Chapter 189 Docking
The old people in the strategy department are very particular about drinking tea.

Do not drink tea on an empty stomach, as tea will cool the spleen and stomach when it enters the lungs, so a few crispy senbei are always baked on one side of the teapot on the fire.

Do not drink cold tea, all the souchong tea brought in by air are burned and brewed fresh, so in the whole tatami-matted Hemei floor, you can't smell the blood dripping from your waist, and your nose is full of calming tea fragrance.

On the spacious Japanese-style floor, the fragrant tea is slowly brewed on the stove, and the smoke rises from the spout of the pot and smudges between the two men who are gradually standing in opposition.

On the left side, "Flowers, Trees and Tigers", painted by Lin Nian sideways on the screen, is the representative work of the Kano school in the Muromachi period. The colorful and fierce tigers walk among the forests, flowers and trees, and eat people when they choose.

On the right side, a man in plain clothes hangs down a cherry-colored long sword. The side screen painting originated from the masterpiece "The Tale of Genji Picture Scroll" of the Lin School in the Edo period.

In the middle, on the big wall, in the magnificent "36 Views of Mt. Fuji", there are gorgeous screens on the left and right, Lin Nian and the man in one, forming a very quiet painting.All the extremely moving scenes of waves, slaps, and roars of water are only hidden in the thoughts and eyes of the two people, waiting for a stone to stir up thousands of waves to add a thunderous and dragon-like majesty to the still painting on the wall.

Ordinarily in a play, it is always so quiet before the extreme movement, and finally blood is about to be seen. The playwright always finds it very difficult to break the dead silence like winter water, and the result is still summarized as a fallen leaf. On the ground, I plucked my heels from the branches and floated onto the calm, mirror-like lake.Not to mention a suffocating carp floating on the bottom of the lake and exhaling with its head, and the smarter ones will say, ah, the spring breeze is here.

Then ripples arise, the extreme stillness turns into extreme movement in the ripples, and the whole picture has sound.

The fragrant tea on the stove was opened, and the sharp whistling sound came out, which was overshadowed by the subsequent sound like a tornado cloud.

Lin Nian and the plain-clothed man started at the same time. The sound of their robes being blown taut by the wind was like a swaying horse. Mandy, who was hiding behind the screen, couldn't tell the order of the two's steps. , at least the first thing Mandy saw clearly was that Lin Nian's figure turned from blurry to clear.

Playing it back frame by frame with a high-power camera will reveal that it was actually Lin Nian who left the ground with his right foot first, like a compressed spring suddenly bursting and shrinking, and shot out inch by inch, colliding with the plain-clothed man in the middle of the Japanese-style room. During the explosion, the tatami under the two people's feet could not bear the distance of the pressure and instantly collapsed into two pieces, and the left and right were raised high to reveal the pear wood floor below.

The lifted tatami was pulled down by gravity, and under the watchful eyes of two bystanders, Mandy and Maria, the two people in the middle of the room were completely stalemate with just one hedge.

The plain-clothed man raised his knife over his head to see that he was going to use a blow to chop it down, but Lin Nian firmly held the wrist holding the knife to stop him, and Lin Nian's left hand also wanted to grab the knife but was also caught. The opponent clenched his wrist with one hand, and a loaded pistol lay beside the feet of the two of them on the ground.

What a great speed.

This idea emerged in the minds of everyone in the room.

Leaving Mandy aside, she only saw two blurred figures in her vision, the sound of wind and collision, and the current scene. She didn't see the specific process clearly, but the boogeyman (Night Demon) who was a killer at the side ) Maria saw it clearly.

The man in plain clothes made a feint attack with a knife, Lin Nian raised his gun and shot at close range, when the knife was about to fall to the top of his head, Lin Nian held the blade of the knife with one hand to block the blade, and when the bullet was about to be discharged in his hand, the man in plain clothes pulled out another He slapped Lin Nian's gun with one hand, and then slammed the wrist that was close to the hand that was about to grab the knife.

All the actions were completed at the moment of impact, without any sloppy and ineffective actions, but if anyone made a mistake, either the head fell to the ground, or the bullet penetrated the body.

"This angle doesn't seem suitable for firing the black gun." Maria, leaning on the edge of the screen, turned the revolver in her hand and squinted at Ruri Kazama with her back facing her in the field. She didn't even think about changing the angle or anything like the black gun. Originally, he wanted to catch the opponent by surprise and wait for the other party to make a mistake, otherwise the murderous intention might turn to him anytime and anywhere.

Although the 'Holy Judgment' is very strong, after learning more about the abilities of her target person, Maria can't guarantee whether she can still shoot the opponent's head while shooting.

In the dictionary of being a killer, there is no harm to both sides, only one family can suffer alone.

"The fierce ghosts have such a strong manpower, why didn't they send us out that night to keep us?"

The field of time zero gradually narrowed, and Lin Nian felt the terrifying power of the cherry-colored long knife and couldn't help but speak.

The man in plain clothes didn't answer his question, but looked at Lin Nian carefully at the close distance between the two of them. His pair of flowers and brocades turned like Wanhua mirrors to see the boy's posture from different angles. From his body, we can see some water moon and empty flowers.

