Chapter 1037 Fusion
Time moved forward a little bit, returning to the quiet and stable night that had not yet been destroyed by fire and earthquakes.

[Ice cellar, well for storing bones. 】

Standing in the corridor of Eden, Lin Nian, who was about to evacuate, looked at the text message from an unknown number on his mobile phone and stood still.

"What's the matter? Harassing text messages? Asking for a child with a lot of money?" Behind him, the blonde girl's head poked over her right shoulder, her chin rested softly on it, she didn't know if it was intentional, she tilted her head and used that end to roll her hair Lin Nian's face was pressed against Lin Nian'er's blond hair.

If it's really a lot of money to ask for a child, Lin Nian would also like to know how the harassing text messages can be accurately sent to the temporary phone card that was opened in the past week. Could it be that the unlucky bastards in northern Myanmar have already diligently used the brute force method to get helpless? Is the difference a scam?Don't be afraid to scam the border police who are arrested across the border.

The number of Lin Nian's phone card is only known to three people. These three people can play a key role in this hearing turmoil. year to contact.

The so-called emergency situation is actually quite vague. After all, the hearing is a family affair, and no matter how urgent it is, it is nothing more than a raid on the vice principal's office to check all the documents. In this case, Lin Nian may need to be notified urgently to run away One step to destroy the evidence.

But it's clear that what's being said in the text message now doesn't fit any of the scenarios they had considered at the time.

Glancing at the number of the incoming text message, Lin Nian confirmed who it was, and then frowned slightly.

At this point in time, why did the other party inform me to go to a sensitive place like Yuanxu?

Could it be that the members of the investigation team used extreme means to dig out the information of the secret number from the other party, and then planned to use this text message to lure and trick him into Yuanxu to catch him on the spot?
It's not hard to think about the possible causes and consequences of conspiracy theories. Lin Nian appeared in Yuanxu, the place with the highest security level in the ice cellar, without authorization in the middle of the night. No one can clear up the suspicion for him, no matter what he has. For justified reasons, the crimes that the investigation team had prepared for him would all be detained before this incident and he would not be able to stand up.

Thinking silently, Lin Nian quit the SMS page, emptied the mailbox, took out the phone card, broke it, wrapped it in toilet paper and put it in his pocket for further destruction.This phone card can only be contacted once, no matter it is by text message or phone call, it must be cleared after the contact.

"It seems that things are very troublesome." The blond girl leaned her head on Lin Nian's right shoulder, her left hand flirtatiously wrapped around the boy's waist, and asked with a smile on her face, "How about it, trust a wave of teammates, or bite to death? This is a conspiracy Ignore it, go home and go to sleep?"

Lin Nian took two steps forward to avoid the growing frivolity of the big golden retriever. He was silent for a while and said, "Did you know that something would happen tonight?"

"It depends on how you define the concept of 'early'. After all, the place we caught is not far from the ice cellar, and the sound of mice crawling through the floor under the cat's feet can still be heard clearly." The blonde girl stood at the original place. Looking at Lin Nian with a smile.

Is it that mysterious and mysterious "perception" again?

Lin Nian turned his head and looked at the exquisite and light girl in white clothes in the corridor. She held her hands behind her back obediently, and her bare feet were silently drawing circles on the ground with her fingertips. After noticing his gaze, she tilted her head and looked away. Looking over carefully, the bright incandescent lamp in the corner of the wall shone on her beautiful profile face, which looked subtly cold.

"What should I do? Lin Nian." The blond girl asked, "There is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair ahead, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Several people." Lin Nian glanced away from her.

"Three guaranteed, four with high probability, and possibly more. Many people are very interested in the things in Yuan Ruins. Although it is shrouded in creeping death thorns, there are supreme treasures that can change the world. The hand that comes out will be cut by thorns and blood will drip, but as long as you are lucky enough to hold the power and power that has no owner, all the sacrifices and risks will be nothing."

"Why tonight?"

"A coincidence, or a chain reaction?"

Lin Nian stopped asking, just lowered his head and gently twirled the fingers of his right hand. The curled fingers moved one by one like water waves, and the pale fluff of the sword and shield squeezed fine sparks that were invisible to the naked eye between the fingers.

"Do you think it's too early to face such a difficult enemy?" The blonde girl saw what Lin Nian was thinking.

Originally, Lin Nian wasn't sure who the "rat" the blond girl was talking about was, but as soon as the other party said this, at least he knew that there must be a noble and terrifying guest among the guests in Yuanxu. exist.

"It's true that now is not the time." Lin Nian flatly admitted the blonde girl's slightly provocative words, "That kind of enemy can't face it head-on without being prepared. The 'Ruins of Kassel' will be illuminated by the sun tomorrow morning."

