Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 315 The Great Harvest

Chapter 315 The Great Harvest

On the way back to the castle, the two remained silent, but Albert could still see that Isobel's mood was unstable.

There was no way, the excitement of getting revenge had subsided, and he fell into the fear of killing.After all, Isobel is still an underage girl after all.

When they returned to the castle, no one was disturbed.

Hogwarts students are struggling with heavy holiday homework, and the library, Great Hall and common room are the places where they should be.

Now, the two need to find Katrina first. Smith hid her, and when they broke into the Defense Against the Dark Arts office to retrieve the wand, they failed to find anyone.

"Are you sure Katrina is hidden in the Room of Requirement?"

"I can't find her name on the Marauder's Map." Albert pointed to the Marauder's Map and explained, "Only the Room of Requirement can block the tracking magic of the Marauder's Map."

"I need a place for Tibetans, I need a place for Tibetans, I need a place for Tibetans!" Isobel walked back and forth in front of the wall three times, but the door did not appear.

Albert is right, but how to get in now, they can't keep trying here.

"At this time, we have to try our luck." Albert signaled Isobel to wait for a while.

"Felix elixir?" Isobel immediately realized that Albert had taken the elixir of happiness. Although the lucky water could not really bring luck, she was willing to trust Albert's intuition.

"The effect is still there. My intuition tells me that Rowena Smith may have hidden Katrina in the Ravenclaw secret room!" Albert began to mutter in his heart: "Ravenclaw's private library."

After pacing back and forth three times, a door appeared on the wall. Isobel immediately pushed the door and went in. Albert glanced at the Marauder's map, and after making sure that there was no one around, he immediately followed her in. Isobel had already After answering the questions of the Eagle Ring, enter Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets.

"She is here, Katrina is here!" Isobel's voice could not conceal the joy.

After Albert entered the secret room, he saw Katrina who was unconscious.

Then again, the McDougal sisters do look alike.

Albert stepped forward to support Katrina, and together with Isobel led her out of Ravenclaw's secret room.

In Ravenclaw's private library, a hospital bed appeared at some point, and the two put her on it.

"Don't worry, Rowena Smith is dead, the Imperius Curse he cast should disappear automatically, and Katrina's breathing is steady, she should just be hit by the Stunning Curse."

Albert pulled up a chair and sat down, and comforted him softly, "Now, you need to make sure whether Katrina's memory has been tampered with, and whether she has forgotten the part of her memory just now. It's best not to let her know about it , it is enough for the two of us to bear it.”

"You're right!" Isobel took a deep breath, regained his composure, sat opposite Albert, and discussed the next thing.

"What good idea do you have?" Isobel asked.

"This matter is very simple. I just need to modify Katrina's memory later, and I will take her to the Room of Requirement. I promised Katrina to take her to a place suitable for using a time-turner." Albert took out the unmarked stretch box from his deformed lizard bag, took out two cups from it, and a large bucket of butter beer, and poured himself a cup.The barrel of butterbeer was a reward he had prepared for the wizarding card game, and he drank it first to celebrate their narrow escape.

"Do you want it?"

"Hmm!" Isobel stared at the full butterbeer glass and fell into a brief silence.

"I think you should consider your own situation. Your mentality has not been fully adjusted." Albert took a sip of butter beer and continued, "Actually, even if you don't do that, I will kill him. People tend to hold grudges more.”

"I've prepared my heart for a long time." Isobel looked up at Albert, and said softly, "I've also thought about the things I need to bear. However, thank you for your concern."

"What are you going to do in the future? If you don't have a new goal after your revenge is successful, you will feel very confused." Albert reminded kindly.

Isobel held the wine glass, stared at the bubbles inside and said, "I plan to continue to complete my father's magic experiment."

"Do you need me to help you?" Albert almost blurted out.

Isobel raised his head and looked Albert up and down, with a weird expression on his face, but he quickly nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, if you are willing to help."

