Chapter 824 Vortex
Shilan Middle School has always had a secret biography "History of Shilan School · Gods and Men", which records the amazing deeds of talented scholars and beautiful women of Shilan Middle School throughout the ages.

For example, on a certain day in a certain year, a certain senior from Shilan Middle School received an offer from Harvard University’s Environmental Health major and Cornell University’s Applied Operations Research major (with a scholarship of 15000 US dollars per year) by virtue of his outstanding personal strength; another example is a certain year On a certain day of a certain month, a certain senior sister won the runner-up in the five-yearly world-class Chopin International Piano Competition, and posters were posted in the city to praise her; Ji Yi was a blockbuster, soaring 13 miles in a 8-ton Zhi-3 multi-purpose helicopter. The highest scholarship in Hiti Shilan history is 6000 US dollars per year.

That's right, this so-and-so is talking about Lu Mingfei.

In Shilan Middle School, where there are so many strong people, Lu Mingfei may not be ranked first in "Shilan School History: Gods and Men", but in the eyes of the current graduates and juniors, he is always The unshakable No. [-], because he is a living legend, the trophies and big-character posters of the former seniors and seniors are far less real, astonishing and enviable than a living bad boy who ascended to the sky in one step.

The most important thing is the sense of contrast, do you understand the sense of contrast?
The reason why a legend is a legend is often different from looking directly at a shooting star in the sky, and suddenly a star rises mysteriously into the morning light.

It is reasonable for a good student who has always been good in character and learning to get an offer and a scholarship from Cambridge and Harvard through an interview, but a lazy and ignorant boy who is lazy and uneducated, got an offer and a scholarship from Kassel College through an interview, and was incidentally A 13-ton helicopter picked it up and that was big news.

Even though Lu Mingfei graduated for a year, this news still reverberates in the after-dinners on campus. It has become a classic deed of self-hypnosis for many bad students. Pick up the perfect negative teaching material for yourself to rise to the top!
Until now, when Lu Mingfei's former class teacher brought back the first-year students, the mantra in his mouth has become: "Don't be lazy and restless, I know what the students in the last row are thinking, but this case will always be the same. It's just an example, don't spend your whole life trying to reproduce other people's shit luck"

Whenever this is mentioned, the head teacher always wants to pick up the second half of the sentence: "Don't think that studying abroad is a good thing. You can't even speak English well. After spending four years abroad, you can only go to KFC and Do you work at McDonald's?" But when he saw the warm thank you letter from the principal of Kassel College to Shilan Middle School, expressing his gratitude to them for cultivating such outstanding students, the class teacher couldn't say the last part of the sentence.

Every time he sat in the office and stared at Lu Mingfei's grade card, which was on the passing line, he felt disillusioned with his teaching career, and once thought that there was something fundamentally wrong with his educational policy.Whenever he thinks of being dazed, the class teacher will turn his head to look at the blue sky of Shilan Sea outside the window, and think deeply about whether this outstanding student has made great progress in the United States this year, or has been expelled from school and wandered on the streets.

I can't see others being good.

A small number of people still have this kind of problem, even if they don't show their words so much that people notice it - in Lu Mingfei's body, the extremely small probability can be expanded to a certain extent, then it is inevitable that the minority will become the majority.

The door opened again, and the person who came in seemed to be carved out of the same mold as Xu Yanyan. It was Xu Yanyan's twin brother Xu Miaomiao, who was raised by the university's meals, and their fat was so in tune.As soon as he came in, he saw two Heichaos at a glance. He turned his head and was about to leave without saying a word. He must have thought that he had gone to the wrong private room. Fortunately, Xu Yanyan yelled quickly before he stopped.

"Lu Lu Mingfei? This is your bodyguard?" Xu Miaomiao spoke quickly and asked his brother a question that he didn't dare to ask.

"Uh, no. They're mine, alumni? They stopped by for a quick meal." Lu Mingfei looked extremely embarrassed.

What kind of thing is it to bring alumni to dinner in the literary club?But Xu Miaomiao glanced at the Heichao carefully, and sat down beside Xu Yanyan without saying a word and shut up. Looking at those eyes, he definitely thought that the two Heichao were bodyguards, alumni?What kind of alumni dressed like Zhongnanhai's bodyguards when they went out?
The private room was eerily quiet. Xu Yanyan and Xu Xu Miaomiao secretly said a few words and then fell silent. They sat on pins and needles, every pore in their bodies was open, and they could almost feel the air in the empty private room. Murderous intentions are everywhere. The source of the murderous intentions is naturally the two guardian kings sitting on the left and right of someone Lu, whose temperament is exactly like Xu Zhengyang in "The Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai".

Looking at Lu Mingfei sitting in the middle, it seems that God and man have not developed the bad habit of extravagance in the past year. He is still frugal and simple (the dirt is too dregs). He is wearing a big white T-shirt and big plain pants. The sandals show ten toes, and the whole body can't afford a pizza. It's really easy to go from frugal to extravagant, and it's commonplace to go from extravagant to frugal. God is indeed a god, but it's still so unpredictable through!
So the two brothers of the Xu family decided to be cautious.

