Chapter 815 Ambush
The cast-iron sky shrouded overhead, and a huge black vortex swirled above the city. Dazzling white light began to flash in the sky of the coastal city, and those luxuriant pale branches and leaves chopped the complete black sky into a shocking picture.

After holding their breath for a few seconds, the deafening thunderstorm sounded one after another.

Like a symphony, thunderstorms began to ravage the entire world of heavy rain densely, almost making people think that they were the ones who shook the sky above the invisible black clouds to create countless cracks, and the other end was connected with endless storms and thunderstorms. to rule the night.

On the Maybach, in the ears of Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang, the sound of violently falling thunder was the horn of war, and the white thunder beat the drumbeat of the decisive battle with the earth as the drumhead.

The black iron bridge is like the corpse of a dead giant straddling the long running river. The Maybach drives towards the iron bridge and the majestic and terrifying god on it. The V12 engine squeezed to the limit seems to foresee its own future. In the future, we will try our best to burst out with the greatest energy in the last time and keep roaring.

In the front driver's seat, both Chu Zihang and Chu Tianjiao looked at the god standing still like a statue. The horse's hoofs of the eight-legged gods were gathered at one point and their heads were lowered. When Odin was angry, he was also angry. When Odin was silent, he was also silent. , and the prolonged silence is also destined to erupt for a moment of thunderous momentum.

Everyone understands this truth. It is meaningless to hide in XZ. The only way of life is in front of you now. It is at the feet of the gods. If you want to pass through the way of life, you must first go through the door of death—the black sword that is destined to bring death. Lance, Kungunir.

They want to defeat the spear, defeat the legendary fate, and return to reality through here.

"Plan?" Chu Tianjiao asked.

"Rush over and get out of here." Chu Zihang said.

"It's very concise, but is there anything to add?" Chu Tianjiao asked.

"Don't be targeted." Chu Zihang said.

With a distance of 800 meters from the black iron bridge, the Maybach began to speed up, reaching a top speed of 280 kilometers, and they would reach under the horseshoe of the gods in less than 10 seconds.

The black beast ran wildly in the torrential rain, and the water curtain rose two meters high on both sides of him, like wings inserted on the cracked car body, and the headlights that had been extinguished suddenly flickered on with an indomitable momentum Shoot the road ahead!
The car body is shaking wildly, which is a precursor to disintegration. Thousands of parts collide with each other in the storm and make a sound of debris. The radio has been turned off, and now the only thing that surrounds the ears is the manic roar of the engine speeding up, speeding up, speeding up Voice.The golden pupils of Chu Zihang and Chu Tianjiao ignited at the same time, their facial muscles were harder than steel, and the feng shui hit them and shunted them, leaving clear water marks!

Boom, boom, boom.

Every time the Maybach compresses a little distance, a thunderbolt falls side by side with it in the distance, and countless slender black shadows stand like sidewalk trees on both sides of the road illuminated by the light.

Those dead servants, they are back, the number is astonishingly suffocating, the thunder-lit black shadows on the wilderness outside the road are like silent pilgrims who can't see the edge at a glance, slowly walking towards the side of the road.But this time they did not swarm up, but stood silently by the side of the road in groups, countless black cloaks fluttering in the wind, and dark gold pupils fluttering under countless white masks, witnessing the father and son rushing towards the iron bridge. go.

The Maybach raised the water curtain and drove past at high speed in the support of the black shadows, as if passing a road to the gods, and the end of the road is the blood-stained throne.

The biggest thunder fell, it is not so much a thunder, it is better to say that it is a pale dragon, piercing through the sky and the earth, connecting the sky and the ground, roaring and writhing, hitting the very center of the coastal city, tearing apart the black night!Looking straight from the Maybach, right behind Odin is the white angry dragon that pierces the sky and the earth. His big shadow was cast on the ground, and the right arm under the cloak finally raised the sharp gun!

The single pupil slowly lifted up, lava flowed inside, the eight-legged god horse spewed out a mouthful of thunder, and the man stood up with his chest upright. The picture is absurd and terrifying. Open, the power of the iron cast steel smash seems to condense the storm of the whole world into the black curved spear and throw it out.

The volcanic dragon king's pupils locked on the Maybach that came roaring with hydrofoils. In the final step, the line of fate began to shoot across space and time to the poor people in the Maybach who were destined to stay in the land of the dead.


At this moment, the Maybach melted into the rising water curtain, and at the next moment, it teleported forward for a certain distance like a ghost, abruptly avoiding Kungunil's lock!