"Your smile is beautiful, you should smile often." Albert took the reward related to Isobel's favorability on the task panel with lightning speed.

Then, he stretched out his hand to hold Isobel's hand, and continued to chat about topics, "Also, don't see through me honestly, what does it feel like to be a born minder?"

"It doesn't feel good. A lot of people are so hypocritical. When you can see through the other person's mind at a glance, but you have to pretend that you don't know, it feels pretty bad!"

Isobel glanced at the hand held by Albert, and didn't intend to take it back, but calmly told some of his secrets.

In the year she came to Hogwarts to study, she showed outstanding talent, and it was only when Uncle Mogg began to instill in her the knowledge of Occlumency that she knew how to control her abilities.

"What about you? You can apparate?" Isobel stared into Albert's eyes.At first, she thought that Albert had recited herself out of the Forbidden Forest, but it turned out that Albert used apparition. She really didn't know how to describe that feeling.

"I stole it from Professor Brod. You are the only one who knows that I can apparate. Remember to keep it a secret." Albert winked at Isobel and smiled.

"You are really brave. You dare to apparate someone before you have fully learned apparition?" Isobel somewhat understood why Albert was assigned to Gryffindor. This guy's courage is really not Generally big, you can see it from his behavior.

"No, I dare to do that because I am confident that I can guarantee that nothing will happen if I take you to Apparate." Albert shook his head and said, "Don't forget, I drank Felicia, and with its help, I even Silent spells that don't work well can be easily cast, let alone Apparition."

"That's right!" Isobel nodded. Albert hardly did anything he was unsure of. The battle with Rowena Smith seemed dangerous, but he had already prepared for it.

After the two drank the butter beer, they chatted happily for half an hour, and Isobel found that his nervousness had completely calmed down.

Their treatment of Katrina was actually very simple. Albert used rejuvenation to wake people up, and Isobel, who was hidden by the illusion spell, secretly used the false memory spell to tamper with Katrina's memory.

Looking at the two talking and laughing, the girl suddenly sighed softly.

The three left quickly. When Albert returned to the common room, Lee Jordan handed him a letter from Professor Broad.

The content of the letter is very short, but there are many hidden messages:
Don't worry, the matter has been resolved, and we will talk again when you are free some other day.

Isobel's situation is similar, and he also received such a letter.

"It's so efficient!" Albert couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What is so efficient?"


Albert returned the rescrubbed wand to Lee Jordan, who had taken it back long ago, and Smith's office couldn't stop his lockpicking skills.

"I still have something to do, see you later."

After finishing speaking, Albert prepared to go back to the Room of Requirement, and took the rest of the task rewards before the effect of the Elixir of Fortune disappeared completely.

"Where are you going?" Fred walked over quickly, "Did you take the parchment?"

Originally, the two wanted to use the Marauder's Map to see if Albert was on a date, but they found that the Marauder's Map was missing, and they were depressed for a long time.

"Here with me, I will give it to you later!"

Albert quickly disappeared around the corner, and after returning to the Room of Requirement, he couldn't wait to open the task panel to check the completed task rewards.

The "other purpose" of long ago is done.

The secret of Rowena Smith's coming to Hogwarts should be to identify the Wild Smith family and plan to target their two candidates.

The candidates are likely to be only him and Isobel, because Katrina is considered a leader among her peers, but she was not selected, which already explains the problem.

In addition to experience, the reward will also randomly obtain a skill from Rowena Smith.

What could it be?

That guy knows a lot of magic, Albert is really a little greedy.

"Buddha bless, God bless, Merlin bless, you must let me have useful skills!" Albert babbled while receiving the task reward.

When I opened the skill bar to check, I found that I had an extra Cruciatus Curse.

Albert suddenly didn't know what to say.

After completing the Unforgivable task, he learned the Imperius Curse again, because he had thrown the Avada Kedavra Curse in the Forbidden Forest, and it happened that he had collected all three Unforgivable Curses.