"I haven't seen you for so long and I haven't contacted you much. Is this a vacation to go back to China?" Xu Yanyan asked tentatively, ready to open the topic.

"What are you playing? You're as busy as 007. You have to report back to the academy tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Lu Mingfei subconsciously said.

"You are such a busy person." Xu Yanyan was a little confused, what else could he be busy with after returning to China after the summer vacation?Summer homework?But what summer homework needs two bodyguards as a foil.

"I guess I have to leave early after dinner, there are a lot of things to do today." Lu Mingfei sighed.

"Boss Lu is very busy." Xu Miaomiao flattered.

Lu Mingfei laughed awkwardly and then stopped talking, so Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao didn't say anything, because they felt a little bit of dissatisfaction from Lu Mingfei's sigh. What are they dissatisfied with?You can't be dissatisfied with your bodyguard, right?If not, then you are dissatisfied with them.

The two fat brothers are not good at checking their seats. Only people with guilty consciences will become sensitive at certain times.

In the past year without Lu Mingfei's knowledge, the brothers of the Literature Club have ridiculed and slandered the "Lu Shenren" a lot of times in the private group. Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao are naturally the number two in the group.

Whenever we talk about Lu Mingfei in the small group, we can get 99+ by "guessing" and "imagining" again and again. The script of "Mr. Lu's Catastrophe" is about to be released, and the movie label must be Comedy, funny and black humor, the specific content is the various possibilities for Lu Mingfei to go to the United States and start to feel ashamed because he is unfamiliar with the place of life.

——No one is optimistic about Lu Mingfei, even though he is ranked No. [-] in the "Beautiful People's List", everyone is imagining whether behind those superficial glamor is trying to save face and suffer, maybe this will make it easier for them to accept and cheerful.

If you say too many bad things, you will appear timid and cautious when you see the victim.

Xu Miaomiao, who came later, was the most cautious now, peeking at Lu Mingfei's empty and sometimes smiling facial expressions that were unpredictable.

He used to have a relationship with Lu Mingfei that was neither good nor bad, but he has done more things with bad intentions than can be counted on one hand. The most recent one was trying to coax Lu Mingfei to give a "speech" at the graduation film party of the Literature Club. ", everyone knows what happened afterwards, so the speech is false, but the deception is true.

If Lu Mingfei really went up there that time, maybe he would hold a grudge for several years, but fortunately, when the matter developed to a critical point, Chen Wenwen finally stopped him, so it is safe for him to face Lu Mingfei now.However, Chen Wenwen always favors Lu Mingfei intentionally or unintentionally at times, and Xu Miaomiao sometimes feels that even the pity and charity for suitors are too much. No wonder later.
Xu Miaomiao was in a daze while sitting on the chair, and Lu Mingfei, who was sitting opposite him, was also in a daze. The three of them didn't speak, and the private room became cold and quiet.A lot of memories from the past are choked into the cold and numb mind like the top of Coca-Cola, and mixed with the later stories to generate a chemical reaction, making the bubbles called nostalgia bubbling up.

The central air conditioner was blowing cold wind and humming loudly, like the sound of wind on the sea, stirring up the water waves to tumbling and spinning in weird directions.

After 15 minutes, it was a little past twelve o'clock. People came in twos and threes. Every time they pushed the door and entered, they turned around and went out. The people inside quickly stopped and explained that they had gone to the wrong place, so they all looked at it in surprise. Surrounded by bodyguards, Boss Lu sighed in his heart that he was different from the past. In the past, the black-bone chicken lived in the phoenix tree, and the bad guy could turn into a phoenix once he got the Tao, and then he couldn’t say anything, so he could only say hello noon in a daze. Good noon, and quietly find a place to sit down, the seat must be more than two vacant seats away from Lu Mingfei's bodyguards.

For a while, Lu Mingfei and his two followers were alone.

More and more people came, and Lu Mingfei was also a little nervous because of this situation. He offered to change his seat and sat at the place with his back to the gate, so that the people who came could only see two black pieces at a glance. The back view of the reef and a piece of celery will not be mistaken to go to the wrong private room. But after that, I still have to be emotional, and I should say that Lu Mingfei is good at noon or good at noon.

The private room began to get angry, and the central air-conditioning could not suppress the semblance of warmth. There were more familiar people sitting in the seats, and the chats began to become lively. Everyone chatted with each other about the recent situation, but their eyes were all directed towards one person intentionally or not. They glanced in the direction, and immediately turned away after their eyes met, pretending to be talking about their own things unintentionally.After a while, the door opened again, and even Liu Miaomiao, the little piano beauty, appeared at the party. Everyone welcomed and chatted again. The literary club party felt like it had evolved into a class reunion.

The private room that was chilled by Lu Mingfei finally became lively. They said it had been a long time, but there was a shelf life after the long time no see. After the shelf life was over, the topic finally turned to Lu Mingfei.

Because he was too conspicuous sitting there, or in other words, the two black reefs around him were too conspicuous, breaking one wave after another of intentional or unintentional temptations, making it impossible for people to ignore his existence.

(End of this chapter)

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