Chapter 510 Collective Spirit Vision
Facts have proved that sometimes women’s intuition is very accurate. It’s like that female creatures have one more radar than male creatures. I remember that the Russian Empress Catherine the Great could predict the outbreak of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon with her intuition. Success It resisted the attack of the dwarfs and preserved the integrity of the territory, so it was praised by later generations as a miraculous skill.

Today, there may be another "intuitive crime" that can also be recorded in the annals of history and sung by countless people. Professor Jiang holds the South Yangtze River Intuition Dinglong Cave. If he really found the Baidi City hidden in history in this water area, So no matter whether this dragon slaying battle is successful or not, this woman will be recorded in the textbooks in the future.

There are 33 people on board the Moniah, and the number seems to be a lot, but for a warship hidden as a tugboat, these numbers can be regarded as a condensed number. They put down their work and temporarily moved the ship The warships were put on hold on the river and gathered on the deck to listen to the speech of this young woman who was only in her thirties.

It was not a pre-war mobilization, nor a motivational speech. Jiang Peijiu looked at the many crew members on the deck, including the captain, and only asked one question, a simple and confusing question.

"Dream? Why do you ask such a question?" The captain is a Texan guy with a tough guy style. He is bald and wears an army green coat. The real captain who was attacked by this mission is still on standby at the academy to teach normal courses, and he will not leave for China until he finds out where the Dragon Tomb is.

"There's no reason, I'm a weirdo, so if I ask strange questions, everyone just needs to answer." Jiang Peijiu who was standing on the deck nodded slightly and replied, her eyes stayed on Ye Sheng at the front and the girl standing beside him, This time the dive was dedicated to Jiu De Yaji, "Yaji, I heard from Ye Sheng that you had a nightmare last night?"

"Yes. Does this have anything to do with everyone else?" Jiu De Yaji was a little at a loss, looking at Ye Sheng, he didn't know why the other party had told Professor Jiang about these things, and was brought up in public as a crime It seemed like some terrible case, it felt like she didn't have a nightmare but killed someone last night.

"Contact? Maybe, it depends on everyone's answers. Because as far as I know, it is a coincidence that Ye Sheng actually had the same nightmare as you last night." Jiang Peijiu looked at the other crew members and said.

Normally, many sailors who are as wild as the river and the sea would laugh at this pair of diving partners who seem to be in harmony not only diving, but also outside the bed, but today they can't do this. Just kidding, after hearing Jiang Peijiu's words, they all frowned as if they were thinking about something carefully and didn't speak for a long time.

The captain gently raised his hand and asked, "There must be a way to determine what is called a 'nightmare', right? My son was scared and cried because he dreamed that he ran out of butter at home, and there was no butter on his bread for breakfast. It's the worst nightmare ever."

"Nightmare does not depend on the content. After all, the things that everyone fears are different. People who are afraid of spiders dream of spiders. It is a nightmare, but for people who have spiders as pets, it is undoubtedly a good dream or a common dream. "Jiang Peijiu paused, "So, I think it is a nightmare that will cause great panic and psychological pressure to the dreamer. If there is no butter for breakfast, it will cause you stress and panic, then it can probably be regarded as part of a nightmare. kind."

"Well, last night I dreamed that I was overlooking a huge temple on the sea, which was a nightmare." The captain replied after a moment of silence.

"The temple? This is not a good meaning. In all cultures, the temple has religious significance, representing sacrifices, beacon fires, and how does it feel to worship that temple?" Jiang Peijiu asked.

"It's a bit dull. After all, dreaming about such a large building in a dream will feel very stressful. You know, the feeling of a nightmare is that although you don't see anything terrible, in the dream you can know that there is something from the perspective of God. Something terrible is looking at me, and I feel an inexplicable sense of fear." The captain smacked his lips, "In my dream, I was never close to that place at all, but it feels like it."

".It feels like the owner of the Bronze Temple is looking at you from a distance, exerting great pressure and fear on you?" Ye Sheng, the front of the crew, suddenly said.

The captain raised his head with a cry and was about to get back together, but suddenly realized something and looked at Ye Sheng strangely, and Ye Sheng was also looking at him from the side and nodded slightly.

"Interesting." Jiang Peijiu glanced at the two of them and said coldly. She observed the expressions of the other crew members. After hearing this conversation, each crew member had a weird expression. It's a bit weird and dull, and the green hills on both sides are sparsely singing, making it very quiet, making the sound of gentle river water beating against the hull all of a sudden seem chilling.

"Yaji, can you tell me what nightmare you got up last night?" Jiang Peijiu looked at Jiude Yaji who had been in deep thought.

"I, I dreamed of a building." Aki Shutoku hesitated and said.

"Be bold." Jiang Peijiu shook her head, "Say what you really want to say."

