Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 697 Chapter Jing

Chapter 697 Returning to Beijing
Chapter 693

Li Shen was grading those test papers. Li Shimin came to see Li Shen. Li Shimin had always attached great importance to the recruitment this time. He hoped that Wei Hao could teach a group of outstanding students. I was a little surprised that I didn't come across anything high-level.

"Shen'er thinks it's difficult?" Li Shimin looked at Li Shen in surprise and asked.

"It's very difficult. Those high-level arithmetic problems are really difficult, but they are very useful. Master has been deducing pi, which is the number behind Zu rate. Zu rate was calculated by Zu Chongzhi. It is very powerful. Master said he It's amazing that it can be accurate to the seventh decimal place!

If you want to continue to calculate, you need to use calculus, but I don’t know the specifics. There are many advanced arithmetic textbooks at Master’s house, but I can’t understand them. I guess no one can understand them except my master. ,
Every time I go to Master’s study, I will look through those textbooks, and Master will also tell me what I need to master in order to continue learning, and the textbooks on Gewu, chemistry, biology, There are also many, but I haven't finished my study yet, I have been with Master for more than a year and it has not been two years, so I still need time to learn! " Li Shen explained to Li Shimin.

"Oh, those things are very useful?" Li Shimin looked at Li Shen and continued to ask.

"It's very big. It can be said that the laws of everything in the world are contained in it, but it needs people to discover it. Master told me that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world!" Li Shen said with a smile to Li Shimin.

"Mathematics?" Li Shimin looked at Li Shen and asked.

"It's arithmetic. Master calls it mathematics. Master calls it physics. Chemistry is, um, the production of glass and steel. Chemistry is used, but I don't learn much now!" Li Shen turned to Li Shimin. explained again.

"Okay, you just said that your master will recruit students in the future, as long as he can recruit students!" Li Shimin nodded after hearing this, Li Shen said it was very useful, that is very useful, besides, he also saw Wei Hao ability.

"Master said that most of the recruited students will not continue to study in the future, but just use it as a springboard, hoping to become an official.
But the people recruited by the master hope that they can continue to study, and their research can bring great benefits to Datang, but it is not realistic in reality.

So before Master wanted to set up a fund, that is, to use these funds to support those who really want to do research, and in the future, this fund will support those people's research and ensure their living expenses, for example, a person who really loves arithmetic , but the family is poor, but it is not suitable to be an official, so what should I do?

People like this should actually be taken seriously, because their research can promote the progress of the whole society. A small step of their progress can cause earth-shaking changes and make the life of Tang Dynasty better. For example, radio, father, you I also saw that it is very convenient to contact now. If there is any urgent matter, it can be passed on in an instant. If there was no such means before,
So what Master means is that in the future, the fund will give those who do research every month a consistent amount of money each month to ensure that their living standards are above average, so that they can concentrate on research! "Li Shen sat there, watching Li Shimin talk about Wei Hao's plan.

"It makes sense, it makes sense. It doesn't cost a lot of money, but it is very beneficial for me, Datang, to raise the talents here!" Li Shimin nodded and said in agreement.

"Well, the master actually attaches great importance to the school, but the master has no choice but to use utilitarianism to attract people. After attracting enough people, select the best from them and let them continue to do research. When the time comes, the master will give The emperor's memorial is here, let the emperor give rewards to those who have truly made outstanding contributions to research!" Li Shen looked at Li Shimin and said, and he also hoped that Li Shimin would agree.

"That's for sure. Don't worry about that, my son. In the future, if you have any requirements for the school, you can come to the emperor. Your master attaches great importance to this school and hopes to pass on the knowledge so that Datang The lives of the people are better, but for our royal family, we hope that the people of the Tang Dynasty will live better, so, on this point, your master and father are the same!" Li Shimin said to Li Shen.

"Yes, Father, I will tell Father what I think in the future!" Li Shen cupped his hands and said.

