Marvel's Copy Talent

Chapter 7 Wang Ye: 1 slow motion left hand and right hand, slow motion replay of the right hand and

Chapter 7: Wang Ye

Wang Ye shook hands with Steve and smiled gently.

"Let me introduce myself formally, my name is Ye-wang, a manor owner from Norway, nice to meet you!"

"My name is Steve Rogers, a Brooklyn native, an unemployed worker, and it's nice to meet you too!"

Steve also calmed down from the surprise at this time, and shook hands with Wang Ye to be polite.

"You can learn martial arts while working in the store, and I'm here to eat and live!"

Wang Ye said and took out the chair in the cashier and put it in front of Steve.

"Come on, stop standing, sit down and talk slowly!"

Steve was not cautious, patted the dust on his clothes and sat down.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ye!

In fact, during this period of time, I can't remember how many times I was eliminated from the conscription office because of failing the physical examination.

In fact, I joined the military just to try my best to protect those who are unable to protect themselves.

But every time I can't do anything because of my body!

If, if I learn a strong martial art, then this should be able to offset the shortcomings of my weak physique and pass the conscription review! "

Steve said all his thoughts to Wang Ye.

He wasn't good at lying, and he didn't think it was necessary to lie about it.

"I understand how you feel, and you don't have to be upset.

The reason why your body is weak and sick is mainly due to long-term overloading in an unhealthy environment, coupled with severe malnutrition.

Next, you just need to follow the schedule and daily diet that I have planned for you, plus practice martial arts to exercise physical assistance.

Then, over time, your physical condition will definitely improve, and your desire to join the army will certainly come true! "

Wang Ye had also seen Steve's medical report, and the dozens of symptoms in the report were indeed a bit exaggerated.

However, through the practice of martial arts to strengthen the body and supplement the diet, although it is only a temporary solution.

But as long as Steve successfully participates in the experiment, then these problems are no longer a problem!

Hearing Wang Ye's confident answer, Steve had already begun to look forward to the future in his heart, and his eyes were sparkling, as if he had seen himself wearing a military uniform on the battlefield and fighting the enemy to defend his homeland and defend his country.

"Then trouble you!"

"Hahaha~ Practicing martial arts is not an easy thing, just don't blame me for being strict in the future!"

Wang Ye stood up and patted Steve on the shoulder and smiled.

"Come, follow me upstairs to see your future room first!

I'll accompany you to the market for daily necessities..."


shop lobby

"The meaning of martial arts is actually a literal meaning.

It is the general term for all fighting and fighting techniques.

From ancient times to the present, human beings have invented and created as many star-like fighting techniques and derived many genres by using wisdom and continuous practice.

Among the many martial arts genres, the most famous ones are: Tai Chi, Muay Thai, Sanda, and wrestling.

They were created for two main purposes.

One: Defeat or even kill the enemy in the fastest and most effective way in battle,

Two: gradually achieve physical fitness through practice, exercise a strong physique!

And because your body is relatively weak, you can start with Taijiquan from simple to complex. It is also more focused on strengthening the body and self-cultivation among many techniques. I will demonstrate it a few times first, and you can watch it carefully! "

Steve nodded seriously.

"I will definitely study hard!"

Wang Ye glanced at Steve, and began to demonstrate Tai Chi at a very slow speed, explaining the key points and power-generating techniques of the moves while practicing.

"Practicing Tai Chi, God's will is the most important.

God refers to the mind, and it refers to the body and mind.

With every punch, the whole body exerts force, and the mind and body are united.

Mind and body are the result of the sum total of experience gained through all the hard work and practice accumulated over time.

Only when every move and every style is blended with spirit, can boxing be done at will..."

Steve watched and listened intently, and slowly he followed suit.

In this way, the two explained and practiced, and from time to time Wang Ye would point out the mistakes in Steve's movements.

After about four or five times like this, Steve was finally able to reluctantly master all the movements and most of the skills.

"There is an old saying in the East: Master leads the door to practice in the individual. Now that you have mastered the essentials of Taijiquan, the next step is to see your own perseverance and understanding!"

After Wang Ye got lucky, he gave Steve a look of "I'm optimistic about you", and then he was about to go upstairs to sleep. He just took two steps and turned around and said, "Have we not eaten dinner yet?"

Steve didn't feel hungry because he was excited, but now Wang Ye mentioned it like this, and his stomach suddenly started to protest!

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Steve scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "Here, haha~ Then what are we going to have for dinner?"

"Of course it's going to Aunt Mary Sue's hot dog shop to eat hot dogs, you need supplements now, and they have very fresh milk at home.

We're going to buy some fruit when we come back..."


Time passes day by day.

Two months have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two months, Steve has made great progress by relying on his strong perseverance and talent in fighting, plus the countless sweat he has paid.

If it weren't for the previous physical drag, maybe even if he didn't accept the reinforcement, Steve might have become an accomplished fighter!

Now Steve has mastered martial arts such as Tai Chi, Judo, Muay Thai, Sanda, and boxing, and just three days ago, at Steve's repeated request, he finally officially took the apprenticeship ceremony and worshipped Wang Ye as his teacher. , changed his name to Master.

As a master, Wang Ye also taught everything he had learned and taught. When he had time, he would also conduct practical drills with Steve to exercise and increase his practical experience.

One morning.

Steve played Tai Chi seriously in the center of the hall as usual.

After this period of recuperation, his physical condition has improved.

Originally, Steve's skeleton-like figure can now clearly see the outline of some muscles.

What surprised Steve the most was that when he went for a physical examination two weeks ago, the doctor said that he is now in very good health, some minor illnesses have been cured, and even the symptoms of asthma have been relieved a lot.

This made Steve's respect for Wang Ye even higher!


You really are here, I can't find you this month, I thought something happened to you! "

A handsome young man in a military uniform poked his head in from the door, and when he saw Steve among them, a happy smile of relief suddenly appeared on his face.

When Steve heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed when he looked back.


(End of this chapter)

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