Marvel's Copy Talent

Chapter 52 See Nick Fury!

Chapter 52 See Nick Fury!

After Zola left, Wang Ye asked Adjutant Jon what interesting things had happened in the outside world in the past few decades.

He remembered that Captain Marvel came to Earth during this time.

Sure enough, Jon was already prepared, and saw that he took out a copy of the confidential documents on the desk and handed it to Wang Ye respectfully.

Wang Ye took a look and found that it recorded all the things that happened after Captain Marvel came to the earth. It also recorded the obtained alien civilization technology and a Skrull captive captured in secret.

"Oh~ this is kind of interesting! Jon, go and bring this Skrull captive here, I'll take a look!"

"Yes, chief!"

Jon saluted and walked away quickly.


"The corrective power of the plot is too strong, I thought it could change something, but I didn't expect that as soon as I left, everything seemed to be back on track.

The Howards died in an accidental plane crash while traveling.

Lieutenant General Phillips was overworked and died suddenly in the office.

Agent Carter was ambushed while out on a mission and died in the line of duty.

Dr. Erskine died suddenly and inexplicably in the laboratory!

After Bucky and Steve found out that things were out of control, they both secretly hibernated after their deaths!

All of this is too coincidental, there must be some unknown forces working in the dark, how could everyone who has been strengthened with serum die so easily!

It seems that the world has changed a bit! "

At this time, only Wang Ye was left in the office.

He frowned while holding a document with a red cover and looked at it page by page.

Hamm is frantically eating books using the robotic arm and scanner he took out from the dimensional space. God knows how many weird things Zola has researched in the past few decades!

Anyway, the research report was transported to the office by the guards cart by cart.

Wang Ye put the documents on the table, stood up and smoked a cigar. He looked down at the busy crowd below through the floor-to-ceiling windows, thinking about these various coincidences in his mind, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled!

"Boss, this world is very interesting, there are even gods, and these alien creatures are unheard of!"

Hamm is scanning some top-secret information of S.H.I.E.L.D., which records a lot of things about aliens and some real events records of gods appearing in various places.

"Yeah! The world is so interesting that you can't even imagine it!

But they or they are not out of reach! "

Wang Ye looked at the scene below and was fascinated. The things that happened in these years were so foggy that they actually concealed the monitoring of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, and did all this without any flaws!

It seems that the other party's background is not small, and it is very targeted!

"Boss, all the information has been scanned, archived and classified!"

Hamm controlled the robotic arm to drop the last research report.

"Well, all these materials are listed as top-secret files, and you need ss permission to view them.

I will ask Jon to prepare you a very large server cluster, and you will have more and more tasks in the future, and the server cluster in the space is now a bit stretched! "

Wang Ye doesn't know much about these high-tech things. Although he can copy them, he is too lazy to deal with them.

Zola, top talent, super brain, invincible liver emperor, god-level European emperor!

How can Wang Ye have such a talent to worry about these things!

At this moment, Jon, who went to bring someone, also came back.

Wang Ye curiously looked at the Skrull who was shackled with special handcuffs and shackles in front of him, and secretly copied his ability to change his appearance.

"I have also heard the purpose of your coming to Earth, and I am deeply sympathetic to this, but please forgive us for not letting you go. After all, you already know too many secrets!"

The Skrull's eyes were dull, obviously suffering, and he didn't even hear what Wang Ye said.

"Jon, you arrange to set up a super-large server cluster room in the third district!

According to Hamm's needs, if not enough, continue to expand! "

Wang Ye thought for a while and then said, "By the way, who is the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

These information are not mentioned in the confidential documents, obviously this is not a secret!

Oh~ poor braised egg!

"Looking back, it's Nick Fury!

His stats are excellent, so he was elected as the director of this term! "

Jon replied.

"Well! You bring him to Zola, let him study it, and see if he can extract their ability to change shape!"

After Wang Ye asked Adjutant Jon to retire, he changed into a white camouflage combat uniform with two shining silver stars inlaid on the epaulettes, which were exactly the combat uniforms worn on the Valkyrie!


New York street, Times Square

In the endless crowd, blue lightning flashed suddenly and then ripples in layers of space.

Pedestrians quickly retreated when they saw this movement, but instead of running far, they kept a distance and watched in fear and curiosity.

As the space fluctuated more and more, a dazzling white light lit up, making people have to turn their heads.

After a while, the light dissipated, and Wang Ye, who was wearing a camouflage combat uniform and fully armed, appeared on the street, and was "curiously" looking at the surrounding high-rise buildings and the endless stream of people and traffic.

Pedestrians all around looked sideways, curious about Wang Ye's outfit!

"This person is very familiar, have I seen him anywhere?"

"Go, go, I want to strike up a conversation when I see a handsome guy!"

"I advise you not to talk nonsense, didn't you see his epaulettes and dress?"

"What's the matter, isn't it normal for military fans to dress like this? But this way of appearing is a bit cool!

I thought it would be a naked: man! "

Before they could continue their discussion, a rapid whistle sounded suddenly on the street!


Six black off-road vehicles came running from the street, and then surrounded Wang Ye in an orderly manner, and then a group of men in black got off the vehicles and began to skillfully evacuate the onlookers.

At this moment, a bald one-eyed black Li Kui in a black trench coat got out of the car, walked up to Wang Ye and gave a respectful salute.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury, see Lieutenant General Wang Ye!"

"Lieutenant General?"

Wang Ye looked at his epaulette, that's right, it's a major general!Could it be that there is still a posthumous seal after his death? ?

"Lieutenant General Wang Ye, this is not the place to talk, let's get out of here first!"

Nick Fury opened the car door beside him and made a gesture of please.

Wang Ye nodded and got into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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