Jiu De Yaji held the oxygen mask and exhaled, closed his eyes as if he was recalling or meditating on something, then opened his eyes and said, "I dreamed of a temple. Bronze temple, just like Ye Sheng said, It’s just that in the dream it was at the bottom of the sea. In fact, I didn’t see it at all. It felt weird. In the beginning, I was swimming in an unknown sea in the dream. There were no islands or ships around, only storms And the waves, I have been swallowed by the big waves holding my breath and coming up to the surface for air, and when I was exhausted, the waves finally calmed down, everything around me was black, and I was floating in the center of the water and suddenly realized that I was directly below There was something peeping at me in the depths of the water. Actually, I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I could feel its existence. It was huge and majestic, standing in the water and quietly watching the small me on the water. , spying on me like a living being, can break out of the water and swallow me in at any time, the panic and fear exploded in my heart at that moment, I have never had deep-sea phobia before, but I feel At that time, the feeling in my heart was probably the appearance of a patient suffering from mental illness?"

"It's a good description." Jiang Peijiu nodded, and then shifted her gaze to the big boy beside her, "What about you, Ye Sheng? Do you have anything to say?"

"Me? In my dream, I was standing at the gate of a temple, to be specific, I was stepping on the steps in front of a temple." Ye Sheng's answer was even more surprising, if the captain and Yaji were separated by a long distance Looking at the temple from a distance, he is almost in front of the temple.

"What does the temple look like?"

"I can't remember clearly." Ye Sheng shook his head, "After waking up from the dream, it is like the white foam of the ebb tide after the sea washes up on the beach and disappears quickly. I only vaguely remember that the temple was made of bronze, and even The steps are all the same color, outlined with similar patterns that I can’t understand and have never seen before. There is a voice that makes me climb up to the temple. In my dream, it sounds like it is giving me an order, which is very satisfying. Depressed and uncomfortable."

"Where are the others? Do you have anything to add? If my guess is right, everyone should have a lot to share with me now." Jiang Peijiu nodded slightly, looking at the other crew members.

After everyone looked at each other, someone finally couldn't help but said, "In my dream, I was in a virgin forest. I seemed to be a hunter? Or a villager? I don't remember clearly, but I only remember being in the In the far distance of the forest, the sharp corner of a temple appeared, so I walked towards it like a maniac along a river, which widened and widened."

As if starting, the crew began to talk about the "dreams". Each "dream" has a strong degree of overlap. The temple, the water flow, and something in the dream are watching them and inducing them. Threatening them without going into details, everyone knows that the crew of the Moniah on the entire river seemed to have had a nightmare last night, and now they are telling these nightmares like a story meeting.

In the nightmare, some people were in the wilderness, some were in the deep mountains, and more people were on the sea, and even a few people met the temple in the city. 33 people dreamed of the same thing. It can be called a supernatural event in any place, enough to make a new episode of "Approaching Science", and it is still a rare situation that does not use "scientific" methods to solve problems and puzzles .

"This is unusual, isn't it, Professor Jiang?" Ye Sheng asked Jiang Peijiu, who had fallen into silence since the crew began to talk, "But can I ask a question?"


"Professor Jiang, didn't you have the same dream as us last night?" Ye Sheng asked.

"No." Jiang Peijiu said, "I didn't sleep last night."

"If I remember correctly, Professor Jiang watched the compass all night on the deck last night, that's what you call Sinan." The captain who stayed up late at night said to Ye Sheng.

"Professor, you have worked hard." Ye Sheng was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said.

"Now it seems that sometimes hard work does not mean that it is practical. Maybe I can see the 'shrine' that everyone has seen before if I was lazy last night. I don't know if I will have a chance to meet some of the followers if I sleep now. The mysterious existence of the Moniah." Jiang Peijiu smiled and shook her head, "But it is obviously not the time to sleep. Since the phenomenon has already happened, what we should do is to concentrate on studying the essence of this phenomenon and pursue the origin. If it cannot be detected, we must try our best to restore the process of its occurrence.”

"Actually, the professor should have the answer in his heart, right?" Ye Sheng asked in a low voice.

"Two answers, which one do you want to hear?" Jiang Peijiu looked at Ye Sheng, who was always very sensitive and persuasive.

"It's all right, I trust the professor's intuitive judgment." Ye Sheng said with a smile.

Jiang Peijiu nodded and said: "The scientific answer is that there is a huge space under the riverbed under the river under our feet. Geographically speaking, there are underground rivers, potholes, or land with complex geological structures. In a specific environment and time, it may emit long vibration waves, particle streams and other substances that strongly interfere with the human body, causing some hallucinations and physiological discomfort to those affected."

"For example, having a nightmare." Yaji Jiude said in a low voice. She has not fully recovered yet, and even with light makeup on her face, she looks a little sluggish, causing Ye Sheng to look at her worriedly from time to time.

"People with poorer physical fitness will be more strongly affected. Yaji, you have never focused on physical fitness, so Ye Sheng, who was also affected, will recover much faster than you. The other crew members on the Moniah They also live a life of long-distance sea drifting tightly, and their adaptability is much stronger than yours, so you are the most affected among all people." Jiang Peijiu said, "This is a good thing and a bad thing. People who are easily affected can more keenly locate the source of the abnormality, but the bad thing is that if the influence is too great, I am worried that you will have a mental breakdown or even other physical discomfort during the search process, which is very important for underwater operations. It's extremely deadly."

