spy ace

Chapter 1075 Collapse

Chapter 1075 Collapse
So don't look at you as an old beauty, you can't play well here.And then help you get through all the channels, even the sales channels are done for you, you just need to be a porter and you will be paid for it.Is it still high to share [-]% of the profits?In addition, we also plan to open canning factories, cigarette factories, and iron factories in Meidijia.We allow you to have a small share in the Sinos family.Generally speaking, your Sinos family has taken advantage of it.

So is it okay not to let the Sinosi family participate in the shares?Row!But it is very likely that there will be troubles.After all, he is a local snake, as if the other party came to the country and might encounter various things.I have arrived at Meidi's house, although they claim to be free!Thieves have human rights!But what about the reality?Just listen and you're done.

Have you ever calculated how many wolves a pure Chinese company without any Meidi family members can attract?Although Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin must be fearless, you can't really kill all these people, right?It only needs to share a little profit, and it is still very cost-effective to solve most of these troubles.

Qian Jinxun said: "The Sinos family's influence in the local area is still okay. Doyle has never wanted to sell his weapon company, and the Sinos family solved him. In addition, during the time I was in the local area, I felt It is also not very peaceful, and the forces of various folks are all over the place, if there is no one who understands, there will be a lot of trouble."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said: "Well, the Meidi family is all outsiders. How did the country be established in the first place? It's not that the Meidi family was born only after people from all over the world passed by. People who are not tough and cruel may not be able to survive. It is not surprising that this kind of atmosphere has continued to the present. It is a place full of aggressiveness and selfishness. It is also because of this, as well as the natural The geographical advantages, so the reason why they are so rich at this time."

Fan Keqin knew that, in fact, the black forces of the Meidi family were traditional.Although it is now a period of war, each family is full of aggressiveness in order to protect their own interests.And in the next few decades, the gang power of the Meidi family will become more and more powerful.Even in later generations, it was not so strong.Therefore, if you want to gain a firm foothold in the Meidi family, it is very necessary to win over the local forces and arm yourself.

Qian Jinxun did a good job. During the days he was there, after he took over the properties, he immediately sent a group of people from the company to take care of those properties.Otherwise, it is really not safe.

The three of them then talked about how to ensure the property in the Meidi family and the code of conduct of the brothers in the Meidi family.Of course, codes of conduct are just nice to hear.In fact, under what circumstances can force be used, you can't just kill someone just because someone spit at you.You can't kill the whole family just because some stupid B scolded you for no reason.

The power of life and death can only be used when one's own interests are touched.Must be distinguished from other gangs.Because the other gang members are very crazy, and they want to walk like crabs, followed by a dozen or so younger brothers, and if they don't like it, they will beat them to death.Behavior like this is absolutely unacceptable.And it's also very cute!

Generally speaking, the three of Fan Keqin think that there is nothing wrong with what they do in China.It's like killing a few people for the benefit of the company.And these people didn't know the good and bad in the first place, and caused the company's overall interests to be lost.Otherwise, the company will not take action against them.In the end, the three people reached a consensus that force was only used to safeguard their own interests.

After talking about the business, the three of them went downstairs and played with the ladies in the billiard room below. At twelve o'clock in the evening, they all left the Phoenix International Club.

In this way, for a few days, nothing happened.Of course, this refers to special circumstances, and there are still routine jobs.Another morning, Fan Keqin had breakfast, and was escorted by secret bodyguards to the Security Bureau.

After wandering around the investigation office and the field team, he returned to his office.After just one cigarette, Zhuang Xiaoman knocked on the door and walked in, saying, "Virgin, I just received a secret telegram from the Northeast Investigation Team."

After Fan Keqin took it, he started free translation directly.When he finished reading the content, he felt a little worried.Because the content is that the investigation team operating in the Northeast discovered that Enjiro Doi had actually appeared, and appeared in Darren Port.Then a devil's transport ship left the dock.Doi Enjiro never heard from him again.

Judging from this telegram, Doi Enjiro's sudden appearance came to the port, and then left on a transport ship.How is this going?Did the other party discover something was wrong, or did Enjiro Doi know that the assassination failed after he captured Kudo Takeshi?
With this doubt, Fan Keqin immediately asked Zhuang Xiaoman to generate electricity for the tiger, and told him to stop all activities against Doi Enjiro, and kept secret on the spot, waiting for his next order.

However, within three days, this doubt was solved by the people from the Telecommunications Department.It turned out that it was the little devil's base camp on the island, sending an urgent telegram, calling for a person code-named [-]A[-] to return to the island immediately.After deciphering by deciphering experts, [-]A[-] is exactly the identity code of Doi Enjiro's headquarters.

But this sealed telegram did not say the reason for the recall of Doi Enjiro.Therefore, Fan Keqin had no choice but to stop the anti-sanction action against Doi Enjiro with regret.Immediately generate electricity to Zhao Debiao and let him return to the headquarters by himself.

He had just finished operating on this side, and then directed a batch of the latest funds to plunder the puppet government's finances into the treasury.Sun Guoxin went to find him.

After entering the office, Fan Keqin saw that Sun Guoxin seemed unhappy, so he asked, "Boss, are you looking for me?"

Sun Guoxin pointed to the chair in front of him, and said, "Donovan is not in a good mood. He is drinking heavily now. And he refuses to go back to the United States. Just, just now, he went to the company again."

"Hasn't he already been dismissed?" Fan Keqin said, "What are you going to do in the company?"

Sun Guoxin said: "Drinking crazy. It's not even noon yet, and I drank like this in the morning. Donovan never did this kind of thing before."

Fan Keqin said, "He won't go back to America?"

Sun Guoxin nodded, and said, "Yes. His son's personality has changed a bit after what happened to his son. That's why we took the follow-up action. Now his position is replaced by David..."

(End of this chapter)

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