spy ace

Chapter 1086 Planning an Attack

Chapter 1086 Planning an Attack
Qian Jinxun continued: "How about directly blowing down a section of the wall connected to the gun tower?"

Fan Keqin said: "You mean, after the turret collapsed, the surrounding wall also collapsed, forming a gap?"

Qian Jinxun nodded and said, "Yes."

Fan Keqin said: "This seems to be possible. If not, in fact, we can let the execution brothers throw bombs together, and throw a few more. For example, two people, one of them smashed the bomb with the touch fuze on the gun tower. The other brother, at the same time, threw it at the wall next to it. If the wall is blown up, it won't be like a gun tower, it will be scattered in a splash state. Even if some bricks and stones fall on the ground, it will be relatively smooth, and then they will swarm Into the attack."

Qian Jinxun gave a "hmm" and said, "We blow up the gun tower because the opponent will form a firepower point inside when we attack. If it is according to what we just said, then we only need to blow it up to make it useless." Yes. The amount of charge saved is too large, and our people need to hide far away, but the distance of penetration will be lengthened.”

"Well said." Fan Keqin said: "Next, let's study how to attack the internal facilities. After all, it is a devil's gendarmerie battalion, and there must be a lot of people inside. A sudden attack will cause chaos inside them, giving them the advantage of attacking from all sides. It needs to be kept going. I think the three buildings inside can completely correspond to the three directions of our attack. After breaking into the wall, the brothers on each side rushed into the corresponding building to complete the cleaning work. The brothers who broke in on the other side, It is responsible for controlling the situation in the hospital. You can also separate some brothers to support the three companions who attacked the building at any time."

Qian Jinxun said: "Well, I think it's okay, just do it like this."

Fan Keqin clicked on the second floor in the diagram on the table, and said: "According to Zhou Xiaofei's analysis, this building should be the main building. I guess it should be the main dormitory of the military police. It also occupies the largest building area. , so let's attack the brothers on the north side. In terms of number, at least... [-] to [-] people. In this way, there will be ten to fifteen brothers on each floor, and we can complete an instant assault. As long as the division of labor is clear, we can Take the entire main building in the first place."

Qian Jinxun said: "Let's count [-] people first. What I said is that the number of people attacking the main building is tentatively set at [-]. What about other directions?"

"East side." Fan Keqin said: "This is an auxiliary building, second only to the main building in terms of area. I don't know whether the devil's squadron headquarters is in the main building or the auxiliary building. However, the headquarters of the devil squadron, no matter where It doesn't matter. We just need to attack step by step and launch a surprise attack. The distance from the courtyard wall to the building is only about [-] meters. Our people can rush to the front and even enter the building in less than five seconds. Then just follow the pre-assigned offensive direction to fight."

"If it's the devil's headquarters." Qian Jinxun said: "Don't worry at all. There are only those people in a squadron. There are more business personnel in the headquarters. Fighting hand to hand may not be more difficult to deal with than ordinary devil soldiers. Maybe the combat effectiveness It’s even lower. I think it’s okay to follow the steps. Besides, isn’t there a team of people left outside? In case of difficulties, they can help at any time. And I don’t believe that the windows of these buildings are all covered with steel by the devils They don’t have so many resources. Therefore, for the support brothers, the choice of entry points is very flexible. All windows are available. As for the devils, they have to face the attack from both inside and outside. Also don’t forget, you are playing Lightning strike, the speed is so fast, these little devils are also human, from blowing up the wall, rushing into it, to entering the building, I believe it took ten to fifteen seconds at most! It may not be possible to react at all. .”

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, when you encounter a room that is difficult to attack, the brothers still carry grenades. In a small space, grenades and submachine guns have an absolute advantage. If you can't, just throw a few grenades in. Then use absolute firepower tactics to charge into specific rooms. They still use fifty rounds, seventy-five rounds, or a hundred rounds of drum drums. In this case, no one can block them in a certain room hold them."

Qian Jinxun said: "That's right." As he spoke, he pointed at the blueprint and said, "Where is the building to the west?"

Fan Keqin said: "Zhou Xiaofei estimates that it is also an auxiliary building here. But we really don't know what the little devil is doing now. Besides, where are the eight radio inspection vehicles? We don't know, you say, Could these eight cars be in one of the auxiliary buildings, and be converted into some kind of garage or repair workshop by them?"

"It's very possible." Qian Jinxun thought for a while, and said, "Among the investigation information, there is one piece of information, that is, there were two radio surveillance vehicles at first, then three, and four. The two vehicles were added one by one later. The source must be the gendarmerie battalion. Then there must be a repair shop in their compound. There is also a radio surveillance vehicle, which must be full of electronic components. The cars are... all protected from rain and snow. But will the little devils allow these surveillance cars to be parked in the open? At least there must be a warehouse, and they will go into the warehouse in turn for inspection and maintenance, or maintenance. .”

Fan Keqin said: "Well, then these two auxiliary buildings...even this main building, there may be garages or repair workshops on the first floor...it is the interior of the barracks itself, except for the normal maintenance personnel and sentry posts, I don't think there will be any Maybe the devils sent troops to guard these cars inside."

Qian Jinxun said: "What should we do if we encounter a car? Kill it directly, or take down the entire barracks according to the plan first."

"Clean up first!" Fan Keqin said: "Since we have done it, let's do it thoroughly. When we have the ability to clean up the entire barracks, we should first consider eating the other party. To eat the other party, there is a The principle is to always kill the other party's vital forces first. If there is no one in the car, then don't worry about it. Everything will be done as planned, and the devils will be cleaned up first. But just to be on the safe side, we can specially arrange some people to carry bombs. As long as radio surveillance vehicles are found in that direction, they will be notified immediately, and they will blow up these vehicles."

Qian Jinxun said: "The time for the attack must be chosen. These vehicles are usually dispatched in rotation, and some vehicles are always wandering around the city."

Fan Keqin said: "It's okay! The attacking barracks is a brother of the Security Bureau..."

(End of this chapter)

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