondering if you'll be too tired this year. The power station also needs you, the wiring needs to be laid out, and Luoyang needs to build a new city. You're all needed!" Li Lizhi He asked Wei Hao.

"It's okay, these are all things in the first half of the year, and there is nothing to do in the second half of the year, let's recruit first!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said,
Li Lizhi heard it, nodded and said, "That's fine, just be careful not to get too tired!"

"Okay, I see, it's actually nothing!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Brother told me today that he hoped to arrange for a few students to come in, all of whom are his confidants!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, let him bring the list!" Wei Hao said with a smile. Anyway, no matter whose children want to come in, if the number is full, there is no other way. He will recruit 200 people. I really can't teach too much,

Early the next morning, when Wei Hao just got up, Li Tai came over.

"Brother-in-law!" Li Tai saw Wei Hao getting up, and immediately shouted with a smile.

"So early?" Wei Hao was a little surprised to see Li Tai coming so early.

"Hey, don't dare to come late, I'm afraid there will be no place. I heard that you gave Li Pu 20 indicators. Now people outside are already asking the price. One indicator is 5000 yuan, just to let the child go to your school. side!" Li Tai said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"What, an indicator of 5000 yuan? Are you kidding me?" Wei Hao looked at Li Tai in surprise and asked.

"It's still cheap, you know, my father said that after the student has finished his studies, he directly enters the court and becomes an official. Now our officials in the Tang Dynasty have two paths, one is the imperial examination, and the other is the imperial examination. The children of Gonghe Houye, now that the school is open, can you not be tempted?" Li Tai still smiled and said to Wei Hao,

"Okay, haven't you eaten yet?" Wei Hao asked with a smile.

"Not yet, my sister hasn't gotten up yet?" Li Tai asked with a smile.

"I need to dress Ren'er when I wake up, the child is making a fuss!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile, and soon the servants brought food, Wei Hao and Li Tai sat down to eat.

"Brother-in-law, I want 10 indicators, okay?" Li Tai asked Wei Hao while eating.

"Okay, of course!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Thank you brother-in-law, I knew brother-in-law would agree!" Li Tai said happily when he heard it. He also needs to cultivate his own talents now.

Just after eating, Li Ke came over again.

"So early?" Li Ke asked in surprise when he saw Li Tai was there.

"That's right, if you come later, you won't have a chance!" Li Tai said proudly.

"Hey, Shenyong, give me some indicators!" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao with a wry smile and said, he was still not as fast as Li Tai.

"Okay, how many do you want?" Wei Hao asked with a smile.

"Then give 10?" Li Ke thought about it and asked.

"Okay, it just so happens that both you and Qingque have 10 indicators!" Wei Hao nodded, and Li Ke was overjoyed when he heard that.
Wei Hao didn't expect that in just one night, he gave more than 40 indicators and went out. I don't know how much the prince needs. I guess he also gave 10.
As soon as Li Ke sat down, Li Shen came over.

"I've seen Master, I've seen my third and fourth brothers!" After Li Shen came over, he first saluted Wei Hao and the others.

"Well, Hachiro is so early, and you came to ask for indicators?" Li Ke looked at Li Shen with a smile and said.

"I don't need it!" Li Shen said with a smile.

"Well, Shen'er, you are responsible for this matter. I gave my father-in-law 20 indicators, I gave King Wu 10 indicators, and I gave King Wei 10 indicators. It is estimated that there are at least 10 indicators in the East Palace. If there are more than one or two You can recruit students for the rest, and you need to have a look at the students who come to study, and if they fail to pass, return them and let them re-apply!" Wei Hao said to Li Shen.

"Yes, master, but master, if I master it, those people will come to me at that time, so what should I do?" Li Shen immediately looked at Wei Hao in embarrassment and asked.

"It's business, you go to interview those people, see if those students are qualified, and I will go to Luoyang as a teacher. After all, I am the governor of Luoyang, and a new city is going to be built there. I want to build it quickly, so We need to make plans, and try to come back before the Lantern Festival, and we'll talk about it after we're done!" Wei Hao said to Li Shen.

"Yes, Master!" Li Shen nodded and said with cupped hands.

"I said Shenyong, did you just hand it over to Balang?" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao in surprise and asked.

"That's right, leave it to him. There is nothing wrong with him assessing those students. As far as his level is concerned, there is no one in Datang except me!" Wei Hao nodded and said to Li Ke.

"No, Shen Yong, if you do this, other people will be jealous when they find out!" Li Tai also said beside him.

