Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 361 The Unchanged Things

Chapter 361 The Unchanged Things

The train slowed down and finally stopped.

Albert picked up the napping Tom, stuffed it back into the cage, and rushed towards the car door together with Fred, George and Lee Jordan.

Everyone went down to a dark and small platform. Although it didn't rain this time at Hogwarts, the cold night made Albert tighten his robes.

In the dark, there was a lamp shaking above the students' heads, and a familiar voice came from a distance. Hagrid was greeting the first-year students, and it was his task to lead them across the lake.

"Let's go!" Fred beckoned everyone to follow the crowd.

The four of them moved little by little with the flow of people, and after passing through the dark platform, they walked for a short distance. Hundreds of Thestral carriages were waiting for them.

Albert picked an empty carriage, and after the four of them got into the carriage, the carriage followed the long convoy towards Hogwarts Castle.

On the way, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were talking about Harry Potter again. Albert didn't bother to get involved, and leaned against the window, looking at the brightly lit castle in the distance.

The carriage finally stopped under the stone steps in front of the oak gate. Albert got off the carriage and climbed the stone steps. When he was about to enter the castle, he saw Professor McGonagall beside the oak gate calling him.

"Mr. Anderson."

George and the others who were chatting with Fred stopped and looked over curiously.

Professor McGonagall also stopped Katrina and motioned for the two to come with him.

She led the two into the room next to the auditorium, closed the wooden door, and after making sure no one was eavesdropping, she took out two timers from her pocket and handed them to the two respectively.

"This is a time converter. Wear it around your neck and turn it once to represent an hour." Professor McGonagall warned, "Once it exceeds five times, that is, returning to five hours at a time, it will cause damage to the body. Bad effect."

"I come here again and again, I know how to use it." Albert nodded to show that he knew.

Katrina next to him glanced at Albert and agreed to show that she understood.

"Very good." Before leaving, Professor McGonagall reminded again: "Don't let other people know, and don't use it for things other than studying."

"We promise." Albert and Katrina said in unison.

"Okay, you go to the banquet, I'm going to welcome the freshmen." Professor McGonagall strode away after finishing speaking.

Albert put the Time-Turner into his leather bag and walked towards the auditorium with Katrina.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan had already reserved a seat for him in the front row. The front row was very popular at this time, and everyone wanted to have a closer look at the legendary Harry Potter.

"That should be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Albert's eyes fell on the chairman's seat. Next to Snape was a young man with a ridiculous scarf on his head. His expression seemed to be a little nervous. pale.

"Professor Quirrell." Without thinking, Percy said the news he had just received from Nick who was almost headless.

"It seems far less reliable than the first two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors." Albert said softly, "By the way, have they found Professor Smith?"

"Unfortunately, no." Percy obviously forgot about Professor Smith last year. "Almost the whole of England has been searched, but no one has been found yet."

"Everyone says he might have been murdered," Lee Jordan murmured.

"The risk of being a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is really high. I hope this one can leave the job smoothly." Albert said with emotion.After seeing Professor Quirrell with a ridiculous scarf on his head, Albert guessed that Voldemort should have possessed the back of his head.

Did Dumbledore really not notice?

This is really hard to say!
If he hadn't known something in advance, he probably wouldn't have noticed it himself. He would only find it ridiculous that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had a scarf around his head.

However, when Harry Potter, Voldemort and Dumbledore actually attended the banquet together, there was an inexplicable sense of joy when they thought about it.

"The matter is not as serious as you said. Although no Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has been able to teach for more than a year these years, many professors have not had any serious accidents." Percy comforted.

"It is undeniable that this course is indeed a bit evil." Albert muttered softly, "I think if this Professor Quirrell does not resign early, there will probably be an accident."

"Stop cursing him." Fred covered his face with his hands.

"I think if anything happened to Professor Quirrell, it's probably because of what you said just now." George couldn't help complaining.

"Shut up, it's not easy for Professor Quirrell to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Lee Jordan felt that Professor Quirrell would probably be finished in the end.

The auditorium suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at the freshmen who had just entered the hall, trying to find the figure of the legendary Potter.

Albert did find it, knowing that the information is actually easy to find. Next to the red-haired Weasley, the slightly thin black-haired boy with glasses is Harry Potter.

The whispering in the auditorium began to die down, and soon became completely silent.

Then, the sorting hat in front of the new students began to sing:

You may think I'm not pretty,

But don't judge people by their appearance.



Because I am a thinking magic hat!
It was another new song, and this time the Sorting Hat actually bowed to the four dining tables after singing the song.

Albert felt his face twitching, and raised his hands to applaud with the others.

After the applause disappeared, Professor McGonagall began to roll the roll.The first was a little blond girl named "Hannah Abbott" who was sorted into Hufflepuff.

As for the little girl who helped Neville find the toad, it turned out to be Hermione Granger, who was assigned to Gryffindor without accident.

"I thought she'd be sorted into Ravenclaw," Lee Jordan muttered under his breath.

"The boy who lost the toad was also assigned to Gryffindor." George looked sideways at Albert, and he felt that he should not compare his predictions with Albert.

"I thought he would be in Hufflepuff." Fred turned his head and looked at Albert and asked, "How did you know he would be in Gryffindor?"


When Professor McGonagall called Malfoy, Fred said with disgust: "This guy will definitely be assigned to Slytherin."

Sure enough, as soon as Malfoy's head touched the hat, the Sorting Hat called out Slytherin.

"You know him." Albert asked knowingly.

"The child of the Malfoy family is a very annoying guy. Their family looks down on Muggle-born wizards. Actually, I really want to know what he will use to look down on you." George suddenly laughed maliciously: " I think you can despise him completely."

Albert glanced at Malfoy, who was welcomed by the Slytherin students, and muttered, "A little kid spoiled by his family."

"I like your evaluation." Fred gave a thumbs up.

"Harry Potter!"

When Professor McGonagall called out the name, there was a sudden hum and murmur in the auditorium.

"Is she calling Harry Potter?"

"Is that Harry Potter?"

In order to clearly see the appearance of the legendary Harry Potter, the restaurant was crowded with people. Many people stretched their necks hoping to see Potter's appearance. Some students even stood up and looked over there.

This scene gave Albert a sense of star-chasing déjà vu.

Moments later, the Sorting Hat called out Gryffindor.

Immediately the loudest cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table.

Percy, who sat in the front row, rose to shake Harry's hand with leadership style.

"Look, in Gryffindor." Albert said softly.

Neither Fred nor George heard him, and they were shouting, "We've got Potter! We've got Potter!"

However, Albert noticed Lee Jordan's "precise" mouth shape.

He looked back at the guest table, and his eyes fell on Dumbledore. The principal was slightly raising his wine glass, as if he was satisfied that his savior was not crooked.

(End of this chapter)

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