"Well, review carefully. Except for the people your master greeted, if the others are really bad, don't want them. If they have any opinions, let them come to the emperor. This school is not a springboard for them!" Li Shimin stood up and said to Li Shen.

"Yes, I'm sending my father off!" Li Shen stood up and said to Li Shimin, clasping his hands.

"No, you've been quite tired for the past few days, go to bed early after work!" Li Shimin touched Li Shen's shoulder with a smile, and said, he was also very satisfied with Li Shen,
Up to now, he has not shown any intention of competing for the reserve position, he just concentrates on research. Li Shimin likes Li Shen, he just likes it.

Soon, Li Shimin left, and Li Shen continued to grade those test papers, but outside, many people couldn't sleep. After all, this test is fate-determining for many people. Then step into the official career, the key is that he is still Wei Hao's student, and he is also a student of Ji Wang Li Shen,
At noon the next day, Li Shen sent someone to post the list, and the classes were assigned directly. Those who passed the exam were very happy. Those parents immediately picked up their children and cheered happily. dejected,

The list has already been announced. After the Lantern Festival, if you come to the school to report, you just need to bring something to wear. The school will distribute the food and supplies in a unified manner. Li Shen also went to purchase those supplies to ensure that when the school starts, those Students can get enough things,
It will soon be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Wei Hao rushed back from Luoyang. He was busy with the affairs there. It was not until evening that Wei Hao returned to the Duke's Mansion.As soon as Wei Hao came back, all those children surrounded him. Now that those children are grown up, they know they are sticking to Wei Hao.

"These hozen know that they are attached to his father!" Wang said with a smile, looking at the grandchildren.

"Mother, where is my father?" Wei Hao asked.

"I went to the old house. At noon, your two aunts came here for dinner. They wanted to wait for you to come back, but it was getting dark and you didn't come back. Your two aunts are getting old and don't want to be here. Wait, say we'd better go to the old house, eh!" said Wang with a sigh.

"Why don't you stay here, this place is not the same as the old house, it belongs to our family!" Wei Hao looked at Wang Shi incomprehensibly and said.

"Can it be the same? They are afraid that they will scare those children at night, and they are too old to spend the night outside, so they said they want to go back. Your father can rest assured that they will go back alone, so he sent them away. " Wang said.

"Oh, okay, I'll go take a look after dinner, and I haven't seen them for a while!" Wei Hao nodded and said, there are still two aunts left,
They are really kind to Wei Hao, they are really precious grandchildren, if Wei Furong is fierce to Wei Hao in front of them, he will be scolded,

After Wei Hao finished his meal, he went to the west city and went straight to his old house. At this moment, his father Wei Furong was chatting with someone in the living room. Wei Hao went in and found two aunts and two middle-aged people. , Wei Hao did not know.

"Grandma!" Wei Hao shouted with a smile after entering.

"Hey, my grandson!" The two aunts were so happy when they saw Wei Hao coming, they stood up immediately and wanted to go to Wei Hao, but Wei Hao walked over quickly and held him Those two aunts are gone.

"I just got home and heard that you guys are coming back. No, I'll rush over after dinner. Grandma and grandson are a little busy now. I don't have much time to come and see you. If you have nothing to do, go live in Dongcheng for a few days. You'll be fine." !" Wei Hao said with a smile while supporting the two of them.

"I know, my grandson is very promising, much more promising than your father, hurry up, grandson sit down, let grandma take a look!" One of the aunts said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Hey, sit down, sit down, I'll help you sit down!" Wei Hao smiled and helped them sit down,

And those two middle-aged people were also standing from the moment Wei Hao came in. Now seeing Wei Hao helping them to sit down, they immediately cupped their hands and said to Wei Hao: "I met Xia Guogong!"

"Well, hello!" Wei Hao smiled and nodded, not knowing them either.