"Why are you jealous? Shen'er is my apprentice. He will be my mantle in the future. Of course he has to choose those students. Moreover, if I am not in the capital in the future, Shen'er will also need to teach those students. If you rely on me It’s definitely not possible to do it alone, that’s all right, I know what you mean, don’t be afraid!” Wei Hao nodded and said

, Wei Hao knew their worries, it was nothing more than worrying that Li Shen would arrange for his own people to go in, Wei Hao was not worried, Li Shen did not have such ambitions yet.

It's normal if they do, they all know that the person they arranged to go in, how could Li Shen not know?

"Yes, but, Hachiro, those people will depend on you in the future!" Li Ke said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Yes, third brother, don't worry, you don't dare to delay Master's affairs!" Li Shen immediately cupped his hands and said, then looked at Wei Hao and asked, "Master, how should we choose?"

"Well, you left me ten indicators, and the remaining 140 people will be selected publicly. When the time comes, you can choose and let them sign up! Remember, each age group can only sign up to 500 people, and choose from among them No one else will come out, and when the registration is full, no registration will be given, so choose the tenth day of junior high school!" Wei Hao thought about it, and said to Li Shen.

"Yes, Master!" Li Shen said immediately, cupping his hands,
After chatting for a while, Wei Hao also asked people to spread the news. The person in charge of this matter is Ji Wang Li Shen. The registration time is the eighth day of the junior high school. They are only selected among the top 500 registrations. After the number of registrations is full, they will no longer accept registrations. up,

After those people outside heard the news, they immediately wanted to find King Ji, but they found that they were not familiar with King Ji. Some people tried to knock on King Ji's door, but the people in Prince Ji's mansion said that King Ji I don't see any visitors now, and I'm working on a topic right now, so I don't have time.

On the fourth day of junior high school, Wei Hao went to Luoyang, and took people directly to Luoyang. After arriving at the mansion in Luoyang, Wei Hao took a rest. The next day, he started to take measurements outside Luoyang city. He was busy all the time. The people in the capital are very worried. They can't find King Ji, no matter who they are, and it's useless to find King Ji's elder brothers. They already have targets.

This morning, King Ji was presenting a topic at the mansion, when a man from the palace came out, saying that Concubine Wei Gui wanted to see him, and asked him to go to the palace.
When King Ji heard this, he hurriedly cleaned up and went to Concubine Wei's residence.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Li Shen arrived at the conservatory of Concubine Wei's palace, saw Concubine Wei sitting there as a female celebrity, immediately went to salute, and then asked.

"Shen'er is here, sit down quickly, you child, from the third year of junior high school to now, you don't know to come to your mother?" Wei Guifei saw Li Shen approaching, immediately stood up with a smile, and pulled Li Shen Carefully, said with a smile.

"I'm busy. I'm busy working out questions these days, which is to assess those students. Master asked me to select students. I can't recruit some idiots!" Li Shen immediately sat down and said.

"Silly boy, what kind of idiot is there!" Wei Guifei said with a smile.

"Yes, mother, you don't know. Master said that when learning arithmetic, some people can't learn it no matter what, but some people can do it at a little bit. So this needs to be assessed. I'm also worried. I'm afraid It’s not a good choice!” Li Shen said solemnly as he sat there.

"Oh, that's it, Shen'er. Look at this list. It's some children of the Wei family. Well, there are 20 people in total. You can arrange them!" Wei Guifei said and took out a list. Li Shen said.

"Ah, mother, you!" Li Shen said, looking at Concubine Wei very embarrassed when he heard this.

"Silly boy, you can rest assured that the arrangements are made. Your master asked you to do this because he asked you to arrange for the children of the Wei family. Now those who can help you outside are the children of the Wei family. Look at these people, How many are idiots, if they are idiots, you can get rid of them, it's okay!" Concubine Wei Gui said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Mother, does Master really mean that?" Li Shen looked at Li Shen suspiciously and asked.

"My mother can still lie to you. If you want to seal the country in the future, you will need someone to help you, and your province is at the school. You need to make friends with some talents, you know? When the time comes, you will be divided. There are people available!" Concubine Wei Gui continued to speak to Li Shen, Li Shen heard it, thought about it and nodded.

"Mother asked you to come here for this matter. This list was carefully selected by the Wei family. Mother told them that there is no limit to their status, as long as they are smart children. Among these children, mother will see After looking at their parents, many of them are ordinary people, they can be used!" Concubine Wei continued to speak to Li Shen.

"Well, thank you mother!" Li Shen immediately nodded and said.

"Well, your master thinks highly of you, and entrusts you with such an important matter. You have to choose carefully. The first batch of people must be of great use to the court, so you can be stricter, and don't be afraid Offending people, if you think you are unqualified, you are unqualified, and no one dares to blame you, but behind you are your master and your father!" Wei Guifei continued to teach Li Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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