Odin's five fingers holding the World Tree's spear tightened, and his one pupil quickly locked on the Maybach that appeared. The eight-legged god steed remained motionless, and the storm was entangled in the god's spear like a whirlpool, as if he could hear the terrifying thunder that had been charged beyond the limit Sound but the lock is still not complete!
The Maybach moved again, this time laterally, and then suddenly retreated nearly a hundred meters. Steel monsters flickered on the road like ghosts, dancing and dancing under the net of fate.

Behind the cracked windshield, the eyes of Chu Tianjiao on the co-pilot were bloodshot, and the power of Yan Ling was stimulated to the extreme by him, opening and covering the entire giant machine in an instant, and closing it again in an instant, like a bending machine. The bow shoots rapidly and the bowstring explodes and trembles as it retracts and retracts again and again!
No one spends time to such an extreme, not even Angers. Only Chu Tianjiao can do this in this world. They flashed wildly on the road so that Kungunir could never lock them, invisible The white line of fate pierced them densely like a cobweb covering the sky and the sun, but they avoided them one by one. This kind of behavior is no different from avoiding the pouring rainwater in the rainstorm!

If it was only Chu Tianjiao alone, he would not be able to do this, because he would not even be able to detect Kungunil's lock, but now with Chu Zihang's order, he only needs to mechanically repeat the time zero switch Just make sure it doesn't crash before reaching Odin.

The Maybach is ghostly and persistent, trying to close the gap. In the blink of an eye, Kungunir is still on the string, and the steel beast is less than 300 meters away from the iron bridge.

280 kilometers per hour, three seconds countdown.

Odin's five fingers closed, sparks exploded on the black gun body, and the single pupil suddenly locked on the Maybach that appeared 50 meters away.

He made a shot, and Kungunil was thrown out, as if throwing all the rainstorm and thunder all night.

What is unexpected is that the flight of the black spear is silent, and even seems a little slow in the air, with black smoke around it - that is the intention of death and desolation, the decayed and collapsed buildings it passes through, and the grass passing by And the trees withered and decayed, the storm all hides behind it and the thunder whispers, pitying the poor prey at which the point of the spear is pointed.

50 meters away, less than [-] meters away from the iron bridge, the Maybach really flashed and appeared. Kungunier hit the front hood of the Maybach, and the steel penetrated like cream, which was strong enough to resist the high-intensity impact. Torn like paper.

Rather than saying that Kungunier hit the Maybach, it is better to say that Maybach took the initiative to catch Kungunir.

The black spear penetrated the Maybach halfway into the ground and formed an indestructible roadblock. The 900 million Maybach, which is often boasted by men, came to an end. At a speed of 280 kilometers per hour, it was perfectly divided into two halves by the black spear, and the broken parts And the torn iron skin split and sprinkled into the storm like petals smashed in the rain, and there was a violent explosion in the sudden flash of sparks!

The thunder overwhelmed the loud noise of the Maybach explosion, thick black smoke rose up, and the debris shot to the side of the road and hit many black figures in the distance. They wailed and knelt on the ground, bleeding black blood.An explosion of this intensity, even if it is a mixed race, can only be destroyed in a car, right?

There was a loud roar before the entrance of the iron bridge. It was the sound of an eight-legged horse crashing into the ground. A large electric arc spread along the accumulated water and cracks on the ground. Neil brought Odin on the seat to the thick smoke of the Maybach explosion, which is also the place where Kungunil fell.

The black shadows on the side of the road began to gather around, whispering their bloodthirsty desires, but due to the horror of the gods, they could only surround the periphery like stars and moons, guarding the eight-legged horse as it walked towards the thick smoke.

Sleipnir stepped on the lightning and walked to the thick smoke, and kicked the black figure that had been too close to him with a light kick with his hind feet. There was a sound of flesh breaking in the muffled sound. It was already a shattered coke, so the black shadows became more pious and humble, bowing their heads and crawling like servants with guards around them.

Just less than ten meters away from the thick smoke of the car accident, the eight-legged god horse suddenly stopped, he snorted and let out a trivial thunder light, his dark gold pupils under the iron face stared at the black smoke as if it was gestating a gust of wind fury.

Odin raised his golden arm armor, the wind was ordered, and the thick smoke was blown away, but only a scrap of Maybach iron under the heavy rain, and Kungunir standing on the wound of the earth were exposed. There was no one to be seen under the iron ruins.

