spy ace

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111 (Four Ones, commemorate please subscribe)

Sheng Jing blushed again, probably because of Jin Manyu's praise.But everyone pretended not to see it, and it will be fine after a while.

Man Shanfeng said: "If we want to collect money, we should use a temporary stealth line to direct Lei's family to wander around the city. For example, let's write down a few public telephones and let them call them within a certain period of time. Rush to the Huangshan Hotel. After answering a call, ask them to go to the restaurant of the Youth Culture Station within the specified time. Call again and ask them to go to the front hall of the cinema. After doing this several times, I believe that the officials around them It will be less. After all, it is impossible for the government to send a large number of cars. Even if there are so many cars, NVC is not a fool. Can he agree to be so ostentatious? Wouldn’t that make their sons and daughters court death? We still have an excuse Woolen cloth!

Finally, get them out of town again and deposit the money somewhere.It is best to have an open area around this place, so that officials will not dare to approach.In this place, there is a letter.Another location is written.It's still a public phone address of some hotel, and the phone will tell Lei's family, Lei Yuan's exact location when the money is received smoothly. "

Speaking of this, Man Shanfeng frowned, and continued: "We have collected the money, but how can people be killed reasonably?"

"It's actually easy to handle." Mi Zhijian said: "Brother Ziyang is a veteran of detectives. After we kidnap the three of Hua Zizhuo, don't forget, it will take one to two days. I think this time should be enough for Ziyang." Brother Yang, let’s fake a scene to create a situation where Lei Chunming resists, as long as the scene is arranged cleverly, it will naturally be reasonable.”

Jin Manyu turned to look at Dong Ziyang, and asked, "How about Ziyang? In one to two days, can you set up a scene that even the experts can't see?"

Dong Ziyang thought for a while, and said: "Time must be enough, for example, the broken rope, the stone that broke the rope, the traces of the corner of the wall, the layout of the footprints, and the food and drink that were knocked down. I will arrange it in detail. Experts in the traces could definitely tell that it was Lei Chunming who broke the rope and went out to collect money, so there was only one kidnapper left. Therefore, he thought it was an opportunity, so he immediately wanted to subdue the kidnapper.

But he didn't expect to eat and drink very little in the past two days. Although the rope was worn out, the strength in his body was much weaker than before.So he didn't subdue the kidnapper all at once, so instead, the kidnapper turned defeat into victory and shot him to death with a single shot.These can be shown from the footprints and some furnishings next to it.As long as I do it carefully enough, the trace master can see the information.If it's not a trace master...not a master, it seems that we don't need to worry about it. "

Jin Manyu said: "Well, as long as you are sure, don't make it too careful, and let people see that we did it on purpose. Sometimes it's too perfect, but it's not right."

Dong Ziyang said: "Don't worry, I'm still sure about this."

Mi Zhijian said: "One shot to death, um, Lei Chunming is dead, and it seems useless to leave Lei Yuan alone. It is reasonable to shoot Lei Yuan as well. It's just a gun... ...we need to get a gun."

Dong Ziyang thought for a while, and said: "During our investigation, I found that Lei Chunming seemed to have a gun. We tied him up. Naturally, it was impossible not to search him, and then took his gun down, and finally used his own gun Kill him. Then no one will be able to find out anything. It saves us the trouble of getting the gun ourselves."

Jin Manyu said: "Are you sure he has a gun? What if he didn't bring it at that time? So we still need to prepare a spare gun. The company prepares for us, and they are all shipped from abroad. It's just that after finishing this, You may have to be careful with this gun in the future. Just don’t remind people of this kidnapping incident in the future.”

Can the current ballistic inspection trace be done?It can really be done, why can it be done, because although the optical microscope is a rare item nowadays, no matter how difficult it is to find, as long as you are willing, you can always get it.

Let alone an official organization, if they really want it, as long as they are willing to spend money, they will definitely be able to get it.Then use a microscope to observe the marks on the bullets.For example, whether the ballistic marks on the two bullets are the same, as long as they compare them patiently, they can definitely be seen.

What is the smoke reaction after shooting.As long as the gun is fired, there must be gunpowder residue in the hand.It's just that you can't see it with the naked eye, but if you use a microscope, you can see it naturally.It's just that no one knows the concept of these things now.To put it bluntly, no one can think of these.

Of course, someone may have thought of it, but it's just a matter of thinking about it.But Fan Keqin knew about it, but he never told anyone.Some things are not ready to be made public, at least not yet.

The reason why Jin Manyu said this was not because she also knew ballistic testing, but because of the caliber of firearms.For example, after the bullet head is found, or seen by experienced people, it is still possible to tell what brand of firearm it is.In this case, if the same firearm kills someone in the future, can it be associated with this incident?Although this possibility is very small, but they are the CEO of the company, and it is really nothing to give up and destroy a gun.The cost is almost negligible.

Jin Manyu continued: "Where's the car? Use the other party's? Hua Zizhuo and Lei Chunming both have one, two in total, three of us. When we are in action, we should prepare one just in case. Of course, we don't need it." It’s the best. Then Hanako Zhuo and the three of them are dizzy, and they drive away.”

"Yes." Dong Ziyang said: "I should prepare one by myself, just keep it as a spare, and use it when needed. Let me think about it, what else do I need... Ropes, gag cloth, food and drink. We wear clothes when we act. Clothes, footwear, etc. Well, that’s all.”

Fan Keqin, who had been observing from the sidelines, finally spoke at this time. He was just like a transparent bystander, observing several people.As a result, the thinking patterns of these people are still very satisfactory to him.

However, a single plan was not enough in his eyes, so at the end of the plan, he finally said: "Prepare one more method. That is, if you want to make the scene look like a rebellion, it's okay. But it's not enough. Because maybe what happened at the time, for example, the Lei family has been choosing to cooperate with the official from the beginning to the end..."

(Four ones, how auspicious! Please subscribe, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, I want everything, hehe!)

(End of this chapter)

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