Fighting underground with the existence that controls the power of the earth and the mountains, do you really think that Kassel College is too hard?The last time the King of Bronze and Fire was a little bit short of transforming the Mountaintop Academy into an active volcano, will it have to go further into the Great Rift Valley this time?
Besides, it was still late at night, and when the security in the academy was at its lowest, no one could guarantee whether the damage caused by the aftermath of his desperate efforts would be acceptable.Lin Nian is not afraid of going all out, he is not even afraid of death, what he is afraid of is that he will not get a satisfactory result after working hard, but let the other party take this opportunity to give Kassel College a ruthless, that is the worst situation.

"Maybe you can try the little tricks you've been learning recently?" The blond girl stopped making small circles with her fingertips, slightly raised her pale golden pupils under the eyelashes, and looked at the boy with interest.

"Not yet." Lin Nian flatly refused.


To put it bluntly, it is the "little trick" in the mouth of this kind of blonde girl. When Lin Nian faced the 'S' level commissioner Cheng Shuangfan in the Nibelungen in Chicago Harbor, he tried to construct it out of vigilance against the opponent's aphorism. Even though he tried it several times in the dreamland of the blonde girl and him before that, he almost killed Cheng Shuangfan and almost killed himself when he used it in actual combat.

"'Twelve Gospels, Spiritual Pardon for the Weak'." The blond girl tilted her head and raised her mouth, "The basic taboo knowledge of the Mechanics School, and the self-rehearsal of the path of biological evolution, this is the stepping stone to the Dragon King's war. It seems that someone Missing the 'holiday' too much and neglecting exercise?"

"That's not exercise, that's courting death." Lin Nian said slowly.

He wasn't making excuses for himself, he was always telling the truth, because this taboo bloodline refining technique was indeed just as he said, courting death.

"Bloodline Refining Violent Blood" is Lin Chu's first contact with the raw stone technology of bloodline refining.

The principle of violent blood is to exercise the "spiritual" core emphasized in Cuiyulu. The process is similar to the hypnosis technique that has been scientifically proven effective.Namely, hypnotizing the athlete to produce more adrenaline, more blood flow to the muscles, more ATP for strength, and more testosterone.

The process of violent blood will use "spirit" as the core, suppress the sanity (human will) of the mixed race, and force the killing heart (dragon blood) locked by the blood gene to be awakened, chemical substances similar to testosterone and adrenaline It will be secreted in the brain glands, making the bloody hybrids approach the critical blood limit infinitely or simply cross it in a short time.

In short, violent blood is artificially out of control, artificially approaching the deadpool, and then consciously retreat when it is about to touch the line of deadpool.The higher the depth of the violent blood, the closer the line close to the dead waiter is, which is why as the depth of the violent blood deepens, the phenomenon of dragon transformation will appear on the body of the hybrid.

The predecessors of the Lionheart Society discovered and developed the violent blood technology, recorded him on the parchment scroll, and then summed up the experience notes.

It took Lin Nian to master the violent blood technique for one day, specifically one night. He didn't feel how difficult this technique was, so he naturally had a wrong and contemptuous thought: No matter how you look at it, this technique is impossible. The fact that the technology that benefits the hybrids is actually restricted by the secrecy regulations must be caused by the possible knowledge blockade by the schoolmasters in the secret party.

Afterwards, there was a natural move to share the violent blood technology with Mandy Gonzalez, who was closest to him at the time.Because in his opinion, such good things should be shared with trustworthy people.

Since the world of mixed races was as terrifying as described by my tutor and various professors at the time, then of course self-preservation skills should be available to everyone.

It wasn't until later that Lin Nian realized that what he had done was wrong in the first place when he had a deeper understanding of his own special situation, and a deeper understanding of the violent blood, and even a deeper understanding of the mixed-race group as a whole. The technique of violent blood has never been a self-preservation technique for most people, but a slow self-destructive poison.

However, in the eyes of the blond girl, her evaluation of the technique Bloodline Refining and Violent Blood is particularly interesting.

【Pram with three training wheels. 】

"It's only interesting after the third burst of blood, but it's still a little bit far from the real blood refining technology, but at least I have the qualifications to get started." These are the original words of the blond girl.

In her opinion, the third-degree violent blood can probably be regarded as the stepping stone to the "true blood refining technology" in her mouth.

Lin Nian always felt that this long-term inconspicuous guy was just talking nonsense, but he didn't understand until he came into contact with the other party's "Twelve Gospels, Spiritual Composition, Forgiveness and Weakness" in the past. Guys no kidding.

Bloodline Refining Twelve Gospel Spirits Forgive the Poor and Weak.

This technology is completely different from that of Violent Blood.

The core concept of Violent Blood is: weaken human will, release the killing heart, and step on the brake pedal when the power is out of control and transforms itself into a monster.

The Gospel of Twelve is different, its core idea is: transform yourself into a monster.

