Chapter 809 Box
The Maybach stopped in the middle of the road, and the raging flames formed a circle around it, like a barrier separating the inside and the outside, and the rain could not extinguish the flames. It will be evaporated into water vapor by the high temperature. This is the anger of the king, which shows the rage and disobedience of the releaser.

"He's really tall."

"It can't be a hybrid or a human."

"Is it possible that it is a hybrid with gigantism? You must know that hybrids are outstanding in any aspect. Any aspect!"

"Do we have to discuss physical issues now?"

"Oh, sorry"

The door of the Maybach was opened, and the voice of the conversation was faintly carried in the rain. Two figures came down from both sides and came together in front of the broad front of the car. The xenon headlights cast their figures on the raging fire.

Amid the brilliance of the golden pupils, the ring-shaped wall of fire suddenly went out, and the speech spirit representing Jun Yan also collapsed into the air, but the sense of heavy air pressure brought by it was insignificant.

The flames fell, revealing the gods coming from behind the water curtain, eight-legged steeds, staggered armor, majestic giants carrying the legendary long spear Gungunir, and the rain flowed along the streamlined gun body like a trail of meteor trails Sliding on the ground, every inch of detail touched by the eyes has a strong sense of epic and solemnity, like a pilgrimage.

It is raining all over the sky and the ground, and the empty elevated road is full of white floral haze, and black shadows appear from the end and edge of the elevated road, just like the pilgrimage team has come to the terminal Jerusalem, the rain splashes on the black cloak and makes a splash After a closer look, it was found that the pale faces under the cloaks were all lifelike masks, and the dark golden pupils shimmered under the openings of the masks, staring at the father and son in front of the headlight.

Maybach was surrounded, if it is in the stories of the murals and texts, then the pilgrims offered sacrifices to the gods, divided and ate them, and cooked them with fire, but they did not rush forward for a long time, Because the pair of sacrifices were carrying bright long knives in their hands.

Royal Sword · Murasame · True Fighter.

Royal Sword · Murasame · Shadow Fighter.

Even the owner of the Maybach may not know that there are two deadly alchemy weapons hidden in the two doors of his 900 million car, the national treasure Japanese sword that was smuggled across the ocean to this coastal city, no matter what Whether it is legendary or alchemy attainments are enough to rank among the top ten in the history of Japanese alchemy.

This kind of imperial sword is usually made in Japan. One is called Zhenda and the other is called Yingda. The quality of Zhenda is better than that of Yingda. No matter which one is found, it is enough to be collected as a national level. In museums, really knowledgeable collectors will even use the entire museum to replace the fangs that can kill pure-blooded dragons above the next generation, and insist on marking them with a price list. Enough for ten Maybachs,

The really interesting thing is that Chu Tianjiao has been showing off the 900 million car behind him from the beginning to the end. Chu Zihang can imagine the tangled look of him scratching his head and wanting to show off the real rare things in the umbrellas on both sides of the car door but not daring to do so. , That's why I took the next step to show off this broken car.

Chu Tianjiao was able to get both village rains. There is a vigorous story behind this when he traveled to Japan. There may be love, hatred, and more blood, but at the end of the story, he must return with full rewards, with two The yearning of the Imperial Sword and perhaps a lonely beauty returned to this coastal city. But it doesn't matter anymore. Tonight, these two good swords are their butcher's swords facing the throne of the gods.

Two handfuls of village rain fell to the ground, the spring-like rain was washed and refined by the light of the knife, both father and son stood upright, the strong wind blew their black hair and trouser legs, the xenon headlight pierced the endless darkness they faced, This time they stood fearlessly in front of the gods.

"How dare you bump into the throne of God!" Odin's deep voice came from the rain.

"I'm a driver, driving too much will inevitably slip my hand." The man said, "I know what you want, if I give you something, can you let us go?"

"Anyone who comes to this country can return to this country again, so those who step into God's kingdom are naturally God's servants."

"What you said is very rascal, just like the lady at the counter who told me last time that you have to ask for it if you touch it." The man looked up at God, but he spoke with a taste of idle chatter, "You know what happened to me later? Did you do it?"

"I guess you touched the cabinet lady." Chu Zihang said.

"That's right, sometimes you can only solve it in a more hooligan way when you meet hooligans." The man expressed his appreciation for Chu Zihang's flattering skills, "You want something, but you don't want us to go, isn't it? Fairer? I thought that everything that claims to be a god would be fair!"

"God is just, so everything he does is the most just." Odin said.

"What kind of gangster logic is this, so there's nothing to talk about?" The man glanced at the Maybach, and the black shadows were all staring at this steel monster. There was no envy in those dark golden pupils, but only the coveting of wolves looking at flesh and blood. They lost their rationality, but they still retained their instinctive wisdom. What Odin wanted was not in the man and Chu Zihang, so it could only be in this car.

