spy ace

Chapter 1124 The Quarry

Chapter 1124 The Quarry

After panting for a while, Cao Shihong finally recovered.Then, after distinguishing the direction, he followed the instructions on the phone and walked to the east side of the factory building.

After arriving at the easternmost side, Cao Shihong straightened his waist and unconsciously felt that he had done a few small movements, and took a look at the surrounding situation by the way.But here is still a production workshop, but there is no wall on the easternmost side.He can even look down from here.However, he didn't have the time to go to the edge. On a broken cement bag next to it, there was a very new and conspicuous envelope.

Cao Shihong stood down and glanced at it, and saw the crooked writing on it, and he immediately reached out to take the letter.Open it and pull out the letter paper inside.I saw it said: "Slide the ransom money down the slide on the east edge, the people below have withdrawn the money, confirmed it is true, and will leave another letter with Cao Yuan, Cao Chunming and Hua Zizhuo on it." Where is the information."

Cao Shihong finished reading the letter and threw it on the ground.He already understood in his heart that this cement factory was actually the place where the ransom was paid.So he immediately took two steps to the edge.Sure enough, there is a wooden slide here, which may have been used to slide down cement bags or something.It's just that it's been too long, and it's a bit mottled.But it still looks solid.

And at this time, Cao Shihong found that at the end of one end of the slide, at some point, there were already two guys in ordinary clothes and black scarves standing there.

One of them was holding a letter in his hand. Seeing Cao Shihong appearing, he waved it. Then he bent down, put the letter on the ground, picked up a stone, and pressed it on top of the envelope. .

Cao Shihong asked angrily and loudly: "How do I know if I will be played by you after I give the money! Maybe there is nothing in that letter!!"

The other party didn't speak, but bent down and picked up the letter.Putting it on his body, he turned around and walked out with his companions.

"Wait, wait!" Cao Shi roared loudly, "I'll pay!! I'll pay!!!"

Hearing this, the two people stopped and walked to the other end of the slide again.The person before still put the letter on the ground, but he was more rude than last time.It was thrown directly on the ground, and then a piece of gravel was randomly picked up with his feet and pressed on it.

"Wait a minute, I'll slide the money down right now." Cao Shihong said, "You'd better make sure you didn't misplace the letter!" Just one person.

As for the master he hired, after leaving the city last time, he couldn't follow him anymore.Therefore, if the other party wants to rob now, I am afraid that I will be powerless to stop it.But the other party chose to use this method and kept a certain distance from him. It can be seen that these kidnappers tried their best not to let him see anything, and they didn't intend to tie themselves together.

So with this thought in mind, Cao Shihong no longer hesitated, stretched out his hand to pick up a rattan box and put it on the slide.I saw that the rattan box broke the resistance due to gravity.With a snort, he slid down.Cao Shihong similarly put another rattan box on top and rowed it down.

After the two people below caught the rattan box, they opened it and checked the money.Followed by a resistance on the shoulders, he took a big step towards the west side.

After walking out of the cement factory quickly, a car turned out from a small forest next to it. It was Jin Manyu who was driving the car, helping two people out here.By the way, meet them.After getting in the car, he drove along the road immediately, and after a few turns, he disappeared outside the area of ​​the cement factory.

On Cao Shihong's side, after sliding down two boxes, he didn't turn around immediately and went downstairs, but stood on the edge and looked at the two kidnappers.Seeing that they did not bow their heads to take the letter away again, but left with the box on their shoulders.Only then did Cao Shihong turn around and follow the same route, and went down the stairs.

Then he quickly walked around to the east side, came to the bottom of the chute, reached out to pick up the letter, tore open the envelope, shook the letter and looked at it carefully.I saw that the crooked font was still on it, and only a short address was written: "Twenty miles northeast of the suburbs, an abandoned quarry."

Cao Shihong is now in the southern suburbs.So one south and one north, but not close.In addition, he had nothing on hand and no one around, so he could only anxiously find his car again, and hurried all the way back to the city.

This time he didn't go alone, but went home first, and immediately called Cao Chunliang, Zhao Hong, and Fei Murong, as well as the four guards in his home.

He Jin and Cao Chunliang didn't know until they heard what Zhao Hong and Fei Murong said at home all afternoon.Cao Shihong was being wandered all over the city by the kidnappers, and Fei Murong couldn't follow him at all.In such a situation, He Jin didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Cao Shibo returned home in the evening and told the situation.He Jin said that he would go with him, and he also called a team and rushed to the quarry in the northeast direction at the same time.

The convoy drove out of Cao's house very quickly, Cao Shihong, He Jin, and Cao Chunliang were in the same car.When he was on his way, Cao Shihong described the situation he encountered as much as possible.

After hearing this, He Jin sighed: "Fortunately, I and others didn't act rashly. If I dispatched people out of anxiety, the kidnappers would definitely find out."

Cao Shihong also felt that it made sense, because the purpose of walking himself like a dog is to get rid of or to determine whether someone is following him.Otherwise, what are you doing so hard?
It must be when the other party confirmed that he was alone, and then told him the final location of the cement factory.That place was carefully selected by the other party for payment.

He Jin comforted Cao Shihong on the road and analyzed the situation for him.The fact that Cao Shihong was able to come back from the encounter at the cement factory meant that the other party basically wouldn't fool them with a fake address.If he wanted to harm the Cao family, how many times did Cao Shihong act alone today?If you want to start, you have already started.But now that Cao Shihong can come back, the address given by the kidnappers must be true.

Cao Shihong still agrees with He Jin in his heart, although there were some deviations in the analysis He Jin gave him yesterday.But the general direction is still okay.It is certain that the kidnappers were really just out for money.It is also said that the kidnappers are very capable.It's just that I didn't expect the kidnappers to be so powerful.

Hurry up along the way, although it is evening, but now the day is longer, the sight line is good at first, but the suburbs are not easy to walk...

(End of this chapter)

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