Yes, it's that simple, transform yourself into a monster.

Bloodline Refining and Violent Blood is to step on the brakes as much as possible before turning into a monster, and to take advantage of the improvement that the user gets before approaching the critical blood limit. It is a relatively "safe" technology.

Bloodline Refining·Twelve Gospel Spiritual Structure simply ignores the critical blood limit, and rushes to reshape the body into a monster that is even more monster than a monster, and slams on the accelerator, wishing to put the accelerator into the fuel tank.

The twelve cruel and treacherous body transformation systems essentially use the power of dragon bloodlines to highly reshape the body, forcefully change the reshaping process, and treat the body as an iron embryo in a furnace to forge those blood With Bone, transform yourself into a machine better suited for killing and fighting.

That's why the blond girl said that the technology of violent blood has become so interesting since the third degree of violent blood, because the third degree of violent blood has really come into contact with the stage of ultra-high-speed physical regeneration and physical remodeling, which is very important for the twelfth evangelical spirit In terms of structure, it can barely be regarded as a stepping stone, an admission ticket, without the physical reconstruction function supported by the bloodline concentration of the third bloodbath, you can't even go to the entry twelve as the gospel spirit.

One is the pedigree advantage before he degenerates into Deadpool for nothing, and the other is to transform himself into a biological weapon that is more terrifying than Deadpool.

Lin Nian should never have come into contact with this kind of "taboo blood refining technology" in the true sense. According to the words of the blond girl, this was a huge offense to those elders who were shocked and angry even in the Dragon Clan era. His taboo knowledge was permanently sealed in the big library without seeing the light of day.

But unfortunately, when Lin Nian learned about this technology happened to be the time when he needed power the most, so he took it for granted that he came into contact with the taboo.

At first, Lin Nian learned about the Twelve as the Gospel spiritual body after falling asleep, in the kingdom of dreams ruled by the blonde girl. In that free world, the blonde girl dissected him more than once in front of Lin Nian. and moved a mirror to teach organ transformation one-on-one.

It was a nightmare scene, but because the blond girl carefully distorted the experience of the "sense of pain" part of the dream, Lin Nian's feeling about it was at best sympathetic, but not repulsive.

For about a month, Lin Nian's research on the twelve Gospel spiritual structures in the kingdom of the blonde girl was very slow. Even if the "pain" was ignored, the rest was the same as reality, as long as the blood was refined a little bit. If something goes wrong, Lin Nian's body in the dream will suffer huge consequences.

The transformation of the organ system of the Gospel of the Twelve is not as simple as pinching plasticine. Its concept is very deep and obscure, and it touches the essence of the transformation of the bloodline that deepened during the third bloodbath—the reorganization of the genetic chain , which directly involves the exchange and recombination of DNA fragments generated by the breakage and connection of different DNA strands to form new DNA molecules.

Hybrids have two different sets of DNA, the human part and the draconic part.

The gene fragments of the human part and the gene fragments of the dragon blood have the same sticky ends, and the violent blood is to break the two sets of DNA strands, and then recombine through the instinct of the dragon genes.

The genes of humans and dragons are disrupted, and the reorganized gene chain on the instinctive advantages of dragon genes will make the hybrids' originally stable bodies gradually transformed into the form of dragons under the influence of dragon genes, which is also violent blood. The fluff of the sword and shield and the origin of the claws.

Every bloodbath is a genetic recombination. If the duration is too long, the more times it occurs, the proportion of recombinant DNA chains will increase. The more frequent the bloodbath, the closer it is to becoming a dead waiter, the more stable the bloodline, and the reorganization of the genetic chain. The more the number of times, the stronger the ability to withstand the violent blood.And the blood-thirsty hybrids themselves will also have an irreversible dragon transformation phenomenon. The most classic example is Chu Zihang's eternal golden pupil.

The Twelve Gospel Spiritual Structure is based on this, artificially micro-manipulating the process of gene chain recombination, manipulating the gene recombination level, and forcibly interrupting when gene fragments with the same sticky ends attract each other. The combination of genetic instincts is another heterogeneous combination operation.

The structure with the dragon scale heart that was supposed to be reorganized has become the beam-shaped alchemy energy conversion core after gene recombination; an additional built-in organ is opened in the dragon lung that can withstand high temperatures to independently inhale mercury and gaseous holy baby blood The poisonous gas to dragons is neutralized and decomposed; the blood will be recombined into a mixture of gaseous and liquid states, and it will flow out of the body in the battle with the spiritual domain (king domain) as a confinement and evaporate into a blood mist hovering around the side , to re-infuse the blood circulation when needed.
Every transformation requires extremely difficult genetic recombination micro-manipulation. For this reason, Lin Nian was forced by the blonde girl to study the introduction to genomics for hundreds of hours.

