Marvel's Copy Talent

Chapter 15 Doctor: I take you as my successor, but you want to~

Chapter 15 Doctor: I take you as my successor, but you want to~

After leaving Steve's quarters, Dr. Erskine began to return to his own quarters.

There was sporadic light rain in the sky, and gusts of breeze blew through to bring a touch of coolness.

Not far from the light in front of his room, the doctor saw Wang Ye standing there waiting for him. Needless to say, he already knew what was going on with Wang Ye.

"Go, go into the room and say, it's raining outside!"

Wang Ye nodded and walked in.

In the room, Dr. Erskine and Wang Ye sat opposite each other.

"You should be looking for me so late because of the experiment tomorrow!

Are you worried about Steve? "

Dr. Erskine coughed lightly, his voice slightly hoarse.

"I have a lot of confidence in Steve.

I came to find you so late, in fact, for another matter.

Doctor, I remember you told me about Schmidt the Hydra.

I've been thinking about it for the past two days. Do you think there will be any changes in tomorrow's experiment? "

Wang Ye's tone was cautious, and he looked at Dr. Erskine with a serious expression.

Dr. Erskine's expression changed.

"There can't be any changes, the laboratory is so hidden, can the Hydra still be~"

The doctor stopped suddenly, he couldn't believe his guess.

Wang Ye nodded.

"With Hydra's terrifying intelligence capabilities, your whereabouts may have already been exposed.

They even know all our experimental plans and time tomorrow!

Maybe they are waiting for the successful experiment tomorrow to capture your experimental results! "

Dr. Erskine nodded in agreement.

Wang Ye's analysis is very reasonable. According to Schmidt's character, it is impossible for him to allow his allies to successfully create a super soldier army that prevents him from dominating the world!

Wang Ye looked at the doctor whose forehead was already sweating and continued.

"And tomorrow after our experiment is successful, the core formula of the super serum is bound to be handed in.

But after handing it over, whether it will be used by other useful people to satisfy their own desires and ambitions, this is also a big question!

Moreover, the super serum will make the good better and the bad worse. To put it bluntly, the super serum is a double-edged sword. Use it well to hurt the enemy, and use it badly to hurt yourself! "

Wang Ye said this, as if he didn't do anything, his face was not red or his heart was beating!

Dr. Erskine has always devoted all his thoughts and energy to research, and he has never really considered what happened after the success of the experiment.

Listening to Wang Ye's analysis now, all the drinks he had just drank suddenly turned into cold sweat.

"And tomorrow's experiment?"

The doctor felt that things were completely out of his control, and he no longer knew what to do!

"I think while there is still time, I should go to Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter to discuss the countermeasures!"

Wang Ye frowned and looked very embarrassed.

Dr. Erskine nodded quickly, this kind of thing still needs to be solved by professional people!


Late night

The four gathered in the conference room for a small emergency secret meeting.

"Our laboratory is very hidden, only the senior leaders know it, and Schmidt's agents will never know if they are powerful, so your worries are completely unnecessary!"

Colonel Phillips sat in the first place, tapping his fingers on the conference table rhythmically, thinking secretly in his heart.

"But it is inevitable that there are no spies around at the top. The success or failure of the super serum is too important for the next direction of this war. We must not take it lightly."

Agent Carter frowned slightly, thinking it would be better to be cautious, and then looked to the side of Wang Ye again.

"Yes, Colonel!

Hydra has always been hidden in the dark. How powerful they are, we have no way of knowing now. We must be fully prepared for the super serum! "

Wang Ye also put forward his own opinions.

"And once the super serum is successfully tested, the superiors will definitely take it away and produce a large number of super soldiers.

If these soldiers lose control after their strength skyrockets, then this uncontrolled force will be much more terrifying than Hydra! "

Dr. Erskine's face was pale when he heard the discussion, and the previous joy was long gone, and now his heart is full of worry and fear.

Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter looked equally bad-looking.

Maybe they didn't think about it, but they chose to ignore it before.

But since Wang Ye moved it to discuss it on the bright side today, he could not escape and could only find a way to solve it.

Looking at the frowning crowd, Wang Ye continued, "The solution to this problem is actually very simple.

Because of the core formula of super serum, only Dr. Erskine knows it.

So as long as the Doctor is "dead", the formula for the serum will never be known!

And we don't have to worry about someone doing something horrible with the serum! "

"No" x2

At about the same time Colonel Philip and Agent Carter vetoed.

Dr. Erskine looked at Wang Ye in astonishment, unable to believe that Wang Ye said such words.

Wang Ye smiled and said.

"Colonel, Carter, don't get excited, put the gun down first, I may not have made it clear.

I mean, let the Doctor fake his death to fool those politicians and Hydra spies.

This not only ensures that the super serum will not fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives, but also dispels Hydra's obsession with serum!

From now on, as long as the doctor hides in the dark, don't worry about his life being threatened! "

Hearing this, Dr. Erskine's face softened a little. He was really afraid that Colonel Philip and the others would kill him for the bigger picture!

Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter glanced at each other and saw what was in each other's eyes.

"I think this plan is feasible, but we still need a strict layout plan for the specific arrangement!"

Colonel Phillips slapped the table and stood up.

Everyone nodded, and then began to revolve around the truth of how to let the doctor die,

dead nature,

dead seamless

There was a heated discussion, and it was only after the early morning that it was slightly dawn that they left each other.


Second day

In the laboratory, everyone was busy with the final preparations.

Steve came to the laboratory under the leadership of Agent Carter, saw the busy Wang Ye at a glance, and quickly ran down happily.

"Master, so you are here too!"

"Hahaha, of course!

I will definitely be there on such an important day! "

Wang Ye patted Steve on the shoulder and said, "Now take off your upper clothes and lie down on this platform!"

Steve nodded and took off his shirt, revealing the lean and capable muscles of his upper body, and lay down on a platform of reinforcement equipment that was a bit wide for him.

"how do you feel!"

Wang Ye walked to the side and injected Steve with penicillin.

"It feels okay, and the location is a bit big!"

With Master by his side, Steve's nervousness was relieved a lot.

"It won't feel big after a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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