spy ace

Chapter 1132 Beginning and Ending

Chapter 1132 Beginning and Ending
In the evening, Huang Yanzhao served Fan Keqin and the others with a special wine, although it was not a big dish like Hericium, Bird's Nest and Shark's Fin.But it tastes delicious.

In particular, the residence that Huang Yanzhao arranged for Fan Keqin and the others was indeed excellent, with a total of two small western-style buildings.In fact, the area around here is basically all the dormitories of the local security bureau.Zhuang Xiaoman and Fan Keqin slept... no, they lived.One upstairs and one downstairs.The other small western-style building was divided up by Tong Fei, Zhao Debiao and the others.

On the next morning, Fan Keqin invited everyone to have snacks outside, had some breakfast, and got into the two cars that Huang Yanzhao allocated for them.Came directly to the local military intelligence station.

The scale of the Military Command Chengdu Station is no worse than that of the Security Bureau. When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, the local Military Command Station led the military police and police officers, and immediately sealed off the residences and office buildings of the devils and expatriates who opened businesses in the local area. up.Afterwards, I picked a few of the best ones to stay, and one of them was a three-story office building with a compound, which had been turned into the building of the local military command station.

Fan Keqin's trip has a document issued by the director's office of the military command headquarters, which belongs to the special commissioner of the director's office.So after showing the documents, I entered the building smoothly.I directly found Tian Lantian, the director of the intelligence department who was acting as the agent for daily work at this time.

They are all from government agencies, so it is inevitable to exchange pleasantries for a while, Tian Lantian wanted to serve Fan Keqin and others to clean up the dust, but Fan Keqin still declined, eating and drinking yesterday is enough, it can't be like this every day.

The two exchanged some polite words. After all, Fan Keqin was a special commissioner from the headquarters, and he was a senior official.So Tian Lantian shifted the topic to other places, asked Fan Keqin and the others why they came, and directly expressed that he would absolutely cooperate fully.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin took a puff of cigarette and said, "Director Tian, ​​Boss Dai personally ordered me to come here this time to investigate the secret killing incident a while ago. Director Tian, ​​do you know what happened before and after the incident? Tell me, the more detailed the better."

"No problem." Tian Lantian said: "Don't worry, special commissioner, I will participate and execute the whole process, and I understand all the situation." Speaking of this, he sorted out his thoughts a little, and began to tell Fan Keqin and others about the situation. The whole story of the secret killing incident.

It turned out that a month ago, Stationmaster Wu asked Tian Lantian to come to his office. After Tian Lantian arrived, Stationmaster Wu began to ask him about the information of the local safe house, but waited for Tian Lantian to introduce the situation of the local safe house. After finishing, the stationmaster Wu shook his head, saying that these places still feel unsafe.

Then Stationmaster Wu and Tian Lantian secretly researched it, and also introduced that there is a person who will be placed secretly in the local area, and there must be no leak of the slightest word, so it is necessary to find a place that is absolutely safe.Although it didn't say who the person who was placed, and why it was placed in secret.But Stationmaster Wu must have his reasons for doing this. Tian Lantian, who is the director of the intelligence department, naturally understands the rules, so he didn't ask too many questions, and began to study with Stationmaster Wu for an afternoon.

They thought of many places, such as hotels, technical colleges and gambling houses, and studied them all.In the end, I felt that the Ho's Casino on Dachuan Street should be the safest.

Because it is not safe for a guest to stay in a hotel or the like, but the requirement for this person who needs to be housed secretly is that he cannot move casually in a short period of time.When it came to this point, Tian Lantian judged at the time that it might be that the person who needs to be resettled cannot be trusted [-]%.

As far as technical colleges are concerned, they are full of women, especially skilled women. Regardless of how temperamental they look, except for practicing skills every day, they are always free.As long as a person is free, it's easy to talk about his wife's tongue or something.If the person who needs to be resettled is in the technical academy, there will be no problem in the short term, but after a while, those skilled women who like to gossip everywhere may spread out the gossip, and it is easy to leak the wind and cause trouble. Not safe.

The last two people researched and studied, and felt that the casino was the best place to keep a secret.

First of all, the local Ho's Casino is a very high-end casino. It was designed by the Portuguese at the beginning. It is very modern and luxurious.In addition, you will bring your own guest room.The purpose is to attract gamblers to forget time, place, troubles and spend money to their heart's content.I am addicted to it and cannot extricate myself.

So this casino has a very interesting rule: as long as you spend more than [-] silver dollars per week.Remember, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, that is to say, as long as you play so many denomination chips in the casino, even if you win, you can still stay for free.And this is just a general term, specifically including various services that are also free, such as baths, massages, food, drinks, etc., are all free.

In addition, the bodyguards at Ho's Casino will never trouble you just because of how much money you have won.For example, if you have the lowest level of bargaining chips, as long as you don’t cheat, even if you get [-] all at once, they will make a lot of publicity and give you a Buick car, and promise that you can buy it next time you come. Go to the high-end table to play.Never do anything: you won so much money, you still fucking want to go?As long as you leave the door, someone will be sent to snatch the money back.Ho's Casino would never do that.

Therefore, after the opening of this casino, it has attracted almost all gamblers and gamblers in the city, and even gamblers from some surrounding places have come here especially.After all, people who walk into the casino think that they will definitely win, their gambling skills are the best, and their luck is definitely far beyond ordinary people.So the business of this Ho's casino is quite good.

When business is good, the flow of people will naturally increase.The two studied it in detail, and directly decided to use the He's Casino as the place where the secret person would be placed.With such a large flow of people in this casino, who can pay attention to another gambler?What's more, the gamblers' energy is all concentrated on the casino, who will make friends?As long as that person keeps a low profile and sends a few people to protect him, the possibility of leaking the news is almost non-existent.

After deciding on this matter, Tian Lantian immediately began to arrange it, and after a while, the person really came.Because Tian Lantian is in charge of this matter, when the person arrives, Station Master Wu will no longer hide it from him.Only then did he realize that Boss Dai had spent a lot of money to secretly get back a senior agent of a little devil.You know, the little devil still has the upper hand so far...

(End of this chapter)

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