spy ace

Chapter 1084 Four Gun Towers

Chapter 1084 Four Gun Towers
Zhou Xiaofei went down and said: "It's just that I don't know if the layout and structure inside have been changed. But the picture I drew is probably not bad from what it looked like when it was built."

Immediately afterwards, he told the two people about the internal structure in detail.It is also a well-founded little explanation, what is the distance between the window and the window.This is a load-bearing wall, so the space on the first floor cannot be changed here...it must be the same as the second floor.But the room next to it may be changed, but it must be a staircase, so what direction is the door on the first floor? In short, it is deduced bit by bit, and it is very detailed.

After finishing talking about the main building, he started talking about several nearby buildings that were also in the courtyard.Also same as before, step by step explanation.Use photos to illustrate the situation.Obviously has the attribute of being a good teacher.After finishing speaking, he suddenly asked Qian Jinxun: "Is your secretary single?"

Hearing this, Qian Jinxun didn't speak, but looked at him squintingly.Seeing him like this, Zhou Xiaofei sighed, and said: "I miss Zhou Xiaofei, I have been single for thirty years, and it's time to think about my own problems. Your secretary is very good-looking, and I will come here often in the future."

"Just be flirtatious." Qian Jinxun looked at his watch and said, "Let's go, let's have some food." Then he got up and locked all the drawings drawn by Zhou Xiaofei in his office.

Zhou Xiaofei didn't look at Qian Jinxun's office, saying what he did to Kong Xinran.After coming out with Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun, he immediately turned his eyes straight, pretending to be like a wolf with a big tail.That's the kind of serious, thieves-like gentleman.It didn't match the otaku suit he was wearing at all.

The three of them went to the restaurant and ordered six dishes, opened a bottle of old wine, and began to drink.At the dinner table, Fan Keqin realized from the conversation with Zhou Xiaofei that after he finished middle school, he played around for a few years, and then he went to university, where he majored in engineering and construction.After graduating from university, relying on the solid family background of his grandparents, he is still unwilling to find a job or do something by himself.Just stay at home and make all kinds of tiny buildings to play with.

According to what Zhou Xiaofei himself said, his home is very big, but it has been filled up by the tiny buildings he made, and his next step is to plan and plan, directly designing his home as a city, and it will be a city in the future. The city kind.People walking inside are like giant monsters invading the earth.

In addition to making various miniature buildings, Zhou Xiaofei also draws pictures and comics at other times.No one can guess how many thoughts the otaku has in his head.According to his own statement, he has drawn more than [-] cartoons.It was ordered into about [-] thick comic books by himself.

Hearing this, Fan Keqin finally felt that there was not much difference between Zhou Xiaofei and the otaku of later generations.But this kid is quite talented.If what is said is true, most otaku in later generations read manga.As for him, he draws cartoons.Later generations of otaku play with various models.Zhou Xiaofei made the model himself.It can be said that Zhou Xiaofei is probably the old senior of the nerds, or the "grand master"?
After eating a meal for about two hours, Zhou Xiaofei completely let himself go.After drinking so much, he invited two people to visit his home, but on the way, the kid fell asleep after drinking.Fortunately, Fan Keqin was so strong that he carried his family directly.But don't say it, this kid really didn't blow it!

When entering and exiting the other party's house, the models of various buildings almost covered his entire house, and they were really well done, which can be described as lifelike.

On the second day, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun began to plan an attack on the Devils Gendarmerie Battalion.According to the picture drawn by Zhou Xiaofei, we can have a more accurate assessment of the situation inside.

Combining the scouts' observation and investigation information, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun finally judged that the little devil's compound should have a squadron's strength.According to the basic organization of devils, there are fifty-four people in a small team, and three small teams make up a squadron. In addition to the squadron leader, correspondents, and various staff members of the squadron headquarters, there are about [-] people.

There are quite a few people here, and in addition to the fact that they are all professional ghost soldiers, their combat effectiveness is still relatively strong.Therefore, Fan Keqin had a detailed discussion with Qian Jinxun before starting to customize the attack plan.

There must be no shortage of manpower to attack first.At least fifty people are required, but the maximum cannot exceed three figures.Because once there are more than a hundred people attacking, it is almost impossible to cover up if you want to get close to the devil's garrison without being noticed in the early stage.

Therefore, the number of people is small, so it is necessary to use equipment to make up for it, which is still all submachine guns.And all are equipped with fifty to one hundred rounds of drums, four grenades per person.In the mobilization of four sharpshooters, respectively control the four directions.Although the choice of the devil's resident is very good, there are no tall buildings nearby.

But a little further away, after all, Harbin is also a first-class city at this time.There are still many buildings.A sniper rifle with a high power lens and pre-calibrated.At a distance of about [-] meters, the sharpshooter still has the ability to control certain situations.

However, this barracks is on the edge of the city, and there are two directions that are relatively remote, and further away is the suburbs.Therefore, there are no high-point sniper positions in these two directions.

However, snipers never have to occupy the commanding heights.It is also a good choice to choose a place where you can see the entrance of the barracks, or a nearby key street, as a space control.

The most disgusting thing is that the devils like to build gun towers very much.At the four corners of the wall, there are almost all gun towers, machine gun holes, and shooting ports are fans!After all, the blockhouse is round!There is a warning line under the other four gun towers. Although it is the edge of the city, it is also within the city, so there are still pedestrians around the barracks, but pedestrians must not cross the warning area casually.

Faced with this situation, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun's solution was to instantly destroy the enemy's gun towers.The fight is because the opponent doesn't respond, or in other words, as long as I attack, I will definitely take care of the most difficult facility of the enemy as soon as possible.

Fan Keqin pointed to the turret on the drawing, and said: "These four corners, the turret is connected to the wall. Below is the cordon. As long as someone crosses it, I have no doubt. With the behavior of the devil, he will not care about it." It's not ordinary passers-by who will shoot and kill them directly. We have two options, one is direct, and the other is fancy, both of which can solve these four blockhouses..."

(End of this chapter)

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