Chapter 489
Two amusement park cars were driving at high speed in Disneyland. Lin Nian, Lin Xian and Eri Yi were driving in front, and Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura were behind. The park stepped on the gas pedal.On their way forward, the tourists had already stood twice in separate lanes for some reason, pointing at the speeding garden car, with expressions of surprise and excitement on their faces.

"Someone is evacuating the tourists and clearing the way for us." Lin Xian poked his head out and looked at the road in the distance and said in surprise.

"Should be someone from the same family? But this is the best." Lin Nian grabbed the steering wheel and began to slam it into gear, put the brakes on, and accelerate the accelerator. The car body was tilting, and Lin Xian immediately stood on the tilted side to add weight to prevent the whole car from rolling over.

During the two months in New York, Lin Nian didn't spend all his time traveling. At least he also played with the underground racing guys for a long time, and he also had the underground racing emperor Dominique as his partner. Basically, I have fully learned some driving skills and theories, and now I can be regarded as half proficient in driving. Even a park car can drive like a rally.

Sakura at the back, as Yuan Zhisheng's imperial secretary, drives a fast car first-class, and naturally there is no problem in driving a garden car. She clings to Lin Nian's back and cannot be shaken off, but in front of countless tourists, Yuan Zhi Sheng couldn't jump out of the car to show his top mixed-race level, run faster than the park car and rush up directly to arrest or something, so he could only patiently wait for the end of the park car chase.

"If this goes on, it will only be endless." Lin Nian looked up at the park car in the rearview mirror that also drifted around the corner, causing a group of tourists to cheer, "Their goal is Erika, sister, you should find a way to get out of it first." Disney, we will meet at the previously agreed place."

"What about you?" Lin Xian took over Lin Nian's driving seat and asked as he looked at Lin Nian who was walking towards the aisle of the amusement park car.

"Their goal is Eri. Wherever Eri goes, they go. I will find a way to escape their sight with Eri." Lin Nian walked to the last row of the garden car and stood beside Eri He looked down at Yuan Zhisheng who was also staring at his side on the amusement park car in the distance, "It's hard for us to leave today if we don't get rid of him."

"Get rid of it? There are so many people here." Lin Xian said.

"In another sense, we all know that it is impossible to fight in public, but there is always a side that needs a gorgeous exit." Lin Nian said, "You should also pay attention to that side, although they won't take it The main focus is on you, but I still want to keep a distance from you, I believe in your driving skills, you can easily get rid of them by driving faster."

"Defeat the dragon, save the princess, I am optimistic about your brother!" Lin Xian waved his fist and lightly tapped the brakes, then watched Lin Nian jump off the amusement park car with Erika, and then stepped on the accelerator and galloped away.

In the park car behind, Yuan Zhisheng saw the boys and girls jumping off the car and plunged into the crowd on the side, and immediately jumped out of the car to signal Sakura to continue to follow the park car in front, while he himself followed. He got into the crowd and rushed towards the direction where Lin Nian and the others were escaping.

Losing the contrast of the amusement park car, he also dared to gradually let go of his speed. In ten seconds, he saw the two people rushing towards the entrance of the Pirates of the Caribbean project. The walls and decorations have become old and mottled. On the walls are orange lamps that resemble kerosene lamps. Under the orange lights at the front of the crowd, Lin Nian is carrying Eri Yi over the queue gate.

After passing the queuing gate, there is a small river flowing from indoor to outdoor. A manned wooden boat of more than ten meters floats on it and waits for guests to queue up to enter. As long as you get on this boat, it means that the Pirates of the Caribbean project has officially started. The boat will bring Passengers and Captain Sparrow enter an exciting adventure together. The so-called adventure is probably a combination of rapid rapids and movie scenes to restore sightseeing.

Lin Nian helped Eriyi get over the gate. When he wanted to jump over, he was immediately grabbed by Yuan Zhisheng, who was rushing up from the crowd. He lost his balance in mid-air and fell down, hitting his chin on the wooden gate of the gate. On the road, the tourists around saw this scene and made sympathetic cries of pain.

