Marvel's Copy Talent

Chapter 24 Steve: Master's bullshit! ! !

Chapter 24 Steve: Master's bullshit! ! !

Wang Ye and Steve hid in the grass by the roadside and waited quietly for the vehicle to approach.

After a while, three trucks drove over one after another, and when the last one drove in front of him, Wang Ye's dormant body suddenly rose into the air, and when he stepped on it, his figure rushed into the truck compartment like lightning.

Steve also did the same, stomping on the ground and jumping into the carriage.

When Steve jumped into the carriage, there were already eight Hydra soldiers who had their necks twisted off.

"Throw them all out of the car!"

Wang Ye patted the dust on his body and sat on the material compartment in the carriage.

Because the car was full of supplies, and Wang Ye's movements were very fast, the battle was almost instantly resolved without making any sound, and there was the noise of driving in the forest, so the Hydra soldiers driving in front were not at all. Didn't notice what happened in the back compartment!

Steve glanced at Master and sighed inwardly, Master is Master!

Then he swiftly threw all the corpses out.He curiously opened one of the material compartments and looked at it, and found that there were actually some high-precision parts needed to manufacture missiles, but these parts were much larger than the same parts.

Wang Ye also got up and looked at the parts in the box and frowned.

"It seems that they take prisoners to make missiles for them, but what are they doing with so many missiles!

It seems that there should be all such parts here. If all of them are made into missiles, they can already blow up the whole world!

Blast the world? "

Steve looked at Wang Ye in astonishment.

"They shouldn't be so maddened!

This is crazy too, we have to stop them! "

"Well, we have to investigate this matter, and if it is true, then we will solve it together!

Get down, we're here! "

As Wang Ye said that, he and Tiff moved up and down in the carriage, successfully passed the security check at the door and entered the Hydra base.

Eventually the truck stopped in front of the warehouse door and started unloading.

The Hydra soldiers who came to carry the goods were innocently stunned by Wang Ye's gun butt and dragged into the carriage.

Then while the soldiers patrolling around were not paying attention, Wang Ye and Steve sneaked up and ended them silently.

After confirming that there was no one around, Wang Ye took Steve to the base building not far away.

There is still a distance between the warehouse and the base building. There is an open space. There are more than a dozen heavy tanks and special armored vehicles parked in the open space. The dark red Hydra mark is sprayed on it, which looks terrible in the dark night. .

Since there are so many tanks and armored vehicles parked here, it means that this base is equipped with a strong mechanized force that will definitely not be small.

After Steve saw it, his heart began to worry.

Along the way, Wang Ye and Steve quietly eliminated all the Hydra soldiers they saw.

After eliminating the last Hydra soldier, they finally reached the inside of the base building.

After entering the interior, the first thing that catches the eye is a super-large special factory workshop dozens of meters high.

In the workshop, various mechanical arms are arranged to carry heavy objects in place of manpower, and there are also some steel parts that have been processed and finished in huge shapes.

Among them were hundreds of people in white coats, assembling the high-precision parts that had just arrived into large steel parts.

These workers seem to be neatly dressed, and their mental state is also good. They are still in the mood to chat and joke when they are working. Obviously, it is not something that those who have been captured can do!

"These should be the internal staff of Hydra, the prisoners are responsible for the heavy manual labor, and they themselves are responsible for the light and delicate work."

Wang Ye and Steve speculated from the corner watching the scene in the workshop.

"It seems that they are indeed building a kind of missile with huge lethality, and there are still a lot of them!"

"Are these missiles? Missiles this big?"

Steve looked at a nearly six-meter-long missile that had been completed in the corner, and his voice trembled.

Although he doesn't understand how lethal these things are, he knows that the power must be terrifying just by looking at his body shape!

"Let's ignore this for now. Now we must first find the location of the cell, and rescue the captured Allies and Bucky as soon as possible. After we successfully break through, we will destroy them all!"

Wang Ye said to Steve's novel.

"But this place is so big that we don't even know where to start?"

Steve looked at the towering base building, a little troubled.

"Under normal circumstances, for the convenience of management, prisoners will be held on the first floor or in the basement!"

Wang Ye looked at Steve and turned his head to look at the surrounding environment.

"You are responsible for finding and rescuing the prisoners, and I am responsible for sneaking into the monitoring room on the top floor to cut off the alarm to prevent them from calling for additional personnel!"

Steve nodded, put the shield on his back, and began to quickly run towards the stairs leading to the basement, but all the hydra soldiers who found him and the hydra soldiers he found were all solved.

This is what Wang Ye taught: the most perfect infiltration is to get rid of everyone who sees himself and everyone he sees.

A dive that no one notices is the perfect dive!


The monitoring room of the base is located on the top floor of the base building, but at this time, there is only Wang Ye sitting alone in a chair, watching the surveillance screen where Steve, who has rescued some of the prisoners, is fighting with the soldiers of Hydra.

There were seven or eight people lying on the ground behind Wang Ye. The only awake leader of the base, Major Wrights, knelt on the ground and looked at Wang Ye in horror.

"Boss, I know it's wrong, I shouldn't betray Hydra, I really know it's wrong!"

Major Wrights kowtowed again and again, admitting his mistake very sincerely.But Wang Ye just looked at the screen on the monitor and didn't want to pay any attention to him. In an instant, half of his heart became cold.

"The future of Hydra is extremely bright and powerful.

But you, as the general manager of the base, have taken the lead in the rebellion and surrendered to the fellow of Setters, your path has narrowed, you know? "

Wang Ye turned around and looked coldly at Major Wrights, whose forehead had been smashed and bleeding profusely, without a trace of pity in his eyes.

"But this time, this plan of yours has helped me a lot by accident, so I will~"

Wang Ye raised his pistol like lightning and shot and killed Major Wrights.

"Give you a treat!"

(Huh? Why does this scene feel familiar!!!)

The smile of the rest of his life on Wrights' face instantly froze, and his body fell back straight.

Wang Ye turned on the switches of several red danger signs on the console, and then pressed the button to determine the clearing device.

Above the console, a timer starts a 10-minute countdown.

After doing all this, Wang Ye looked at Steve's current position on the monitor and quickly headed to the meeting.

Steve has rescued all the captives at this time.

Bucky was also found in a laboratory, and saw and obtained a map showing the exact locations of all abandoned bases.

(Hydra's habit~ is no longer saved!)

Most of the captives have grabbed the energy weapons, and now they have officially launched a counterattack against the Hydra soldiers, but there is not much time left!

Starting today, one chapter a day~!


Some people say I'm playing a house

so be it!

Play the house one chapter a day!

(End of this chapter)

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