Chapter 274

"Is there any problem with your computer? I'll just pack it up and send it to you right away? There are quite a lot of things, including videos, pictures, and some documents. All of them add up to more than a dozen gigabytes." Fingel replied.

"I'm in an Internet cafe, the Internet speed is okay, so I'll post it directly." Fortunately, Lin Nian arrived at the Internet cafe in advance and then contacted Fingel, downloading so many things with the hotel's Internet speed, 100kb/s probably took a whole day.

After about a few seconds, the web page was stuck. Lin Nian clicked on the IE browser and found that it was stuck. In desperation, he had to fork out IE and open it with a different browser, and re-logged into the night watchman forum to enter the personal background. It was discovered that Fingel had lost a compressed file, a total of 11 G. After the loss, he left a message and called him after the download. He went to play PS3 first and was beaten.

The 11G file needs to be downloaded for about an hour, and this time can still be waited. Chu Zihang and Wan Boqian couldn't stand the smell of smoke and went out to get some air, while Lin Nian sat there and waited patiently for an hour. It was time to call the two of them in.

The three gathered in front of the computer, Lin Nian decompressed the compressed package, and the moment he swiped out the files in the folder, Wan Boqian and Chu Zihang who were behind them subconsciously moved closer to take a look, only to find that the computer screen suddenly went black.

"The power went out?" Wan Boqian got up subconsciously and looked around, only to find that other computers were operating normally, and the electric fan above her head kept spinning flickeringly.

"No, I'll restart the screen." Lin Nian said calmly, and then used the layout of the webpage in his memory to operate the mouse to delete all the indecent pictures of the branch in the folder. Then I turned on the screen that I had just turned off instantly. (how many people dream of skills)
After turning on the screen this time, normal documents appeared on it. Each document was named after a person, mixed with a lot of ID photos that seemed to be stolen from the Civil Affairs Bureau, and a few videos with garbled numbers piled up on the screen. The corners, and most of the size of the entire compression bag are supported by them.

"All the news you are looking for is here. You asked me to find the biggest celebrity gathering in your place yesterday. I asked the brothers from the news department to check with me. There are really not many gatherings that can be on the stage at your place, and there are many As far as a private charity dinner is concerned."

"This is what we're looking for," Lin Nian replied.

"That's just right. The documents I sent are all information related to this dinner party. It is said that it is information, but it is just a partial list of attendees. To be honest, it is quite troublesome to find this thing. The list of attendees at the dinner party is at There is no record on the Internet. I asked (blackmailed) many people who were confirmed to have attended the dinner one by one, and then drew up the personal information of all the people in your city who are suspected of attending the charity dinner. Most of these documents are you The CEOs of well-known enterprise groups in the local and neighboring cities or the noble sons of the family, who can play at that dinner party can be regarded as people in the top rich circle."

charity dinner.

The information that Fingel found was exactly the same as what Chu Zihang said in the car before. Although this guy is a little bit cheap, he is surprisingly reliable in handling practical things and never loses the chain.

"Junior brother, are you running the mission of the executive department? I won't ask about the specific mission so as not to die early. But if my guess is right, your main purpose should be to find something in the circle of celebrities in your city ? If you think you can say something, then I will give you some advice. If you can’t, then forget it.” In the dormitory, Fingal asked while typing on the keyboard while sucking on a Coke.

"There is no confidentiality in small tasks. We want to find a 'Jew' in this city. He appears in the circle of celebrities. 'Jew' can be a code name or a race or even a name. When you check the information, you have Did you find anything?"

"Jews? I don't have any impression." Fingel replied after thinking for a while, "I thought you were looking for some dangerous alchemy props, because I felt something was wrong afterwards, and I checked again, and found that everyone who attended the charity dinner There will be a large amount of funds in and out of the celebrities' accounts on the same day, and the records of all the funds are accumulated together. It is conceivable that the money flow on the fixed day of each month of this charity dinner is quite large, so large that it is suspected that money laundering is not in do charity."

"Although I don't know what they are doing. Anyway, it is impossible to really do charity. Every month they regularly use the pretext of charity to conduct such a mass consumption. The amount of consumption is abnormally high, and I Checked the flow of money, and all the funds were transferred to an unregistered account in Switzerland, not some Rausch Charity Association.”

"Auction." Lin Nian and Wan Boqian whispered at the same time, and looked at each other to verify the same thoughts.This kind of capital flow and regular gatherings should not be too much like an auction house. Combined with the relevant information on Jews collected by the Executive Department, involving illegal mixed-race human trafficking and smuggling of alchemy items, they directly thought of this word.

"Have you found out the venue of the dinner party? When is the next time?" Lin Nian asked.

"The venue was fixed for the past few years, but the venue has been changing every six months since. Before the invitation letter is sent out, even the people on the attendance list don't know where the next venue will be. Where. But what is certain is that the time of the dinner party is fixed every time, and it is NO.20 of the month."

"That's three days from now." Lin Nian glanced at the date on the lower right corner of the computer.

"We are lucky." Wan Boqian couldn't help but nodded, "According to his description, the change of location started half a year ago, and the signs of 'Jewish' activities also started half a year ago. As long as there are no accidents, we are sure Can catch him at the dinner party."

"So now we have to find a way to know where the dinner is held. Does this mean that the host of the dinner in the past six months is the 'Jew' himself?" Lin Nian tapped his fingers on the table to deduce with some trivial information.

"Junior brother, let me remind you that if you want to attend the dinner party, you don't have much time. If you want to get an invitation letter, you have to pick the right target. After all, you have to know that not everyone will attend the dinner party every month , Those people are going to spend, but it is impossible to spend such a large amount of money so diligently every month." Fingel said, "By the way, you may have to bring enough funds. "

"It doesn't matter. I never thought of using the invitation letter to go to that dinner party. I just need to find out the location of the dinner party from someone who knows." Lin Nian replied flatly, "As for the funds, I think I will bring The ones in your box should suffice."

