spy ace

Chapter 1109 Kidnapping

Chapter 1109 Kidnapping
Dong Ziyang went on to say: "So he will follow the driver's line to check. Who has he contacted these days? Has your family benefited? Do you usually drive on that line? Why did you run into him that day? The human way? In these situations, it is inevitable to see the problem. As long as there is something that does not match or does not meet, then he will continue to investigate."

Fan Keqin, who had been watching from the side without speaking, smiled when he heard this.Sure enough, this Dong Ziyang is really a master detective.Almost all of what he said hit the point.But he still didn't say anything, he just smoked a cigarette beside him and looked at a few people.

I only heard Dong Ziyang continue to say: "Check it out, maybe it will be found on Mei Feifei's head, even if there is no evidence, there will be some associations. And the company doesn't need to take such a risk. At that time, the total You can’t kill the people who are investigating this. Then others will understand that there is a real problem.”

After he finished speaking, Sheng Jing was young after all, with a relatively thin skin, and she was a little red.In order to cover up, he also touched a cigarette and lit it, but he still choked and coughed continuously.

The bystanders smiled involuntarily when they saw it.But he didn't say anything, and Sheng Jing was embarrassed again.

Mi Zhijian said from the side: "Now, we have to think of a way. After three people die together, there must be no doubts. This must be reasonable. Robbery... If it is a robbery, it can't be done. Several people die together Let's do it, kill three people at the same time and start with a single target. In addition, even if one person successfully kills the three of them, it will still be suspicious, one kill three... the skill is a bit too good."

Man Shanfeng said: "Well, if the robbery is a reasonable disguise, it's okay if the target is one person. Three people...it's difficult. What about Rush? It's okay, but Rush only killed Hua Zizhuo, Lei Chunming and Lei Yuan. People will also see the problem. You can’t find someone who wants to die actively, let’s die with them. Even if there is such a person, we will have nowhere to find it in a short time.”

Jin Manyu pondered for a while at this moment, and said, "How about kidnapping?"

After saying this, everyone did not express their views immediately, but fell into deep thought.Fan Keqin thought that Jin Manyu had hit the point.In the case of dealing with multiple targets, it is especially important not to implicate specific people or forces.Kidnapping is undoubtedly one of the very good ways.This is what he thought of before.

After a while, Sheng Jing said: "I feel...it seems to be okay. As long as we really go to kidnap the ticket."

"Well." Dong Ziyang also nodded in agreement, and said: "Ah Jing's second sentence, I think it is the most important thing, as long as we really go to kidnap the ticket. Let the other party's family members also participate, blackmail, raise money, and report it without hesitation. Don’t report to the officials. How to pay the ransom. In these situations, they first have a preconceived impression when they get involved. In addition, let’s do it smarter. .I think it’s okay. In the end, if someone dies, even if their family is not reconciled and sends people out, it’s just to find the kidnapper.”

Jin Manyu nodded and said: "That's what I mean. Let's study how to do it, so that it will be more real." She paused here, and continued: "First of all, Lei Chunming, Lei Yuan's family is rich. Kidnapping them is reasonable in itself. As for Hua Zizhuo, the conditions at home are also good... But it should not have reached the level of being the target of the kidnappers. Then kidnapping him becomes incidental. For example, after setting the target, and then At the time of the implementation, Hua Zizhuo was also there, so the kidnappers must not let this kid go. Is it reasonable to tie him up together, or simply...kill him?"

"Reasonable." Dong Ziyang affirmed: "For example, I am a kidnapper, and I set a time to attack, but when it came time to attack, there was another person besides Lei Chunming and Lei Yuan. I tied them together, then It is almost a certain choice. If I killed Hua Zizhuo directly at that time...it also makes sense, but I suggest that we tie them up together, because if we want to kill them directly at that time...I am a kidnapper, and I mainly seek money first, not killing people The first purpose. Unless Hua Zizhuo was dishonest and resisted at the time, and although I was asking for money, I was not made of mud, so it is reasonable to kill Hua Zizhuo who resisted directly... But the scene layout of the other party's resistance , it may be a little troublesome, but it is not impossible to arrange."

Jin Manyu thought for a while, and said: "Then let's tie them together. If Hua Zizhuo was directly killed at that time, it would not be conducive to seeking money. After all, he is dead. It may immediately alarm the authorities. This is something the kidnappers do not want to see."

Man Shanfeng said from the side: "Yes, my suggestion is not to kill Hua Zizhuo on the spot, and then he is in our hands, it is nothing more than a matter of sooner or later."

Jin Manyu nodded and said: "Okay, then it's settled. During the kidnapping, Hua Zizhuo was tied up together. Then... it's asking for money. Let's think about it. The Lei family must contact Yes, because we want to blackmail. But what about Hua Zizhuo's family? Do you want to contact? Blackmail together?"

Mi Zhijian frowned and said: "It should be... don't. First, we kidnapped this kid. Besides, we are kidnappers, so we must get the money and nothing happens. It's normal if we blackmail Lei's family." Yes, but the family has been blackmailed, and there is still no plan. The Hua family is not very well-off, so there is no guarantee how much the Hua family can spend, or whether they will immediately choose to report to the government."

Sheng Jing nodded and said: "Yes, if I were a kidnapper, I would certainly be greedy for money, but the Lei family itself is a wealthy family with money. If you want to get money, you must get money from their family. If you don't know the details If you get money from your family, you will take more risks. Even if we kidnap them and come back, we know through Hua Zizhuo’s mouth that his family has some family background. But if you have more families, you will take more risks. Although I am a money-grubbing kidnapper , but I also don’t want to take the risk of nearly doubling it.”

What Sheng Jing said in these few words is still very level, which shows that Sheng Jing is indeed in this line of work and is still very talented.The brain is definitely enough, but he is young and inexperienced, and there are some common problems of young people, sometimes he is not stable.If you give him some time, the possibility of becoming a good player is still very high.Fan Keqin decided to continue to observe.

(End of this chapter)

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