spy ace

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094
Why is Harbin so developed now?That's because she was a very important transportation hub before, so there are many roads entering the city.People, cars, and goods circulate very quickly. With such a high daily traffic, although the Japanese and puppets also have checkpoints, they are all blocking some trucks. If cars enter and exit normally, it is almost impossible. will not be blocked.Unless you killed yourself and leaked some obvious flaws.

Kang Changming and Zhao Debiao let the two brothers steal the two pre-marked cars on the day of the operation.And carried out a simple and appropriate modification.The seats and trunk fenders were removed.

Then the two cars went directly to the outskirts of the city, where the weapons were hidden in Dayedi.Thomson wrapped in felt paper and buried, the corresponding bullets, grenades, drums, etc. were dug out.Then count the required quantity and put it in the car.Returned to the urban area again, in a western-style building with a yard.

That's right, the original owner of Xiaoyanglou was tied up like a rice dumpling and thrown in the upstairs room.And there are still people watching, and now they just wait for the time to come, then distribute the weapons and move closer to the barracks as planned.

On the other side, Bai Fengtai's team had more things to do.He was a little earlier, so he asked people to pick up the needed equipment.Then we agreed on a few meeting points, and immediately asked the brothers to go to the Binjiang cargo station and press and release the bomb.

It doesn't take too many people to press and release the bomb, because they have detected seven places that are easy to hide and will not be found in a short time without accident.The field team members also tried their best to conceal the bombs they were carrying, and one of the team members directly pretended to be a salesman.He hid the bomb in a wooden box on his back and took a rattle.When I met Japanese puppets patrolling the streets, I started shaking "Dang Dang Dang" and started selling goods.If not, play the role of a peddler on the road.

In this way, he came all the way to the Binjiang freight station and bought a big Shandong steamed stuffed bun sold by a roadside vendor.He took it to the opposite side of the street, then put down the cargo box, sat on the slate and began to chew on the buns.

The stone slab was paved at the door of a coal shed at the back, and the wooden door of this coal shed has a damaged bottom, which looks like a dog hole.

While nibbling on the bun, he slowly opened the cargo box with his right hand, and took out something wrapped in black cloth.In fact, it is a TNT bomb with a set time.

Eating and eating, the field team member seemed to be tired and leaned back.With a push of his right hand back, the TNT bomb had already been stuffed in through the broken hole.Then he ate the buns in his hand very calmly, and even enthusiastically sold the rattle to a kid from a rich family before leaving.

The reason why this coal shed was chosen was that it was less than half a street away from Binjiang Freight Station. Once it exploded, if it was heard a little farther away, it must have been thought that the freight station had been attacked.In addition, this coal shed is very secretive. After all, it is not winter. As long as there is no special event, it is impossible for someone to open this coal shed.In addition, although this place is facing the street, there are not too many pedestrians on the road, and no one wants to stop in front of the coal shed.In this way, after the explosion, the chance of accidentally injuring local civilians will naturally be greatly reduced.

Just like the behavior of this field team member, it was staged almost in no particular order at the seven locations around Binjiang Station.It's just that the places where the bombs are placed and hidden are different. Some are in dilapidated warehouses, and some wrap TNT in a layer of linoleum and hide it in someone else's flowerpot.Even the brother who did the best, wrapped TNT in a layer of yellow mud, then pretended to be a large Kung Fu, and threw it directly into a public toilet next to Binjiang Station.

After all these people finished planting the bomb skillfully, they began to walk towards the predetermined points.A total of five points because they are five cars.

It is said that when the seven brothers planted the bomb, others were not idle. Through technology, they stole the car selected in the past two days.Then they found a secluded and secluded place, and distributed the weapons retrieved in the morning to each vehicle.Finally, these vehicles separated and went to the agreed meeting place to pick up people.

There are five people in each car, and the space is still ok, not so crowded.After getting into the car, the weapons were already in their hands.The brother who is driving is listening to the time reported by the brother next to him every once in a while, and decides the speed of the car.

That's it, the calculations along the way were good, although the five cars were in different directions.But on the riverside, that is, near the Japanese police school, they gathered into a convoy.

Following the crazy acceleration, it quickly approached the target on a side street, and then stopped at the door with a creak.As soon as Fang stopped, the car door opened, and twenty-five special agents, including Bai Fengtai, rushed in frantically with loaded submachine guns.

The person in the lead, while running, raised his hand in a fan-like sweep, directly sweeping down the two guards wearing the police uniforms of the puppet Manchukuo.

In the next moment, he took the lead and rushed in, regardless of other people, just rushed up the stairs dully.On the second floor, he formed a three-man assault team with the two brothers behind him and attacked the corridor on the left.The other three people behind them formed another group and started attacking the corridor on the right...

It is said that twelve brothers attacked the second floor, six people on the left and right, and two assault teams on each side.Fifty rounds of drums in one uniform, enter the room when you see it, and kill anyone you see.There is no redundant communication and action.

There are also twelve people on the first floor, the same tactics.Score left and right and start harvesting all the life in this building.Bai Fengtai was holding a Thomson, guarding the mail room at the door, and used it as a response, and the gunshots were frequent and frequent.It probably rang for about a minute, maybe less than that, and then disappeared completely.

Bai Fengtai glanced at his watch and shouted: "The last minute!" Then he cheered up again and guarded the throat of the concierge.

It didn't take a minute, in fact, about ten seconds later, someone upstairs yelled: "Target found, dead!" and then repeated it again.After hearing this, the crowd immediately stopped searching for the corpse and turned around to gather in the lobby on the first floor.

Bai Fengtai waved his hands and shouted, "Get in the car, get in the car, retreat as planned! Hurry up!!"

(End of this chapter)

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