"I don't have a big problem, it's just a nightmare, and I won't delay the task." After hearing Jiang Peijiu's words, Jiude Yaji cheered up slightly, raised his eyelids and looked at the young female professor in front of him and said seriously.

"Professor, you only gave one answer. If my guess is right, it should be the turn of metaphysics after explaining it scientifically?" Ye Sheng asked.

"Ye Sheng, did someone tell you that people would hate you for guessing so accurately?" Jiang Peijiu looked at Ye Sheng and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry?" Ye Sheng was a little dazed, thinking that he had said something wrong and offended the professor.

"Just kidding." Jiang Peijiu shook her head, "The second answer is actually the same as the first answer in a sense. The collective nightmares caused by long vibration waves and particle flows can be barely explained by science, but 33 The crew members had the same type of nightmare and dreamed about the same thing, which is obviously not something that can be justified by science. This situation reminds me of another phenomenon. Ye Sheng, if it was you, you should be able to guess What am I going to say?"

"Spirit Vision." Ye Sheng replied.

"I've seen your files at Norma's. Your Dragon Literature got an 'A'. Naturally, I'm not unfamiliar with the process of Spirit Vision. After all, those students in the Dragon Literature Department who are soaked in the dead words of the Dragon Race every day are not Suffering from the pain of spiritual vision, almost every time I read a book in the middle of the night, I will force a spiritual vision, which is why people from the Department of Longwen are the most diligent in running the psychology department." Jiang Peijiu said, "I have observed this phenomenon and concluded that In addition to spirit vision, things like this cannot be controlled by mixed races independently. Compared with a skill, it is more like a knee-jerk instinct. The 3E exam of the academy also took advantage of this phenomenon. By mixing Long Wen into the FBI In the interrogation recordings, the students were screened with spiritual vision, and people without bloodlines can’t even cheat because they don’t know how the exam is conducted.”

"Actually, songs are played in the current 3E exam. Some students said that the beating and screaming part in the interrogation recording would block the record of Long Wen affecting the spiritual vision." Ye Sheng coughed lightly.

"Yes, it seems that I am behind the times, but compared to the songs, I still think that playing the interrogation recordings is more in line with the style of the former Kassel College military fortress." Jiang Peijiu smiled indifferently, "In short, this is the reason."

"Does the professor mean that my crew and I were forced to perform a spiritual vision on board the Moniacher last night?" creepy.

"A collective vision." Jiang Peijiu nodded, "If you have studied Feng Shui in depth and analyzed some cases, you will naturally know that there were actually many such cases in the past. People in a village collectively went crazy and killed each other, or An army disappeared after entering a certain cave by mistake. A few years later, it was found that all of them died at a depth of only 20 meters from the exit of the cave. In these cases, every group is suspected to have the phenomenon of collective vision, the village went crazy because of the spiritual pollution caused by the falling dragon in Yingchuan, and the death of the army in the cave was due to the phenomenon of collective vision. The murals hide the power of speech and spirituality that can affect ordinary people. In fact, in a more modern term, these phenomena are so-called 'group hypnosis'!"

"Professor, we only came to this water area yesterday, and we haven't seen anything related to Long Wen so far, so how could we fall into spiritual vision?" Jiude Yaji asked hesitantly.

"Aki, haven't we seen it?" Jiang Peijiu looked at the girl and asked, Jiude Aki was stunned, but she looked at the professor, but found that the other's gaze slowly moved to the side of the ship, and then As her eyes moved, Jiude Yaji gradually turned her sight from the boat to the surrounding mountains and rivers. After seeing this magnificent geographical location and hydrology, she suddenly realized something, and her expression became terrified.

"...We have indeed seen it." Beside Yaji, Ye Sheng, who was also awakened, said in a low voice, "What is related to the dragon is the entire waters of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River!"

The green water, rivers and mountains reflected in Jiang Peijiu's eyes are no longer beautiful and beautiful. In everyone's eyes, this originally beautiful green mountains and rivers seem to be covered with a layer of mist that makes it difficult to see clearly. In the mist, the bronze temple is hazy, and the huge dragon shadow Chuo Chuo.

"Let's start preparing for the underground cavity detector and diving work, and inform the headquarters that we may have found what they want, so the principal can start the 'personnel' recall work, and more 'secondary' preparations can also be arranged. Schedule."

 ps: It’s time for you to read books again, Brother Ah Shui’s book push session. You should have read "Red Heart Patrol" on the list. It's time to kill him. This period can be regarded as a first-class and top-notch fairy tale book. The hero portrays a chivalrous character. If you see good reviews and recommend books, anyone who is short of books can go and have a look.

  ps: I started the old trick again, and it was the book push link, "Spell Return: I Have a Shanaido", the book of the author of the starting point boutique group, the quality must be guaranteed, Shanaido, you know how to understand (suck).

  ps: As well as a dragon fan recommended by Sanhuan, "From the Dragon to Break Through the World", is it my illusion that the dragon fan has started to increase, but it feels like a good thing, more readers will be blessed.


(End of this chapter)

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