spy ace

Chapter 1143 Psychological Warfare

Chapter 1143 Psychological Warfare

Zhuang Xiaoman and the others agreed and began to split up.One group went to the General Affairs Office and other departments, and the other group went to various departments of Chengdu Station to learn about attendance.Fan Keqin and Tian Lantian came to his office.

The two sat down separately, and Tian Lantian asked: "Special commissioner, I see that the brothers have gone to various departments to investigate in an orderly manner. Does this mean that they have a certain idea?"

Because it was late yesterday, Fan Keqin asked Tian Lantian to go back first, but he didn't know what happened next.Fan Keqin didn't intend to hide it from him, so he picked the key point and talked to Tian Lantian, and then asked: "Director Tian, ​​are the people in the station working normally now? Is there anyone on a business trip? Or something similar ?”

"Yes." Tian Lantian said: "Ran Jun, the captain of the action team, and a few brothers are on a business trip."

"Oh?" Fan Keqin asked, "When did it happen?"

"Ah, don't worry." Tian Lantian said: "It's been half a year, and I was away on a business trip a long time before this happened. At that time, I estimated that Xinyou Chengzhong was still working for the little devil. Boss Dai may not have this plan yet."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "Except for Captain Ran and a few brothers following him, the rest are all in the station, right?"

"It's all there." Tian Lantian said with emotion: "Actually, I'm dissatisfied with the commissioner, but I hope that someone suddenly disappears. At least there will be a result in this way. Fortunately, now that you are here, the commissioner, I can let go of my heart a little bit." some."

Fan Keqin smiled and asked without answering, "Did the headquarters call back?"

"Oh, I was just about to report this matter to you." Tian Lantian got up from the sofa, returned to his desk, took out a small stack of documents, handed them to Fan Keqin and said, "It's five o'clock this morning. , a long message from the headquarters."

Fan Keqin took it, lit a cigarette and looked at it slowly, saying that it was a longer text.But it didn't take me a few minutes to finish watching.It's about how stationmaster Wu handles the secret materials that Tian Lantian gives him every night.

A very simple method, when stationmaster Wu received the documents written by Xinyou Chengzhong, he would go to the telecommunications office in person, watch the specific sender, and send these messages back to the headquarters in encrypted form.

After reading these, Fan Keqin returned them to Tian Lantian, and then began to think.

Xinyou Chengzhong hides a lot of little devil's secrets in his stomach.So what the other party writes every day is not too short, so the time for sending the report is also not short.In addition, the call back from the headquarters stated that the specific sender.That is to say, the sender is one person from beginning to end.Then the suspicion of the sender can be said to have plummeted.

It would be too obvious if the insider was the sender.In addition, if Station Master Wu can become the head of the military command of Chengdu Station, he should still have a certain level of ability.The specific transmitter he was looking for must have a high degree of trust and reliability.Otherwise, you can't do this.

But there is still a loophole in this, that is, Station Master Wu, after Xinyou Chengzhong arrived in Chengdu, he would go to the telecommunications office to send a report every night.This action, in the eyes of the inner ghost, he must be able to think of something.

As for the task of the inner ghost, from the current situation, Fan Keqin can say with certainty that it is to find Xinyou Chengzhong.Then, after he saw this action of Station Master Wu, how would he track it backwards if he only observed Station Master Wu?
Stationmaster Wu just worked overtime, and then met Tian Lantian, and after leaving with Tian Lantian, Stationmaster Wu went to the telecommunications office.How will the inner ghost track it down?Among them was only Tian Lantian, who would return to see the station master after a while after get off work.Then the inner ghost will definitely think of starting with Tian Lantian's actions.

Therefore, Fan Keqin felt that the work he arranged for Zhuang Xiaoman and others yesterday was absolutely correct.The inner ghost wants to go to the terminal on the other side to find Xinyou Chengzhong.Then he must know that Station Master Wu is working overtime, and he must also know that Tian Lantian is coming back after get off work.Then the inner ghost works overtime normally and stays to know this situation.If he was hiding somewhere outside the station, watching furtively, he might hide himself.But the effect of observation is bound to be bad.A courtyard wall, the wall of an office building, can block most of the line of sight.And if you want to kill Xinyou Chengzhong urgently, then you can't observe slowly outside.Therefore, normal overtime work has become the most convenient and most appropriate method.

Seeing that Fan Keqin didn't speak, Tian Lantian fell into deep thought. He was also smoking one cigarette after another, obviously worried.Seeing him like this, Fan Keqin said: "Director Tian, ​​don't worry, I believe, there will be a result soon."

Sure enough, the morning passed quickly, and it was noon.Zhuang Xiaoman and others began to report the collected information.

In fact, the workload is really not that big.After all, the attendance book and the registration books of the General Affairs Office and other places are there.Just look it up and you'll know.The main reason is that they have to ask the person on duty that day to verify.And it took so long to ask a few more questions.

Zhuang Xiaoman spoke first, but just at the beginning, Fan Keqin waved his hands, looked at Tian Lantian and said, "Director Tian, ​​I hope you can call the security office in the station and ask them to send more people." , especially the openings for entering and exiting the station, all must be sealed. From now on, no one is allowed to enter or exit. In addition, you should call each department to inform about this matter, and check whether the people in each department are exist."

Then why didn't Fan Keqin arrange it like this from the beginning of the morning, so he wasn't afraid that the ghost would run away during this morning?

He is really not afraid.Because his current arrangement is based on a need for psychological warfare.According to Tian Lantian, except for the operation captain and a few people on business trips, everyone else in the station is here.And an inner ghost, after Xinyou Chengzhong died, he didn't leave immediately, what kind of psychology is this?The only possibility is that he will continue to lurk.Otherwise, his identity would be exposed as soon as he left.

And he didn't leave before, how could he suddenly leave now.At least until the situation is confirmed, he will not run away suddenly.Fan Keqin believed that this insider must still be watching.

In addition, he asked Tian Lantian to call various departments, which was also a psychological warfare.But why at this time, he did not explain to others.But he himself knew why.That is to facilitate oneself to identify the identity of the inner ghost.

This seemed to be the first case he joined the military command office at the beginning.After Chu Tianfeng killed someone, he maintained a high level of vigilance. He is very sensitive. He knows that someone is investigating, so he will be even more sensitive...

(End of this chapter)

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