In the dream, the first gospel that Lin Nian tried to construct was thick fog blood, which was the first modification he had to learn after fighting the king of the mountain on the earth, so as to ensure that the body was splashed when a large area of ​​the body exploded during the battle. The blood will not be lost, reducing the body load of accelerating hematopoiesis after blood loss.

It's just this good news. In Lin Nian's dream, because of the genetic collapse, the blood in the blood vessels was distorted countless times into a highly corrosive black substance. The feeling of melting through the blood vessels and corroding the internal organs and flesh is really indescribable. Yes, even if the pain was ignored, that subtle feeling made Lin Nian feel the fear of taboos and the rejection of death for the first time.

Until the Nibelungen in Chicago Seaport, Lin Nian tried to build his first gospel in actual combat for the first time, but because of some unexpected actions by Cheng Shuangfan, he almost failed, and the consequences of the failure put Lin Nian on the line of life and death. After a trip, if it wasn't for the 'Baqi' as the fault tolerance rate, he might have really overturned because of the big support.

After that time, he no longer had any aggressive thoughts about the twelve evangelical works.

But now, the blond girl brought out this technology again and put it in front of Lin Nian.

"You can't use Twelve as the Gospel spirit structure because your understanding of microscopic dragon genes is too shallow, but I'm different." The blond girl walked up to Lin Nian step by step with her hands behind her back, bending slightly Leaning close to his face, "I know these techniques well, even the 'emperor' is not as good as me, this is the ticket to the real 'force', and I was behind that door a long time ago The Uncrowned King."

She gently kissed Lin Nian's cheek, her soft lips fell down the side of her face to her neck, she put her whole head on his shoulder and leaned against him, and whispered in his ear, "Hey, didn't you always Do you feel that you are too good to fit in? Do you want to see what real excellence looks like? Or are you afraid that I will hit your self-esteem?"

At this time, Lin Nian probably also understood what the blonde girl meant when she said that she was going out to do some activities tonight. She really wanted to do some activities, but she needed another person's nod.

In the corridor, Lin Nian and the blonde girl were face to face, and the light and shadow of the incandescent lamp overlapped their shadows.

"Do you know what you're asking for?" Lin Nian gently placed his right hand on the back of her head.This may look like an intimate gesture to outsiders, but in the eyes of some embryo killers, this gesture can unscrew the beautiful head in front of them at any time.

"Hey! It's not a request, it's a request!" The blond girl suddenly tilted her head, pecked lightly at the corner of his mouth, and then escaped from his palm with force, "You can take it as a lover's unreasonable coquettishness to you, I want to occupy every inch of your body from head to toe, and breathe every trace of your smell from the inside out." She stepped back into the dazzling white light while kicking her bare feet, smiling mysteriously, "Possessive desire Lust! Greed! Only a child who can cry can eat candy! A girl who can act like a baby can enjoy love! Even if the sugar melts, love will be taken away!"

Her words still had a strong sense of drama, and she was slightly crazy, but her expression was so weird that people couldn't tell whether she was pretending to be crazy, or suppressing her madness and pretending to perform.

"Guarantee that Kassel College will not be severely damaged, guarantee that no unrelated people will die, will win." Lin Nian stood in the shadow of the dimly lit corridor, watching step by step back to the incandescent lamp. The blonde girl below said lightly, "Can it be done?"

"Is there no guarantee that I won't be too possessive and never return my body to you?" The blond girl looked at Lin Nian in the dark and smiled.

Lin Nian didn't answer this question, but turned his back without saying a word, and walked into the darkness.

Her smile disappeared suddenly, and the hands hanging by her side were slowly raised, stretched over her shoulders and her head, and the muscles that were surging under the white skin were gently restrained.

A huge force began to pull the neck bones, spine, and lower limbs upwards, making a creepy "click" sound, just like the bursting of bamboo joints in spring, dense and wonderful, and those new bamboo shoots burst out of the ground After that, the bamboo shoot shells will slowly fall off, and then the branches will grow rapidly, one section after another, blooming and falling leaves, and then die.

The revival of the raw, the elimination of the old.

The stagnant blood entered a brand-new channel in the blood vessels and began to be transported back to the heart. The blonde girl hummed an unknown tune with her eyes closed, and vomited and sucked against the light of the incandescent lamp.

Whining sounds lingered in the entire corridor, like a monster whimpering in the dark, and the turbulent and cold air flow gathered from the passages in all directions to one place, like red blood pouring out of the door.

Her movements stopped suddenly, and she opened her eyes, revealing the beautiful and solemn molten red. When she got here, she finally finished stretching her hearty waist.

"Ha!" Under the lamp, she laughed loudly.

The boy's footsteps could no longer be heard, and disappeared into the darkness. There was only a graceful shadow under the lights in the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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