spy ace

Chapter 1096 Ferocious

Chapter 1096 Ferocious
Boom, boom!Several consecutive explosions, in no particular order, suddenly reverberated under the sky.But apart from the field team member just now, the gun towers at the other three corners were also attacked by the tentacle hammer at the same time.

This kind of hammer with five tentacles on it is naturally made by Jiang Bin, and the principle is very simple.It was he and Du Shengli who were inspired by the same trigger fuze on the mine when they were preparing the mine.

This kind of hammer is much larger than ordinary hammers, and TNT itself is much lighter than metals such as steel, with the same volume.It is naturally very big if it is made with "hammer body".It should not be too heavy, so that the field team members cannot throw it.

Moreover, this hammer bomb has a much larger charge than an anti-tank grenade.The latter is thrown forward so that the trigger fuze can move forward, so there is something like an ultra-small parachute behind it.The hammer bomb is different. The handle itself is made of wood, which is naturally light in weight. The huge hammer head is the center of gravity. Therefore, as long as you throw it forward, except for a very small chance, it will roll over, causing the hammer handle to hit the target and will not explode immediately. In addition, any impact of a certain weight on any remaining part will cause the main body of TNT to explode.

In fact, even if the hammer handle first touched the target and did not explode immediately, but the hammer fell to the ground and hit the firing pin, it would still be detonated.This is equivalent to a double insurance.

The TNT equivalent was calculated very accurately by the bomb expert Jiang Bin. It seemed that the blockhouse was slashed obliquely with a big knife, and most of it was directly blown up.The two machine gunners inside, a devil at the shooting point, were immediately beaten to blood by the shock wave and flying bricks, and died on the spot.

The gun tower was blown up like this, and it is almost impossible to think of its function.Unless there is enough time to sort out, sort out the large piece of rubble from the landslide, and then force it in and shoot like a fool.But if you do this, there is a large area behind that is open, and it will become a living target.

The turret is connected to the walls on both sides. After the turret was destroyed, a part of the wall next to it collapsed with a rumbling sound.

According to the plan, the field team members who approached from around waited for the sound of the explosion to show up one after another.Some of them carried the big long pockets like those used to sell newspapers, and some carried luggage rolls on their backs.There are also dealers pretending to be sellers, carrying burdens and so on.Guns and weapons are hidden in these things.

After drawing out the weapon, he rushed towards the gap in the wall immediately.Zhao Debiao is in charge of this aspect, and his style is assault.So he shouted: "Come on!!" He raised his gun, almost in the first echelon, and rushed in.

Da da da! !As soon as Zhao Debiao went in, he ran in for two or three seconds and came to an internal road.It looked like three ghosts ran out of a building next to it that seemed to be a warehouse or a garage.These devils came out to check the situation after hearing the sound.

Zhao Debiao didn't stop at all, the gun in his hand "Da Da Da! Da Da Da!" Two quick bursts came from the side, and the three devils were shocked immediately and fell to the ground.

After Zhao Debiao shot, he didn't stop, and shouted: "Two twos cover the formation!"

The people behind him immediately followed what he said, only moved a few steps slightly sideways, and they were already in their positions.Under the leadership of Zhao Debiao, these warehouses were swept away in an instant.

The people inside were all brought down as soon as they walked by.Originally, these people were here to maintain the four large cars in the garage.Not to mention their bare hands, some were lying on their backs under the car, showing half of their bodies.There can be no threat in this state.He was directly killed by a group of team members who pressed down their guns with a short point.

Zhao Debiao made an assault on this side very quickly, after confirming that the entire warehouse had been taken down.He immediately let the pre-assigned team members occupy the throats in the yard, and began to clean up the devils in the yard.

At this time, in the boiler room next to it, and inside an ancillary building, the sound of gunfire like a typewriter has been connected together.There really was that kind of quick-response devil who jumped out of the window with a gun in his hand, but just as he landed, he was beaten into a sieve by a team of field workers from the Security Bureau guarding the yard.

The attack is launched from all sides at the same time, but four sides does not mean four places!What's the meaning?That is, there must be people attacking the gun towers at the four corners.But this building is surrounded by walls, so it has front and rear doors.

The front door faces south, and there are about a dozen devils guarding the door.There are also some roadblocks at the entrance. Since No. [-] in Shanghai was almost leveled by car bombs, most of the Japanese puppet agencies or garrisons have some heavy roadblocks that are higher than the car chassis.

But roadblocks can't stop people, and the mobile team is responsible for attacking from the main entrance.As soon as they heard the continuous explosions, the agents of the mobile team had their weapons in their hands.And the dozen or so devils at the main entrance were attracted by the roar behind them.Many people even turned their heads to look in the direction of the rumbling sound.This time, the mobile team took advantage of it.

The mobile group also used a Thomson with fierce firepower, with a drum, a bullet was thrown over, and a dozen devils were beaten tremblingly and died in an instant.Without stopping at all, while running and shooting, the mobile team's field staff who killed people directly charged in from the front.

Kang Changming on the other side is similar to Zhao Debiao.It's just that he's disguised as a firewood salesman, and the guns are hidden in bundles of firewood.The person in charge of blowing up the gun tower had just come to the front, when he reached into the bag to take the firing pin and the sledgehammer.The people around the cart suddenly changed their normal behavior and pulled out their submachine guns from the firewood.

After all the guns were in their hands, the gun tower on this side, connected with the left and right walls, was also directly destroyed in the explosion.Kang Changming immediately shouted: "Attack!!! Attack according to plan!!!"

In fact, even if he didn't shout this voice, everyone would know what to do. After all, who should do what, when to do it, and how to do it all clearly knew.

So with this shout, all the field staff of the Security Bureau, each with their guns in their hands, strayed away, and quickly rushed in along the gaps in the walls on both sides of the gun tower.

Not far from this side is the main building. After a group of team members rushed in, they saw the devil soldiers in the yard, and they fired a string of bullets, and they didn't stop after sweeping them to death...

(End of this chapter)

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