It feels useless.

After all, it is impossible to use the Unforgivable Curse at will. If Albert really wanted to learn it, he would have learned it long ago.

It's good now, I have mastered it directly.

However, after mastering the three unforgivable curses, a new task was actually triggered.

Rise of the Dark Lord.

At such a young age, you actually mastered the three unforgivable curses. It seems that you have the potential to become a dark wizard, so use black magic to bring pain to people!

Reward: 2000 experience, get a designated black magic, magic reputation +100.

Can you still increase your prestige?
Don't tell me that increasing negative reputation counts as increasing reputation.

Albert couldn't help but want to complain.

To be honest, although Albert didn't shy away from using black magic, he didn't want to become a dark wizard.

Forget about the Dark Lord or something.

The two Dark Lords, Greenwalt and Voldemort, are the best examples.

The emergence of this task made Albert's good mood disappear for the most part, and he also received the "wrong decision" reward, adding a Muggle dispelling spell.

This spell can only be said to be so-so, not useless, but Albert can learn it elsewhere, and the most he can get now is that he doesn't need to spend time and energy learning it.

Sure enough, random access to skills is too tricky.

The last time I was able to gain potion proficiency, it was really Merlin's manifestation.

Rowena Smith knows a lot of magic. If the skills he knows are randomly drawn, Albert feels that he may need a lucky halo.

However, fortunately, the "Counter Attack" reward on the task panel is to obtain a specific skill, and the Cruciatus Curse was finally worth it. Albert decided to put this task at the end and collect it.

Speaking of the Cruciatus Curse, there is also a task on the task panel, which is similar to the rock-solid trigger triggered by the Imperius Curse, except that this task is called "hard bones".

The bonus is +1 resistance to the Cruciatus Curse.

Albert suspected that if he survived the Avada Kedavra curse, he might be able to trigger another similar mission.

Gathering three rewards may trigger new missions, just like the rise of the Dark Lord.

However, Albert quickly gave up the idea of ​​dying. He is not Harry Potter. If he died like this, he might really die.

The next task that makes Albert want to laugh is called "Innocent Wolf"

It was triggered by the two unlucky werewolves caught by Rowena Smith. The rewards are very little experience. Obtaining a skill called werewolf friend can slightly increase the werewolf's favorability towards you.

To be honest, Albert didn't think those two werewolves were innocent at all.

On Isobel's side, a mission called "Girl's Revenge" was triggered. The condition was to help Isobel complete revenge. It happened to be done together with the "Eat for Tat" mission that killed Rowena Smith. The reward was not bad. A little skill point and Isobel's favorability +40.

At the beginning, Albert suggested to Isobel to let the giant spider kill and eat Rowena Smith.

The three tasks of Girl's Revenge, Revenge, and Difficult Brothers directly allowed Albert to increase Isobel's favorability to over 70.

The relationship between the two took a step further.

"Tit for tat" is second only to counter attack, providing Albert with 5000 experience plus 2 skill points.

In the end, it was what Albert was looking forward to the most. He couldn't help rubbing his hands together, and received the "Counter Attack" mission reward.

The skill list suddenly unfolded on the panel. It was Rowena Smith's skill list, which was more than Albert's. He was dazzled by the sight. He didn't even know what the names of some skills were for.

What to choose?
Half an hour later, Albert picked out a few skills for himself that he found useful: dueling, mastery of spells, and Funkley's spell-casting techniques.

It's a pity that the Elixir of Felicity is gone, otherwise you can choose it based on your feeling.

After Albert considered it, he still felt that he had chosen to be proficient in spells.

A duel might make him stronger, but with a potion mastery ahead, maybe the spell mastery could bring him unexpected surprises.

As for Finckley's method of casting spells, Albert doesn't think about it for the time being. He thinks that Professor Broad may also know it, and he may have the opportunity to learn this knowledge from him.

(End of this chapter)

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