The tatami mat under Lin Nian's feet collapsed into two pieces, and the wooden floor under him cracked and cracked. The guy in front of him could still put such a lot of pressure on him under the extreme bloody situation, which made him feel deeply. Japan's monsters are really not so many.

"Name." Lin Qingnian took a breath, and the gold in his eyes solidified, like molten gold that was gradually solidifying, which meant that he was going to be serious, and this was the last sentence he said, because in time zero he All words will be compressed into fine wind that cannot be whispered.

The man in plain clothes also saw this fact. After a long absence, he showed a smile to the boy in front of him, reminiscent of Ji Yunzhong, who descended from the heavenly court to seduce Naruto, but this kind of beauty appeared on a man anyway. It makes people feel a little creepy, but it seems so reasonable to appear on a man in plain clothes.

"Kazama Liuli." The man in plain clothes said a name that didn't seem like his real name.

At the same moment, Lin Nian broke the deadlock. Time Zero suddenly expanded and covered the entire floor. He yanked the cherry-colored long knife in his hand towards him, and what followed was naturally That sharp blade!
Just in the next second, Lin Nian's left hand erupted with a stronger force, broke free from Kazama Liuli's left hand that was holding onto his wrist, and slammed at the blade of the cherry-colored long knife that was slashing towards him!
This is for a jackknife!

In the case of indoor combat, for them, the effect of guns within ten meters will be minimized. What is really deadly is hand-to-hand combat. Lin Nian has no weapons in his hands, so he doesn't want his opponents to have them. Own a weapon!

Kazama Liuli didn't stop Lin Nian's folding knife, or maybe it was too late to stop Lin Nian's folding knife. He let him slap the knife, and when the palm touched the cherry red long knife, there was an ear-piercing sound of gold and iron clashing. Seeing that Lin Nian's palm was already densely covered with blue-black scales!

Once violent blood, dragon transformation phenomenon.

However, the effect of this palm is particularly unsatisfactory. The cherry red long knife was shaken and screamed continuously, and the blade was covered with clear light, but there was no sign of breaking. However, according to Lin Nian's calculations, the force he used was enough to snap a A solid steel pipe as thick as the wrist, but now it doesn't shake the long knife at all!

Alchemy weapon.

Lin Nian got the answer in an instant. In Kassel College, he had seen dragon-slaying tools regarded as "alchemy weapons". Weapons with 'realistic' and 'surreal' craftsmanship are enough to achieve the level of 'King Kong is not bad'.

What does it mean that King Kong is not bad?At least there is no metal in this world that can withstand the high temperature of [-] degrees without being melted and deformed, but alchemy weapons can.Not to be broken, not deformed, not even worn out, blunted, or rusted. The "living spirit" is placed in the weapon, and it is awakened and driven by the blood. The hybrid who can own and control the exclusive alchemy weapon is a murderer. , An absolute weapon for slaying dragons.

Even Lin Nian has never really used these alchemy weapons. The best knives he has ever used are nothing more than the alloy swords donated by the equipment department. Although the strength can be compared with aviation materials, it cannot prevent the end of being broken in battle.

Undoubtedly, the cherry-red long knife in Kazama Ruri's hand is an alchemy weapon. The scarlet lines and indestructible blade hide ancient living spirits, which can even release alchemy weapons with different effects after being activated by certain means. field!

The fierce ghosts are really rich, remember that the long knife with spider pattern in the scabbard in Yuan Zhisheng's hand is also an alchemy weapon?Just choose a time before leaving Japan to steal a few, and then there will be no shortage of guys to fight with.

Thoughts were running through Lin Nian's mind at zero mile, and at the same time, he also noticed that Ruri Kazama's left hand had touched his waist. This guy's movements were indeed like the last time he was on the roof of the GT-R. He can also keep up with himself who has blessed Yan Ling.

There seemed to be some murder weapon hidden under his robe. Lin Nian noticed this and gave up the broken knife without hesitation and stretched out his hand to hold down his wrist. The second knife handle at his waist was exposed when the robe was lifted. , shorter than the fuchsia alchemy long knife, the shape looks like a rib.

Lin Nian is no stranger to this trick. In the Edo period, samurai did not respect morals when fighting swords. If two sides confront each other with a knife, the other may immediately pull out the second knife from his waist and stab the other side. This trick is very insidious but But it is very consistent with the "Bushido" method of winning.

"Please don't get me wrong." Under Lin Nian's gaze, Kazama Liuli spoke softly, "I just think the situation of equal weapons is more interesting."

Lin Nian pressed his hand and was forced out little by little, and the gleaming rib was also pulled out inch by inch. At the same time, there was a creepy click of bone displacement beside his ear, which was unparalleled. The power rose from the hilt and became unstoppable.

Keel state.

Lin Nian looked at Liuli Fengjian in front of him and clicked his tongue lightly.

Japan is definitely not a place that will make people feel bored.

I have to find a way to learn this trick.

(End of this chapter)

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