Yuan Zhisheng, who was lying on the ground, wanted to grab Lin Nian's ankle. Lin Nian, who was lying on the ground, pulled his ankle out of the opponent's hand as soon as he lifted his foot, and then kicked towards the handsome Takuya Kimura. face, but was held up by Yuan Zhisheng's hands in advance, and his whole body was kicked by a huge force, spinning on the ground and sliding several meters away!

Yuan Zhisheng, who felt the numbness in his hands, was sure that this boy was completely different from the first time he met him. This kind of violent power that poured out at will was almost on par with him. If he guessed right If so, the boy's physical fitness has caught up with him in a year's time!

Alchemy technology?Lineage enhancement technology?Illegal drug?

Various thoughts floated in Yuan Zhisheng's mind, and at the same time, he was hooked on Lin Nian's purpose of taking away Eriyi. He couldn't help but think so. After staying in the executive board for a long time, everything will go bad when he sees it On the one hand, I think, not to mention that Lin Nian is the most important and only friend to Erika, but to him, this boy is just the eagle dog of the headquarters, the running dog of the secret party, and there is nothing reliable between the two friendship relationship.

Lin Nian got up from the ground and climbed over the gate nimbly, Yuan Zhisheng also shook his numb hands, and under everyone's gaze, he sprinted over and kicked the wooden gate, jumping up and down amidst the flying sawdust. The stern of the wooden boat heading towards the creek!
The sporadic passengers on the wooden boat all exclaimed. The dozen or so guests in the front seats of the wooden boat looked at the two tall men standing behind them with blank and surprised expressions. The prince is exactly the same, and the other one is dressed in black and looks like a big villain.

And the tourists on the last wooden boat that had sailed into the rapids all looked back to see what happened behind, and the dark passage immediately swallowed them up and brought them into the journey of the project.

"There is a saying in China: "Be a human being and save time so that we can meet each other in the future." Lin Nian stood on the crowded seats of the wooden boat, looked at Yuan Zhisheng and said in a low voice.

"Do you know what you are doing now?" Yuan Zhisheng also stood on the seat, looking at Lin Nian from a few meters away and asked in a deep voice.

"Isn't it just to snatch the princess?" Lin Nian pulled out the plastic-coated iron machete from his waist, looked at Yuan Zhisheng and said coldly, "I have been ready to face all this since I brought her out of your prison Ready! No one can tear us apart, not even you, the evil brother of Princess Salama who covets the Sultan Kingdom."

The expression on Yuan Zhisheng's face twitched violently. Lin Nian said the following sentence in Japanese, with a round Tokyo accent and a very loud voice full of solemnity and justice. Shouting, many girls covered their mouths and screamed at the handsome young prince.

He understood what Lin Nian was doing. The boy rationalized their impending conflict.

But for that he also had to respond accordingly.
Yuan Zhisheng exhaled, stood straight at the stern of the wooden boat that was sailing towards the dark hole, stretched out his hand and took off the iron-clad pirate scimitar hanging on the wall as he passed by, looked straight at Lin Nian and said coldly in Japanese: "The freedom you yearn for may bring disaster to your kingdom, so make up your mind, Prince Sultan!"

"." Lin Nian didn't hold back, and the corners of his mouth twitched, maybe he was smiling. After reading this line, it might be because he was getting closer to the entrance of the cave. Yuan Zhisheng's face gradually darkened, and his lips were tightly closed. It almost looks like a zoo.

However, all this made the tourist audience even more excited, thinking that they were lucky to catch up with a peerless drama. While confronting each other, the two seemed to be talking about something, but since the dialogues were all in Chinese, not many people could understand it. Understand the content, but this does not prevent tourists from feeling that there is a lot of smoke between the two!Not only the guests on board, but even the tourists queuing behind the gates on both sides began to take out their mobile phones and excitedly filmed this tense scene.

 ps: 3/5
(End of this chapter)

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