"If you step into the Kingdom of God, you will be God's servants, and I will promise you eternal life." The heavy rain gathered from the tip of the giant spear into flowing water and gurgled across the elevated road.

"Just like them? Become an irrational monster?" The man turned his elbow to those shadows who silently surrounded the Maybach in the heavy rain.

"Your blood will make you stronger."

"But a slave is also a slave, just like a god has always been a god, whether it is fallen or sinful, it is also a fallen and sinful god, and its essence has not changed at all." Chu Tianjiao said, "You are too domineering."

"God said that there is, and it will be done immediately, and what does it have to do with human humble opinion." Odin's voice was like rolling thunder, and his displeasure also drove the thunderstorms to bombard the ground several times, leaving scorched marks. Shenjun stepped on the asphalt road impatiently, digging out shocking scars one after another on the ground.

"Son, take out the things in the trunk, you know which one it is." Chu Tianjiao said.

Chu Zihang turned around and walked towards the rear of the Maybach, the black shadows moved around him but did not approach him, those low hissing sounds that seemed to be crying and screaming mixed with rainwater threatened him, it was the voice of the dead, whispering to each other While chanting, the emotionless dark golden pupils greedily flowed on Chu Zihang's body.

"human beings"

"Not just humans."

"This sweet smell."

"The child's lineage."

"He's on that road."

"What a pity."

"Future Compatriots"

Cunyu·Yingda drew sparks and cracks on the asphalt road, just like the boundary river between Chu and Han separated those turbulent malice, Chu Zihang ignored the low voices of the shadows, opened the trunk of the Maybach, and Sure enough, there was a portable lockbox inside. The special leather surface was rough and tough, and there was a silver nameplate on it engraved with a lush world tree. A lush world tree?

Chu Zihang lightly stroked the traces on the nameplate with his fingers. The World Tree was contrary to the school emblem of Kassel College in his impression. It was not half-decayed but fully flourishing, which seemed to indicate the existence of the things preserved inside. Bufan, it was because of this that Chu Tianjiao hid his name for many years, but after he finally got his purpose, death knocked on the door.

This is something that Chu Tianjiao is worth defending with his whole life, but in the end he replaced Chu Zihang with his own life and drove the Maybach to leave the Nibelungen. I have to say that all the pain and tragedy were paid for. The east flow.

Chu Zihang took the suitcase in front of Chu Tianjiao, threw it on the ground, and was stepped on by his foot. Murrayu Zhen stabbed him with a knife, and the buckle of the suitcase pierced the wet asphalt road. A movement caused Odin on the eight-legged steed to move forward slightly, only less than one-third of the position, and the black shadows on the elevated road suddenly fell silent, and the beams of light in his pupils were so frightening that it took one's breath away. stopped.

"Are you nervous about what's inside? Don't be nervous, 'He' is intact, but it might not be so if you come hard." Chu Tianjiao put his hand flat on the handle of Muramaro Zhenda's knife, and his trouser legs were blown away by the strong wind There was a sound, this scene had the rogue atmosphere of a mafia boss who would not give an inch when dividing the territory, but now he was in front of a god from Norse mythology, and he didn't know if it was ignorance and blasphemy or fearlessness.

"What's inside?" Chu Zihang looked at Chu Tianjiao and asked.

"Important things are as important to him as the eggs in the old lady's basket, right?" Chu Tianjiao looked at Odin with a mocking smile, but Chu Zihang could feel the tension in the palm of his hand holding Cunyu. Fever, if it is not for the constant rain, sweat will probably condense.

Chu Tianjiao was nervous.

This super hybrid is not as relaxed as he imagined. Even if Chu Zihang showed a superhuman appearance, he would be involuntarily nervous when standing in front of God. This is the suppression of blood, and it is also the relationship between God and mankind An insurmountable gap.

"Then human beings, let's see you." Odin seemed to have seen Chu Tianjiao's strong outside, and said in a low voice, solemnly waiting for the mortals to prostrate and pay tribute.

"Are you afraid of him?" Chu Zihang asked beside Chu Tianjiao.

"No, I'm not afraid of his son. Your father, I have seen everything in my life. Even if the Dragon King is dozing off in front of me, I will try to find a way to stab him in the ass. There are only two things I am really afraid of. things." Chu Tianjiao said, "Your safety, and the future he is doomed after he gets the box, that's what I'm really afraid of, you have to know that for people like us, there are some things that are more disturbing than death .”

"At least you don't have to worry about me, and you don't have to be tied up. Instead of dying separately, it's better to be buried together. We all have people who can mourn us, and that's enough." Chu Zihang said softly.

"Wouldn't this be too cruel to the person who survived alone?" Chu Tianjiao said.

