Marvel's Copy Talent

Chapter 27 Wang Ye: As an undercover agent, I was very successful!

Chapter 27 Wang Ye: As an undercover agent, I was very successful!

That night, Steve went to the barracks bar to find five good candidates to set up a commando team among the rescued Allied brothers, and served as the commando captain. Together with Bucky, a total of seven people formed the later famous Roaring Commando. team.

The last layer of window paper has also been pierced between Agent Carter and Steve.

The crowd also liked it.

Even soldiers on patrol at night were lucky enough to see Steve sneaking into Carter's room, and the lights in the room quickly went out.

This kind of gossip news spread very fast, almost the entire army camp knew it the next day, and there was more than one version.

Naturally, Wang Ye also knew the news, and was very pleased that his wooden apprentice finally got enlightened.

Due to his appearance, the original story line has begun to deviate. Although the subsequent plot may be forcibly revised, the tragedy of this pair of lovers reuniting after 70 years will not happen again!

When Wang Ye was about to return to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in Brooklyn to fish, the colonel said that the above appointment notice would be delivered in two days.

Let's wait a moment, wait until you accept the award before leaving!

Wang Ye couldn't refuse this, so he agreed to stay for a few more days!

But he never imagined that the excellent agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would fly thousands of miles overnight to airlift the mountains of documents.

This made Wang Ye so moved that he almost felt like he had sparks in his eyes!


"Ladies and gentlemen, let's invite Captain Wang Ye and Second Lieutenant Steve to the stage with the warmest applause!"

On the temporary stage set up by the military camp.

Colonel Phillips took the microphone and looked at the prompter in his hand and read the lines with a sullen face. He didn't like this, he liked to play casually!

Under the stage were huge crowds of soldiers, who were lined up in a neat square formation and looked at the stage with admiration.

As soon as the colonel finished speaking, there was a warm applause from the audience. Under the attention of everyone, Wang Ye and Steve stepped onto the stage wearing heroic military green uniforms.

He stepped forward and raised his hand to make a stop motion. The warm applause and cheers from the audience stopped instantly, and Colonel Phillips nodded with satisfaction.

"I don't think I need to say more about Captain Wang Ye's deeds!

He is heroic and wise, with superhuman fighting ability and precise judgment.

He was even more outstanding in the mission, winning many times with less, and made great achievements.

In view of the excellent performance of Captain Wang Ye, the President specially promoted Ye-Wang to the rank of colonel of the army, with two first-class merit medals and five second-class merit medals, which were awarded by Senator Brandt! "

With applause, a smartly dressed Senator Brandt took to the stage.

He waved to everyone in the audience, walked in front of Wang Ye, took the lieutenant colonel's epaulette that the lady of manners carried in the tray and replaced it for Wang Ye, and then put the first-class and second-class medals on Wang Ye's chest in turn. Alright, then patted Wang Ye's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations! Colonel Wang Ye!"

Wang Ye smiled politely.

"Thank you!"

Then came Steve's award speech. The colonel looked at the line and coughed lightly.

"Second Lieutenant Steve Rogers, who went from being unknown to following Colonel Wang Ye to Austria to rescue the Allied soldiers, showed a strong leadership talent in this mission and became famous since then.

On the battlefield, he is flexible and has excellent commanding skills. He led the rescued Allied soldiers to fight back alone, and even defeated Hydra's powerful mobile troops in one fell swoop!

Recently, he led the Roaring Commando to destroy and exterminate five Hydra bases and all enemy soldiers one after another.

In view of the great contribution made by Second Lieutenant Steve, the President specially promoted Steve Rogers to the rank of Army Major, one First Class Merit Medal and six Second Class Merit Medals, awarded by Senator Brandt! "

The audience burst into warm applause again.

"Major Steve, now you've finally got what you want and become the real Captain America.

While it's a shame you're not continuing your national tour, your heroics have been making headlines lately.

This has led to more people buying bonds than ever before, and people who enlist in the military are already lined up a few blocks away! "

The wrinkles on Senator Brandt's face as he gave Steve the medal grin were crowded together.

"You have to make persistent efforts and work harder next time!"

Steve smiled awkwardly.

"Of course!"

Senator Brandt nodded in satisfaction.

After the awards, everyone stood together for a group photo!

(PS: Regarding the question of Asians serving as school officers, there are only military ranks here, and there is no corresponding army. It is equivalent to having a position without authority. It sounds good.

Don't worry about it~)



Office of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters in Brooklyn

It has been more than a year since Wang Ye returned to Brooklyn.

Wang Ye stretched comfortably on the sofa, but it started to hurt again when he looked at the pile of papers on the desk.

Carter used to come to help from time to time, but now Carter is in a relationship with his apprentice Steve, so he doesn't have time to help.

Last night, after approving the pile of documents overnight, I fell asleep directly on the sofa. How could I ever wake up with such a high pile of documents on my desk!

Wang Ye lit a cigar in melancholy, thinking secretly in his mind how to get rid of the post of Director of SHIELD smoothly, when suddenly there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Please come in."

The office was gently pushed open, and a beautiful secretary with blond hair and blue eyes and a graceful figure walked in with a document and said softly.

"Director, this is the latest news from the front line, please take a look!"

Wang Ye nodded.

"Put it on the table! Then go and make me a cup of coffee, thanks!"

"It's my pleasure, Chief!"

The beautiful secretary walked out of the office with seductive steps, and did not forget to give Wang Ye a wink before going out.

Wang Ye rubbed his temples. As a secretary, he was fine. He just teased himself when he had something to do, which made Wang Ye very helpless.

Shaking his head, Wang Ye walked to the desk and sat down, picked up the documents and flipped through them.

1: Details of Colonel Steve destroying the Hydra base

2: Details of Professor Howard's new experimental results

3: Details of Hydra's secret movements and terrorist plans

Wang Ye turned to the page about the secret movement of Hydra and looked at it.

The captured Hydra soldiers learned from their mouths that the elite troops in the Hydra bases had been secretly transferred away more than a year ago.

After a follow-up investigation, the situation in the rest of the bases was also the same. Lieutenant General Phillips deduced that Hydra was going to carry out a major operation, which is likely to be similar to the last giant missile incident.

Colonel Steve arrested a researcher in Hydra. Under torture, he learned that Hydra had built a huge supersonic bomber in its base in the Alps, ready to bomb the world. crazy plan!

Wang Ye closed the document and put it on the table again, took a deep breath of the cigar, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, wisps of smoke wafted out.

"Jon is still so reliable.

Now, all the abandoned and exposed bases on the bright side have been closed by that guy Cytus, but they have been completely destroyed under the attack of Steve and his roaring commandos, and now only the depths of the Alps are left. The base that was prepared earlier, and that giant bomber!

So here's where the story ends!

The day is finally here! "

Two chapters today,

When I woke up, more than 100 people invested, and I thought the computer was stuck!


(End of this chapter)

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