Odin, who was looking down at the scene of the car accident, suddenly raised his head. Behind him, a gust of wind howled and blew away the swirling black smoke, revealing the ghostly figure behind him!
That is the world's top assassin, holding a demon knife baptized by wind and rain to assassinate the seat of God, the one pupil that turned back suddenly illuminated the blue and black armor of the assassin, and the face covered by the facial bones was like a violent dragon!
The violent blood has pushed to the limit, Chu Tianjiao intends to single-handedly kill the gods, and under the blessing of time zero, he has reached an unimaginable extreme. In the normal flow speed, he is a black smoke, and the gods can only turn around in a hurry to see him. Blade!
Odin didn't move, and he didn't have time to move. Even the gods couldn't catch up with the speed of the user of Time Zero. He could see every movement of Chu Tianjiao, but the god body couldn't keep up and dodge as if it was frozen by time. He could only sit on his throne like a sculpture and wait for Murasame's throat-slit blow!
Odin stared straight at Chu Tianjiao and remained motionless, the light in his single pupil seemed to mock the powerlessness of ordinary people—the silver-white light shone from behind Chu Tianjiao, casting his shadow on Odin's armor, a huge The water curtain surged from behind Chu Tianjiao, and the roar of the water slammed into his back like a battering ram. The heavy force hit the bloody body head-on, and there was a sound of steel-like impact! ?
Dozens of Chu Tianjiao's bones were destroyed in this instant, and the cracking sound was so ear-piercing that it made people tremble. At this moment, his eyeballs were full of swollen bloodshot eyes, and he was spitting out pieces of internal organs and dirty blood. Murasame clenched tightly without any strength, and the fury in the blood-stained golden pupils was like a lion's determination that the majestic god in front of him was his prey to be buried.

"Die to me!" Chu Tianjiao slashed with his sword and let out a loud growl.

But Odin didn't even look at him, instead he turned to Kungunir in the Maybach pile.

Sleipnir under Odin's seat suddenly snorted.

A white ray of light tore apart everything, and the whole world was deaf in the explosion that happened in an instant. It was an unimaginably exaggerated column of lightning that hit the middle of Chu Tianjiao and Odin!

Then the dazzling white light enveloped everything in like daytime, and the burst of power that fell on the ground directly lifted the ground with a radius of [-] meters!It was as if a giant had punched the tabletop of the earth with a bang.The clustered black shadows were shaken up like grains of sand on the table, stumbling around in the air!

Chu Tianjiao flew upside down, but before flying far, the God's hand wearing the gold-patterned arm armor grabbed his head, and the time-zero domain collapsed.

In the ruins, the high temperature after the lightning strike raised white smoke on the ground. In the hazy white air, Odin held the head of the godslayer with one hand, and his eyes were full of loneliness and indifference. The other hand reached out to Kungunir in the ruins.

The moment his hand was about to touch Kungunir, a dazzling ray of light suddenly lit up under his eyelids, and three fiery halos under Sleipnir's abdomen instantly expanded. The set is heavy, and the purest fire element flows in the ring.

Jun Yan·Five Stir-Fry (Remnant)

It's like igniting three firecrackers soaring into the sky, each more powerful than the other, and Sleipnir is the iron can that covers the firecrackers, under the softest belly that has not been wrapped by scales and armor, three unreserved bursts of the king's flame out!

The first time Junyan erupted, its eight legs that were holding on to the ground were shaken two fingers away from the ground, forcing it to lose the support of the ground; the second time Junyan directly sent him up three meters The whole body fell down, and Odin on his back fell to the ground; the third time Jun Yan, even the mythical eight-legged horse let out a violent scream, and a large amount of blue-black blood flowed from the ground. The gap in the horse's belly flows out!

While being scorched by the scorching heat, Chu Zihang, who was bathed in flames all over, appeared. He jumped out of the thick smoke and stepped onto the midair. With a hoarse roar, he shot at Odin's wrist holding Chu Tianjiao's head!
"Now!" Chu Zihang roared.

Chu Tianjiao, whose head was held by the gods, did not lose consciousness. After the explosion roared through the air, he threw Murasame·Zhenda forward with one hand to rescue Chu Zihang!Chu Zihang, who slashed the god's iron fist with a knife, directly relayed his kick in the air, and kicked on the handle of Murasame Mata, causing the blade to spin wildly and cut towards Odin's iron face!
(End of this chapter)

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