"Hao'er, this is your fourth grandma's nephew. Your cousin Liu also came to see your fourth grandma. You met him when you were young, but it's rare in recent years! This is your fifth grandma's nephew. Call Uncle Wu!" Wei Furong immediately explained to Wei Hao.

"Oh, I've seen Uncle Liu, I've seen Uncle Wu!" Wei Hao immediately saluted them when he heard it.

"They also live in the capital now, and they will come to visit your two grandmas from time to time. You have never met before, this time is just right!" Wei Furong said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I've been busy all this time!" Wei Hao saluted them again.

"I don't dare to do it, I don't dare to do it, I know that Duke Xia is very busy, and the people all praise Xia Guogong for making my Tang Dynasty prosperous!" Uncle Liu said to Wei Hao, clasping his hands.

"How can I do it on my own? I still need the support of my father. Come, please sit down and drink tea!" Wei Hao said to them with a smile, and then sat between the two grandmothers. Wei Hao had to sit If the one in the middle sits in another place, the two grandmas will not allow it.

"Grandson, your two cousins ​​are also running a small business now, and they are not bad, and they will come to visit our two aunts from time to time!" The fourth grandma said to Wei Hao.

"Well, good, I've made up my mind!" Wei Hao said to them with a smile.

"It should be, it's our aunt!" Uncle Wu also said with a smile and cupped his hands.

"Grandson, this time I heard from your father that after going to Luoyang, you won't travel far, and you are in Chang'an?" Fourth Grandma continued to ask Wei Hao.

"Well, I won't go out, I will come to see you when I have time!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, okay, okay, grandma doesn't want you to run around, I have everything at home, I just hope you are safe and sound, and the best in front of grandma!" Sixth grandma said happily when she heard this.

After chatting for a while, Wei Hao left and wanted to go back to rest, but Wei Furong didn't go back, there are beds here, he and the two uncles may have something to do,

After Wei Hao returned to the mansion, he saw the children in the family hugged by the maids, about to go out.

"Where are you going?" Wei Hao looked at the women at home and asked.

"Today is the Lantern Festival, we are going out to watch the lights, so you can guard the gate at home!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Oh, yes, we haven't been there for a long time, how about I go too?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Okay, you rest, I know you don't like to go, we people take the children out to play, you go to bed early at home, we will come back late, if those children fall asleep, there is a stove on the carriage anyway, they are Sleeping in the carriage will not be cold!" Li Lizhi said with a smile to Wei Hao.

"Okay!" Wei Hao nodded, and then returned to his study, Wei Hao took the mansion newspapers and information to read,
Wei Hao needs to read the information about the capital by himself. Wei Hao found that the three princes this time, as well as the veteran princes before, paid great attention to the recruited students, and they went to win over those students one after another.
Wei Hao sighed when he saw it. This school of his is not for cultivating officials, but for cultivating researchers. Now that they are doing this, he feels a little helpless, but Wei Hao knows very well that these students can Half of them are engaged in research, and they wake up laughing in their dreams. Since they do it like this, let them do it. Anyway, I don’t care. Wei Hao went to sleep after reading the reports and information.

Early the next morning, after Wei Hao got up, he took the memorial written in Luoyang and went to the palace. When he arrived at Chengtian Palace Square, the eunuch at the gate of Chengtian Palace saw Wei Hao coming, and immediately ran to the fifth floor to inform Li Shimin said.Li Shimin was very happy when he heard that Wei Hao had come. When Wei Hao arrived at the gate of Chengtian Palace, the eunuch took him in directly.Wei Hao went straight to the fifth floor.

"Are you done?" Li Shimin smiled and said to Wei Hao who was saluting him.

"I'm done with my work. You need to approve this father. It's the construction fund. It's estimated to cost 150 million yuan!" Wei Hao said to Li Shimin with a memorial.

"Approval, it must be approved, but the school is starting today, if you don't go and have a look, you can talk about what you need from the school!" Li Shimin asked while sitting there, looking at Wei Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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