spy ace

Chapter 1072 Countermeasures

Chapter 1072 Countermeasures
After eating the food cooked by Fei Hongxia, Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin entered the living room.Put a glass of wine in front of everyone and drink slowly.

Fan Keqin told Sun Guoxin all the things that the assassin said so far.Finally, he said: "Doi Enjiro is the one who cannot be kept. This guy is too familiar with our country and the forces of all parties. Every decision will cause heavy losses to brothers in various places. Shanghai The sub-bureau over there reported that a group of students from Doi Enjiro had been transferred, and that No. [-] was being reorganized using this group of students as the skeleton."

Sun Guoxin said: "Yes, your next target is to deal with Doi Enjiro?"

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Didn't he want to send someone to kill me? This time, it's the other way around, and I'll kill him instead."

Sun Guoxin said: "This old devil's whereabouts are a bit weird. It's not like no one wanted to kill him before. But they all failed."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, yes. But this time, with Takeshi Kudo's narration, these confessions should be true. After all, it is useless to tell lies now, and it will be detrimental to Takeshi Kudo. Therefore, according to his In the confession, I think, we can find out where Doi Enjiro is hiding."

"Well." Sun Guoxin said: "Then this time needs to be as soon as possible. Although Takeshi Kudo has been arrested, and the movement is very small. But after a long time, with Doi Enjiro's cunning, he will not be unaware."

Fan Keqin said: "Tomorrow the humble office will send people there, and the local people from the Intelligence Department will make a lightning strike. Kill him very hard."

The two of them then analyzed in detail the whereabouts of Doi Enjiro, which is what Kudo Takebu confessed.I feel that the success rate of things is still relatively high.When it was around nine o'clock in the evening, Fan Keqin returned home and began to have sex.

On the second day, Fan Keqin came to the Security Bureau to work, and immediately asked Zhuang Xiaoman to call Zhao Debiao over.After the latter entered the office, he asked, "Virgin, I have something to tell you."

Fan Keqin said: "Choose a few trustworthy brothers and go to the Northeast with you."

Zhao Debiao nodded, and said, "Yes, is it enough for a humble job to bring five brothers?"

"Not enough." Fan Keqin said: "Half the team, almost enough."

"Understood." Zhao Debiao asked: "What is the goal of this operation?"

Fan Keqin looked at him and said, "Doi Enjiro."

Zhao Debiao said "Oh?" and said, "Virgin, do you have the specific whereabouts of this old devil?"

"No specifics." Fan Keqin said: "But I can tell you three addresses. This old devil has taken the initiative to hide now, but most of the possibilities lie in these three addresses."

Zhao Debiao said: "Understood. Tell me."

Fan Keqin said: "The first place is Fengtian International Hotel. But I don't know exactly which room and which floor it is on, so you have to investigate it yourself. And if this old devil is really here, you have to Pay attention to some influences. After all, the name of the international hotel is too famous, and it also involves the forces of various countries. So you proceed carefully. At the very least, the actions must be precise and fast. Try not to cause too many accidental injuries.”

Zhao Debiao nodded and said, "Okay, the humble job has been written down. What about the second place?"

Fan Keqin said: "The high-end apartment area on Junling Avenue. People who live in this place have a bit of status. If Doiyuan lives there, there is a high probability that he lives near the central section. You still have to investigate it yourself. "

Zhao Debiao said: "Understood."

Fan Keqin said: "The last place is the Baihe Club. This place is run by the Japanese. Usually, many devils go there to have fun, drink, have parties and so on. There are many professional soldiers in it. It is very difficult, and the investigation is not easy. Convenient. I suggest you investigate the first two places first. If there is no trace of Doi Enjiro in the first two places, then he is most likely in the Hakuzuru Club. So you have to report back the information immediately, and I will let you do things as appropriate .”

Zhao Debiao said: "Okay, I understand the humble job. I will go back to select candidates now. I will leave after fighting in the afternoon."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "We are agreeing on a few contact methods and passwords. You are only responsible to me for this operation."

Zhao Debiao stood up and said "Yes." Then he and Fan Keqin began to agree on the method and method of contact.

In the afternoon, Fan Keqin didn't send them off to keep it secret, but asked Zhao Debiao to sneak away by himself. In addition, he asked Zhuang Xiaoman to bring him a lot of money.After all, when you are away from home, as long as you have money, you are courageous.

After Zhao Debiao left, Fan Keqin went to the detention room in person and met with Takeshi Kudo.At this time, Takeshi Kudo finally saw his goal.But he knew that he would never have the chance to complete the task again.Still with an attitude of knowing the current affairs, Fan Keqin said whatever he asked.

In fact, this kid has already vomited out almost everything he knows in the past two days.It's just that Fan Keqin likes to see things from multiple angles.The angle of asking the question is also different.

For example, when Kudo Takeshi investigated Doi Enjiro for the sake of insurance, how did he investigate and where did he start.How to act specifically, why did not continue to investigate after following the International Hotel.Did he see something, or was he afraid of Doi Enjiro's vigilance.After Kudo Takeshi answered one by one, Fan Keqin would ask, why did you conduct such an investigation and so on.

Just ask, a person whose IQ is not in the four digits, no matter how badly they lie, it is impossible for them to come back.Fortunately, Takeshi Kudo chose the most sensible way to save his life from the very beginning, so he didn't lie.Instead, he rejoiced himself.

As for Fan Keqin, he asked, preventing the other party from lying was only a small part of the reason.In fact, it was to get more information from Doi Enjiro.After all, the fat and round old devil is indeed too cunning.Fan Keqin has always been a lion fighting a rabbit and going all out.He does this with minor characters.What's more, it is people like Doi Enjiro who have to deal with at this time.

Not to mention, asking this question really made Fan Keqin ask something.For example, although Takeshi Kudo himself made an agreement with Enjiro Doi, he can only come out again when he knows that the target is dead.But certainly not indefinitely.There must be a limit. Judging from what Takeshi Kudo said, Madoka Doi should be able to wait for about two months to deal with him.If it takes too long, Enjiro Doi won't be able to do other things...

(End of this chapter)

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