"I know that feeling, it's not good, so if you don't want to die here together, then go out together." Chu Zihang said, "This box is a very important thing, I need to know how important it is for the future Tactic allocation. At this moment, you are still hesitating, is it hidden in it is the best stewed large intestine that you have treasured for many years? Are you going to take it back to the academy to eat with the principal?"

"Damn. Son, who did you learn your sarcasm skills from? I always thought you were walking with a cold face." Chu Tianjiao suddenly couldn't hold back anymore, and felt a white rot from his son. From which grandson did this bad habit come from?

"We don't have much time." Chu Zihang looked at the black shadows that were gradually approaching beside him. Odin had no patience. These black shadows were a sign that his patience had diminished. They might pounce and fight at any time. The legendary spear held in the hand is also ready to shoot through the meteor.

There was a trace of hesitation on Chu Tianjiao's face, but in the end he still fell into a calm state. He took a deep breath as if he was ready, "Some things involve too many secrets, I'm afraid you won't be able to tell them to you." If you understand it, it will lead to disasters, the things in the box are really too big, so big that if you become one of the insiders, then your life will be implicated by him for the rest of your life, until the end of your life."

"Even if you've only seen this box, those who flock to it will try their best to find you and dig out every piece of information about him from your mind. His existence is the biggest trouble in this world, say yes It is not an exaggeration to be the center of the storm vortex in the sea, there will always be thunderbolts on him. This is why I insist on staying away from you and your mother."

"I don't know how much you know about dragon culture, but I guess you should know a name." Chu Tianjiao looked at Chu Zihang and whispered, "Nidhogg (Nidhogg)."

In an instant, Chu Zihang's pupils narrowed like needles, and in the pitch-black rainstorm night, a white light flashed and illuminated the entire elevated road just right, and then the rolling thunder struck.

The question that he thought he could not get the answer was suddenly revealed. This was a situation that Chu Zihang had never thought about. He couldn't tell whether the answer was true and reliable, or whether it was automatically edited by his brain based on the plot of the dream. But Chu Tianjiao's words and precious attitude did make his breathing stop for a moment.

The things in the suitcase are related to the black emperor, which represents the ultimate existence in the world of secret parties and mixed races, the ultimate goal of slaying dragons, and the giant black monster crawling on the mountain, representing all the despair in the world.No one would have thought that the clues about the black king would be hidden in the trunk of this Maybach, and it was even under the control of Chu Tianjiao for a time.

"It seems you know." Chu Tianjiao smiled bitterly when he saw Chu Zihang's reaction, "I really don't know what happened to you, but you are still my son, right?"

"Yes, I always have been."

"Then listen up." Chu Tianjiao looked up, the rain slapped on his cheeks, and he began to tell the secret that really meant the ultimate.

".Now the thing in the box under my feet is the hope of the alien race. His birth will bring about the revival of the holy dynasty that has been lost for thousands of years. This is also the key that the elders have been digging for for their countless alien races. Cannibalism gives humanity a chance to breathe."

"He drifted for a long time. He was excavated by the Secret Party around 1900 and secretly sent to the Kassel Manor at the foot of the Alps. On the same day, that midsummer night, the Kassel Manor was The last members of the Lionheart fought to the end at a terrible cost to the dragon's invasion, and the box was lost."

"Around 1991, he reappeared on the Arctic border. There was no news about him ten years later. It was only in recent years that there was information that he had flowed into Russia. Later, there was news that he appeared in Japan. I traveled to both places. Finally found him and brought him back to the city."

"Son, we are really lucky and unlucky, because what I am stepping on now is the clue and key that runs through the entire history of the revival of the dragon clan. We once held him now, which also means holding the future direction of this world. A little carelessness will lead to eternal doom and the fate of mankind.” Chu Tianjiao pulled out Murasame stuck in the buckle of the suitcase, pointed the knife point on the leather case, and looked at the majestic Odin a hundred meters away. The quietly ignited golden pupils glow like thunder.

"One thing to say, you complained very well before, and I also hope that there is only a box of top-quality stewed large intestines in it, so that our supper will be available tonight, but it is a pity that if the things in the box are used as supper A chef may be needed to cook it, but I can't think of anyone in the world who is qualified to cook it."

"The sacrifices of dozens of generations of elite secret parties over the past few hundred years have finally found the trace of this ancient dragon that has been silent in the ancient history. All dragons are afraid of it and regard it as the hope for the recovery of the desperate black emperor. I stepped on it." He finally took a deep breath, and finally told the truth that had been hidden for too many years, and it was also the ultimate secret that entangled Chu Zihang's first half of his life.

He said, "The box contains the 'egg', that is, the flesh and blood of the Black King Nidhogg!"

(End of this chapter)

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