Chapter 198
The salty sea breeze blows into the urban area from Tokyo Bay, and white smoke swirls and flies up from the dense steel jungle on this obscure street. Lin Nian and Kazama Ruri are standing on the white road In the fog, they faced each other and looked at each other ten meters apart.

There were no idle figures on the empty street shrouded in white mist. The green plants at the gate of Genji Heavy Industries were blazing. concerto.

It is also thanks to the Pokemon team who made enough preparations before the attack on Genji Heavy Industries and chose a weather without wind and rain. It may take an hour or more for the white smoke produced by these excessive smoke bombs to dissipate naturally As long as the Metropolitan Police Department does not send helicopters to blow away the smoke, this road is an absolute "no man's land".

Road condition monitors, ground satellites, and even helicopters were unable to monitor what was happening on this street at this time. The arrival of the Metropolitan Police Department was delayed by Norma on the other side of the ocean by means of disrupting the traffic. Here is the perfect.Ideal battlefield.

It should be somewhat difficult to kill Kazama Liuli, but it is not impossible to kill.

Seeing Lin Nian staring at her, Kazama Liuli probably knew that the other party was after her, and she couldn't escape this battle.

Kazama Ruri took the time to glance at the gate entrance on the ground floor of Genji Heavy Industries not far away. For the time being, no one rushed out to surround him, and the people in the building did not expect that the two of them would actually descend in a way that only appeared in movies and anime. They jumped off the [-]th floor without incident. Probably everyone is still rushing upstairs. They will not realize what happened until they find the big hole in the wall of the Strategy Department. By then, the battle will be over long ago.

"Lin Jun, I don't have any hostages anymore. You don't need to confront me now. It's good for you and good for me." On the street, Liuli Kazama looked at the surroundings where no one was around, and lightly swiped the cherry red long knife. Lightly raised it to the front, stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the blade that had been cracked by the baseball bat.


Lin Nian showed no intention of compromising.

"After all, according to someone's 'script', you should have no chance to confront me here again, but died upstairs early, but you are still alive, why are you still obsessed with continuing to pursue? This is an extremely effective Low and very dangerous." Kazama Liuli breathed out and lowered the cherry red long knife in her hand.

"Whose script, General Wang's script?" Lin Nian said, "I'm sorry to disappoint him, but he should know what happened in the Bliss Pavilion that day. As for whether it's dangerous or not, don't forget that I just beat you down like a dog."

What an unlovable child, Kazama Ruri thought.

"From the point of view of the general king and everyone else, you should not have the qualifications to stand in front of me now, and dispatching the holy order should kill you." Kazama Liuli stared into Lin Nian's eyes, and from Looking from top to bottom, Lin Nian, who was promoted at a time of bloodshed, didn't seem to have changed much, but his speed was unimaginable, and even he couldn't keep up. .

"But you 'cheated'."

Such a sentence uttered from Kazama Ruri's mouth echoed in the empty street inexplicably and seemed a bit ridiculous. After all, calling someone cheating if you can't beat it is like a child making trouble for no reason.

But Lin Nian unexpectedly didn't laugh at Kazama Liuli, but was silent for a while and said, "...but so what?"

"No one has ever done what you are doing now. You should know what this kind of behavior means. But this kind of behavior often requires a price. Although I don't know what you paid, is it really worth it? ? This kind of power is not used in the real battle with fate, but is wasted in the present?" Kazama Liuli looked at Lin Nian with a sense of pity in it, as if Lin Nian is squandering a huge amount of wealth to keep warm.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lin Nian said.

He was surprised that Liuli Kazama saw the secret that he only controlled. He thought that the opponent would probably find out after a few rounds of fighting, but he didn't expect this monster to see through it after Lin Nian failed to kill him once. The essence of his 'hole card'.

The danger of Kazama Liuli has deepened on Lin Nian's side now.

"Since the assassination script carefully written by General Wang has lost its intended effect, you will not die today." Kazama Liuli smiled lightly, "I also got more interesting information. Curiosity is satisfied, and there is no longer any contradiction between us."

