spy ace

Chapter 1139 Scope

Chapter 1139 Scope
Fan Keqin went on to say: "I know, it's quite difficult for you, after all, Boss Dai's gaze, but if you look at it for too long, there is no news. Boss Dai may be even more dissatisfied. So, I plan to , this time we will not use the method of putting a long line to catch a big fish. First take down this inner ghost."

Tian Lantian said: "Thank you for your understanding, the special commissioner. Otherwise, it's really hard to explain the humble job. Then...does the special commissioner have any ideas?"

Fan Keqin thought about it carefully, and said: "After listening to what you said in the morning, I do have some ideas. But this time I don't listen to the scope you have delineated. You tell me in detail from the beginning, what was the situation at that time, and who Knowing the existence of Xinyou Zhongzhong, how you arrange people, and how stationmaster Wu arranges people, tell me all about it."

"Yes." Tian Lantian said: "After discussing with me that day, the stationmaster used the casino environment to hide Xinyou's loyalty, and I didn't tell anyone about it. I believe it is impossible for stationmaster Wu to tell others. And then... on the third day, Stationmaster Wu asked me to go to his office again. He told me that the person has arrived, this person was arranged by Boss Dai, you must do it yourself, and try to control the insider as much as possible It was at this time that I learned about Xinyou Chengzhong’s situation. The reason why Station Master Wu told me was because he trusted me. After all, I am also an old military commander. I am not modest to say that before, There has never been such a thing as a humble job.”

Speaking of this, Tian Lantian paused for a moment, and then said: "Then I went back to the office, called the main office of the intelligence department with the internal phone, and called two brothers to come up, but on the phone, I only called them to come up, there is no No information was mentioned. After they came up, I told them to protect a person, and I didn't say any information about Xinyou Zhongzhong. The reason why I asked these two brothers to protect Xinyou Chengzhong was because the two Personally, you are absolutely reliable, this is the most important point. I used to do things very cleanly and neatly. In addition, I told them in detail that the matter is very important, and they must not reveal half a word. They also agreed. Then I will I personally led them to the General Affairs Office to receive [-] activity funds, filled in the reason for the form, and filled in the word confidential. Then I led the three people to the pier again. With the escort sent by Chongqing , Handed over to Xinyou Chengzhong. And still drove by the humble officer, sent the three of them directly to He's casino."

Tian Lantian narrowed his eyes slightly, and recalled carefully: "Beizhi stopped the car on the road opposite He's Casino, and then saw them cross the passage and enter the casino with his own eyes. Then the guard observed the surrounding situation, but found nothing People noticed. In addition, the people who entered the casino at that time were not young or old, and the three of them mixed in, and they were not conspicuous at all."

Tian Lantian took a puff of cigarette in thought, and continued again: "That's it, I immediately rushed back to the military command station, my office. According to the agreement, after they enter, they will immediately exchange one thousand silver chips, and within half an hour Inside, you must play with [-] chips. Use the most normal way of the casino to live in their guest rooms for free. They obviously did a good job. After all, the humble job came back in time. Not long after entering the office, they called And I reported that everything was going well, and I told them to keep a low profile. In this way, Xinyou Chengzhong began to write some confidential information about the little devil he knew every day. I also met every evening, diagonally opposite the casino Waiting in an alley, one of the brothers will come out in the name of selling food and drinking, or taking a stroll, pass by my car, and then throw the secret written by Xinyou Chengzhong into my car. That's it. "

"Yes." Fan Keqin agreed, and asked, "What about these confidential materials, what do you do with them after you receive them?"

"Oh." Tian Lantian said: "After I receive it, I will drive the car to the street across the casino, and then I will keep an eye on the surrounding situation for the brother who delivered the letter. When he returns to the casino smoothly, I will drive immediately Go back to the military command station, and stationmaster Wu will wait for me in the office. Give my materials to the stationmaster, as for how to deal with it later, I don’t know about it.”

After hearing this, Fan Keqin turned his head and said: "Xiaoman, remember, tomorrow morning, I will send a report to Chongqing and inquire about this matter to the headquarters of the military command. I believe that the station chief Wu should have arrived and started to explain the situation to Boss Dai. Please The Military Command Headquarters sent over the situation explained by Station Chief Wu.”

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and agreed, "Yes."

Fan Keqin took a puff of cigarette and said, "Director Tian, ​​please continue to talk about it. Didn't anything unusual happen during the period before Xinyou Chengzhong's accident?"

"No." Tian Lantian said with certainty: "Everything is going well. I will pick up the materials, observe the brother who sent the materials back to the casino, and then I will return the materials to the station master when I return to the military command station. I am very careful every time. , but did not observe any abnormal people or things on the way. Instead, on the day of the accident, the brother did not come as agreed, and then I felt that something might have happened, so I called someone immediately, and then entered the casino together , found that Xinyou Chengzhong and the two brothers had been killed."

Fan Keqin said: "Except for Station Master Wu, you, and those two brothers, is it true that no one else knows?"

Tian Lantian said: "Xu Tingting should know about Stationmaster Wu's confidential secretary, and how did Stationmaster Wu contact the headquarters at that time? The operator can hear it if he wants to. Although Stationmaster Wu communicated with the headquarters , it may not have said anything, but this possibility still exists. In addition, at the beginning, it was a telegram sent by the headquarters, although there was no specific content on it. But the sender, will he guess from this? What? There is also a chance of this. Therefore, when I explained the situation to the special commissioner in the morning, I classified these people as suspicious."

Fan Keqin gave a noncommittal "hmm" and said, "Then...how about these people now? What's the situation, are they going to work normally?"

"Yes. Go to work normally." Tian Lantian said: "However, I sent my brothers, and everyone was secretly watched. And it was a team of two, monitoring each other to prevent the possibility of another leak."

Fan Keqin said "hmm" again, and said, "Is there anything unusual?"

"No." Tian Lantian said: "It is very consistent with their previous life trajectory."

Fan Keqin said: "Director Tian, ​​have you ever thought about being someone outside the scope?"

(End of this chapter)

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