spy ace

Chapter 1099 Take it all down

Chapter 1099 Take it all down
Liu Li asked them to tie them around their necks immediately.Then hide the triangle scarf in the collar of the front, so no one will notice.In this way, as long as you lift up with your hand when you are in action, you can enter the masked state in an instant.

As for clothes or something, don't really worry about it.They had been monitoring the radio surveillance vehicles wandering around the city before.They basically change their outfits every day. One day they change into work clothes, and the next they change into ordinary white coats.Anyway, they will definitely not wear the clothes they use to lurk in the local area.

Everyone also has their own way of changing clothes.Don't worry about it!The simplest kind, after the operation is over, get out of the danger zone, and then find a corridor can become a replacement point.This thing is so flexible that Liu Li doesn't need to worry about it.

Just after five o'clock in the afternoon, Liu used advanced tracking to hide in a building hole in front of the radio surveillance vehicle, and used the damage on the wall of the building hole to secretly watch the radio surveillance vehicle slowly approaching. .

All of a sudden, he heard a bang, a bang, a little west of the north side of the city!It was like a thunderous movement.But he realized in an instant that it couldn't be thunder, because the sound of thunder was different from the sound of an explosion.He believed his men would be able to tell the difference, too.

So without any hesitation, he pulled on the triangular scarf, quickly opened the pocket on his back, took out a Thomson submachine gun from it, and loaded it with a bang.The feet moved at the same time and came to the middle of the street.

The radio surveillance vehicle was still about [-] meters away from him at this time, but obviously the people in the vehicle also heard the roar, and the speed of the vehicle had just increased a little.

But Liu Li didn't care about that, he stood in the middle of the road, the muzzle of the gun swayed from side to side, and his finger pulled the trigger. "Da da da..." A series of bullets were fired.The windshield of the radio surveillance vehicle that was turned on at once appeared densely packed with bullet holes.

The driver and a ghost on the co-pilot suddenly shuddered all over, and then they couldn't control their bodies anymore, and directly lay on the steering wheel.

Since the guy was still stepping on the accelerator, but couldn't control the direction, the car plunged into the wall of the building next to it with a "boom", and then stopped.

Liu Li was very cautious and changed the magazine.In this little time, just look at a cyclist wearing a face towel on the right side of the road.And the same two cyclists with their faces in the triangular scarf behind them have stopped near the rear sides of the radio surveillance vehicle.A grenade in one hand and a gunner's in the other aimed at the back door of the car.

One of them jumped off his bicycle, walked quickly to the back door of the radio surveillance vehicle, shot three times at the door handle lock sideways, and then yanked the door violently.
Several people shot at the two devils who were yelling loudly at the same time, with bang bang bang bang indiscriminately.

This radio surveillance vehicle looks a bit like an armored vehicle. Of course, armored vehicles are also available these days, but they are not very popular.Because almost everyone believes that armored vehicles are too easy to destroy, and the armor is too thin, and the firepower is not as good as that of tanks.Therefore, it is really better to build more tanks than to build armored vehicles.

But this radio surveillance vehicle really looks like an armored vehicle of later generations, but it is just like, after all, it is not an armored vehicle.That's because although there are already electronic components in this era, they are really a bit big.In order to detect more intensively, surveillance vehicles are bigger.It's like turning the radio into the size of a vehicle.As a result, a "freak car" with a truck in the front and an armored car in the back appeared.

The surveillance equipment at the back is operated by two people, one monitors the strength of the signal, and the other can measure the direction according to the instruments on the surveillance vehicle.Then contact the rest of the surveillance vehicles at the same time to perform multilateration.You can lock the position of the radio station more quickly.

The latter two operators were originally technicians. Although they were also equipped with guns, they could not move at all due to the small space.In addition, although the speed of the car was not too fast just now, it also bumped into the wall abruptly.Because of this, he was unsteady and slightly confused.In addition, they are technicians, and the speed of drawing their guns is really not as fast as those professional soldiers.Therefore, as soon as the door was opened, there was no effective counterattack at all.He was directly shot and killed by several operatives on the spot.

Liu Li glanced at the equipment in the back compartment, and said, "Grenade!"

While talking, he and the three subordinates each took out a grenade, pulled the safety spring and released the clip, and threw it directly into the rear compartment of the radio surveillance vehicle.

A few people turned around and ran away pushing the car, and within a few seconds, they heard a bang!The entire trunk of the radio surveillance vehicle had been blown inside by four grenades, and it was rotting away.

In fact, electronic devices will be expensive gadgets in future generations, let alone now.Otherwise, how could the radio surveillance vehicle drive so slowly?

At this time, after being bombed by the grenade, it is impossible to recover the surveillance function.

Liu Li said loudly: "Don't forget what I said before... Withdraw! Disperse!!"

Everyone heard the words without hesitation, got on their bikes, dispersed at the next intersection, and fled separately.

In the city, almost the same drama was staged in the other three locations.It's just that there are different ways to force the radio surveillance vehicles to stop.

Some directly blew up the tires with several shots.Others use grenades, and after a few seconds delay, throw them under the chassis of the car.In addition, relying on Thomson's ferocious firepower, two shuttles came from the beginning to the end of the car, and almost killed the people inside through the outer shell of the car.It's just that they also understand the principle of doing things thoroughly.

After all, Liu Li had told them repeatedly before.Plus local people, especially radio technicians, suffered heavy losses in the previous stage.So everyone knows how powerful the radio surveillance vehicle is.Therefore, in the end, they almost unanimously used grenades to directly destroy the electronic equipment in the rear compartment of the car.

In fact, it is not only Harbin.In Dachun, Fengtian, and Dalian, at exactly five o'clock, there was a lot of commotion in all of them.Darien's electronic component storage warehouse, Fengtian just built an electronic assembly workshop.Dachun's secret component factory.At the same time, they were attacked by the field team of the Security Bureau.

However, the difficulty of these places is definitely not as good as the barracks in Harbin.As I said before, in order to keep these places secret, I dare not be too ostentatious.Although there are guards inside, but not many.Therefore, the field team of the Security Bureau relied on all the submachine guns, and under the surprise attack with mental calculation and unintentional calculation.These places were taken with very little loss and in a very short time.

(End of this chapter)

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