Wan Boqian's eyebrows twitched. It turned out that the heavy box she was carrying was filled with gold bars?
"Good guy, my junior has been hired for the summer vacation. Bring a box of gold bars to carry out the mission!" Fingel replied with a tsk-tsk.

"This person." The "intern" Chu Zihang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly pointed to a document on the screen, "If it was him, he would have received an invitation letter no matter what and knew the meeting place."

Lin Nian glanced at the document, only seeing an ordinary name.

Shao Yifeng.

"Shao Yifeng, he is the son of the boss of the Black Prince Group." Chu Zihang stared at the name, digging his memory disk and whispered, "'Papa' mentioned his name when he was discussing business cooperation with the Black Prince Group." Name, if it was him, he probably wouldn't have any financial concerns."

Black Prince Group.

The leading enterprise in the coastal city, at least no one in the coastal city has never heard of this name. Even if they haven’t heard of it, they have seen their tallest and hardest office building in the CBD area. To be inserted into the dark clouds, the height of the building is as high as their inflated market value in recent years to build an impossible Tower of Babylon.

It is said that there is a gossip that the boss of the Black Prince Group was actually just a village party secretary at first, but he stood on the cusp of the benefit plan-a pig can take off if it is in the turmoil, let alone a young village party secretary who is already ambitious?
After that, Secretary Shao quickly took off his political line clothes and transformed himself into the chairman of the mining group. With the support of the wind, he quickly accumulated a terrifying wealth that could really build a Tower of Babylon.Later, when there was too much money and nowhere to spend it, he began to improve himself, read books, and accidentally entered the Internet. Suddenly, business opportunities from the whole world flooded into the eyes of this big boss.

So the Black Prince Group began to step into various fields through the rich and powerful mining industry. The industries under its name are like a cow, and the fields involved range from heavy industry production to entertainment industry, movies and animations. They are part of almost everything that can be thought of to make a lot of money. equity.This behemoth has been standing for decades and has become a behemoth that can boost the GDP of the entire city by itself. The city leaders have to shake hands and exchange greetings with the boss of the Black Prince Group when they meet.

The top tycoon among the top tycoons, the standard typical local tyrant who can smash into the celebrity circle with money, if this kind of person is not eligible to receive an invitation letter, probably no one in this city is eligible.

"Shao Yifeng, the son of the boss of the Black Prince Group, I heard that he has also received an invitation letter. It is not an exaggeration for a person at the level of a daughter to be called Mr. Shao." Fingel saw Lin Nian and asked about Shao Yifeng. , and started talking about the document, as if he himself had been in this city for a while and knew the situation here like the palm of his hand.

"My father is not educated, so I just want him to be awesome, so I sent him to study abroad in the most expensive private kindergarten in the UK, and then all the top schools that collect IQ tax for rich people along the way, 18 is not 19, now I should plan I am preparing to study abroad. Junior brother, this is a good goal. He is a typical rich second generation who likes to play a twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-string twenty-five-string twenty-five-string twenty-five-string twenty-five-string twenty-five-stringed-plundered twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument. He is a typical rich second generation who likes to play a twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-stringed plucked twenty-five-string twenty-five-string twenty-five-string twenty-five-stringed-for-the-twiddle. He probably likes occasions such as charity dinners where he can shake casually. Probably the organizers of the dinner are right This kind of local tyrant also likes it very much."

"Did you find him when you blackmailed information?" Lin Nian scanned the document carefully, and recorded all the information about this guy whose ID photo was not much older than Chu Zihang, and he had to say that Finger knocked In terms of intelligence, he is a professional among professionals, and this Young Master Shao has been found to be an ex-girlfriend in his past relationships.

"What is extortion? I hacked his computer before looking for him. I took a look at his usual hobbies and found that it was useless to find him. This guy has a romantic nature. He has had a girlfriend since kindergarten, and now he owes a debt. The emotional debt of the ass, the biggest hobby is to participate in model shows and bring models home. I guess he is not surprised by this? I sent his photo to him, and he will probably secretly boast about this in his heart The size is worthy of my breed." Fingel opened his mouth and came up with dirty jokes, obviously not knowing that Lin Nian was not the only one in front of the computer screen.

Lin Nian glanced back at Wan Boqian, and found that her expression didn't change, but she was still tense. She stood aside without saying a word, her face serious.

"If you really want to find it, you can find him. Although his Black Prince Group can be regarded as a snakehead in the local area. Hey, but in fact, it's the same thing when you look at it in a big way. It's just the Qianglong in our academy who wants them to submit. There are juniors everywhere, aren’t you very familiar with the chairman of the student union? Let the chairman make a move, and everything will be over?” Fingel suggested.

"No, it's too eye-catching." Lin Nian replied, naturally he knew exactly what kind of thing was standing behind Caesar, who had to copy him every time he took an exam. A behemoth of that size should never appear in the shallows of the coastal city. Among them, just a scale and a feather falling would cause a huge wave.

"That's the case." Fingel was quiet for a while.

Just when Lin Nian was consummating the kidnapping plan in his mind, Finger gave a surprising news one step ahead: "Oh, by the way, I remembered, a very interesting piece of information about Mr. Shao .”

"Say." Lin Nian stopped thinking about how to deal with the dead body of the hostage if the ticket was torn up.

"I checked his browsing history before, and found that this kid especially loves red hair. Besides the XP system, there is actually 'Cassel College' in the search keywords!!!" Fingel replied, adding a few more exclamation points at the end To express my amazement at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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