"Break into my house and stabbed me, now tell me we have no conflicts?" Lin Nian said calmly, "Shut up your mother's fart, you cut a hole in my senior sister's neck, then I will be in your Tianlinggai It’s not too much to open up, right?”

"But haven't you done this yet?" Kazama Liuli said, "The person you really hate should not be me, but the general. Why don't you save this power to seek revenge from the general?"

".It seems that you have a very close relationship with the king. With your physical strength alone, you can keep up with the terrifying strength of my previous time zero. Your status among the fierce ghosts should be high or low. You should know There are many inside stories about the fierce ghosts, right?" Lin Nian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What do you want to know?" Kazama Liuli was also happy to gossip with Lin Nian, as if he wasn't the one who was cornered.

"I tried to collect information on the word "Wang Jiang" after I came back from the Goklekan, and found that it is a chess piece in the unique Japanese 'shogi', which means commander. You fierce ghosts use 'shogi' to differentiate high and low weights. , Your strength has left a deep impression on me. In shogi, the only piece like you is 'speeding car'." Lin Nian said, "that is, 'Dragon King'. To be honest, you are quite worthy of this title. of."

Kazama Ruri smiled and didn't speak, which was a tacit agreement.

"Tell me the real identity and hiding place of General Wang. He wears a mask, and his words seem to have created illusions to make people think that he has the power to bring the dead back to life. I really want to see him again and break his neck once." Lin Nian proposed own conditions.

"You can't kill the king general." Kazama Liuli said.

"Why?" Lin Nian asked back.

"Because even I can't kill him, why can you kill him?" Kazama Liuli showed a touch of coldness on his face.

"Actually, Mr. Lin, you are no different from us. Your enemy is the general, but the general cannot represent the ghosts at all." Feng Jian Liuli looked into Lin Nian's eyes and said, "You can kill the general for yourself, but I I advise you not to go to waste with the ghosts because of the secret party and the Snake family behind you, after all, in my opinion, you are the same kind of people as us."

"I'm the same kind of person as you?" Lin Nian naturally didn't listen to this sentence. This kind of persuasion before the battle and the "Don't run" shouted during the chase and fleeing battle are useless nonsense.

"Mr. Lin, you are very lucky. You were born in a peaceful and prosperous country. The most dangerous people you have come into contact with since you were young are just spies for routine surveillance by the European Secret Party. Your childhood was not good, but no one bothered you. But if you You were born in Japan, and you laid your eggs under the shadow of scales and feathers covering the sky and the sun in the eight houses of Snaki, and all that awaits you are imprisonment, control, and cleansing." Kazama Liuli raised her head and watched Genji Heavy Industries rushing out of the white mist Bitian Building said calmly.

"The king is just a leader, leading the blind 'ghosts', he can't represent the whole ghosts, so you always regard the king as an enemy instead of the whole ghosts," Kazama Liuli said with a low smile , "You who have the power to talk to me on an equal footing now must belong to our side. Hiding those fools holding pitchforks and raising fire stakes in the steel jungle ruled by cowards, I am looking forward to you joining us On this side, it seems to me that you stand under the banner of the secret party is a joke."

Is this just trying to persuade people to defect?

Lin Nian smiled and opened the field silently.

"You can help me be the fool who burned the witch, I don't care-and has anyone ever told you that talking is as cumbersome as singing?"

When this sentence was finished, he had already staggered past Kazama Liuli, staring back at Kazama Liuli's side face indifferently.

"In my opinion, you are no different from those dangerous hybrids. Now that you are standing in front of the burning cross, can you feel the burning sensation behind you?"

He started.

Kazama Liuli slashed forward in an instant, but it was missed. At the same time, the sound of footsteps and the sound of muscle tearing bloomed beside him.

At a distance of ten meters, no one could clearly see how he jumped over, but the torn clothes of the man beside him fluttered on the back of the plain clothes, revealing a huge bloody mouth below.

(End of this chapter)

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