spy ace

Chapter 1159

Chapter 1159
By writing down these phrases, you can remind yourself what the specific content is.So Tian Lantian looked at it and said: "After making the call, a man answered the call and said two quick hellos! Then the husband of the couple started talking, and the content was: It's me, Boss Fang. I have already Here we are, are you free tomorrow? Let’s meet and talk about the business we talked about last time? I treat you. The boss Fang said: OK, where are you? The husband replied: In the old place, time, please wait for my call Boss Fang said hello, and then the two parties said goodbye to each other, then hung up the phone, and the whole process took less than a minute."

Fan Keqin nodded.Said: "This is a code word, it sounds normal. But if it's really about business, and they are familiar people, they don't have any pleasantries. For example, when did you come, where do you live? These similar words, Didn't ask a single word. So it must be a code word."

Fan Keqin first affirmed this point, thought for a while, and said: "It is certain that I will be the target. Since this is the case, the content of their conversation must also revolve around me as the bait. First of all, the husband What he said was: It's me, Boss Fang, I've arrived... This sentence is used to confirm my identity. Then I mentioned that we will meet and talk about the business we talked about last time. I will treat you. What is the business? I am now I 'appeared' at Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment, so it is confirmed that I have just arrived. Boss Fang said yes, where is it? He was asking about the situation. The husband replied: the old place, and at the end he said, wait for me The phone, that is, the time, the husband is really not sure yet. All this fits the current situation."

Tian Lantian thought about it for a while, and agreed: "That's right, the special commissioner's analysis is absolutely correct. Now there is a problem, that is, what will these spies do next? They rush in and want to assassinate you ? Or, choose another location? Or... ambush halfway?"

"I won't ambush halfway." Fan Keqin said, "If you choose this method, the acquisition of the route, the location of the ambush, and how to determine the time of my departure are all big problems. Even if there are super masters in charge, it is nothing more than planning in advance. Two lines, one is from Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment to Chengdu Station. The other is to the residence arranged by the Security Bureau. And these two lines, when I actually go, which street do I take? What road? They can only guess based on road conditions, distance, etc. This is not a very certain thing. What's more, they still need to choose a place to ambush, which also requires a lot of work. The situation at the headquarters is inconsistent. Wei Bo's current situation is facing my investigation at any time, and his identity will even be revealed soon. Since the devil's headquarters did not reply to Wei Bo's letter, it means that they want Wei Bo to Continue to lurk. The reason is that after killing me, Wei Bo's dangerous situation will also be lifted."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin lit a cigarette and continued: "But it's back to the original point. They must attack me as soon as possible, so it is absolutely impossible to ambush me halfway." Speaking of this, once again After taking a puff of cigarette, he said slowly: "My analysis shows that they will still do it in Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment, and the time to do it...may be before I leave from tonight to tomorrow. Even their killer is already lurking nearby Get up. You can do it any minute."

Tian Lantian listened, thought about it seriously, and then nodded: "Yes, yes! It must be so. However, I feel that they are more likely to sneak in and assassinate you. The devil's killer should not know your appearance, but it is almost the same. But you should know the information. Now you and Secretary Zhuang's double have the same body shape and attire, but after you come out, you don't know when it will be, so you feel humble, sneak into the assassination, or As soon as you come out, do it. The possibility is very high."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "It doesn't matter, our trap is very careful, no matter what he does, as long as he appears, it means he has been caught by our trap. They have no chance to leave."

Early the next morning, around six o'clock, the brother who was in charge of surveillance at the Nuanxi Tangchi apartment called back. After Tian Lantian answered, he immediately said: "Commander, that couple left this morning. They just left Yes. This is too early!! Is this a change in the situation? There are a few tracking masters who have already caught up."

Fan Keqin frowned, waved his hands, and said, "No, I think this is a signal to do something. Have they checked out normally?"

Tian Lantian said: "I didn't check out, but I carried my bag the same as when I came here. I was also very neatly dressed."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "Just follow, let's see where they go. I feel that the outpost has left, why did they leave suddenly? It is because he is no longer needed, so they left. Then under what circumstances are they not needed?" The answer is when they are about to do something! Immediately call the people around Tangchi Apartment and tell them to pay close attention to everything. If there is any doubt, first share the information on the telephone network, and then call back immediately to report Report the situation."

Tian Lantian immediately picked up the phone and started calling again.After he said all the things Fan Keqin asked, about half an hour later, his phone rang again.After connecting, after asking a few questions in a row, he said: "You wait." Then he covered the microphone with his hand, and said quickly: "Special commissioner, the brother who followed the couple, followed them to the The location of the pier, and found that the couple just bought a boat ticket and wanted to leave. What should I do? Catch it?"

"Don't catch!" Fan Keqin said: "Let one of them buy a suitcase quickly, and then buy a ticket for the same boat to follow. In addition, notify the surface patrol team to stand by at the supply point below, but don't There are big moves, but you have to be ready to strike at any time."

Tian Lantian immediately gave instructions to the phone in this way, then put down the phone, and said: "The special commissioner is lucky, this must be a move. This couple has been exposed in the Nuanxi Tangchi apartment, so they simply don't stay here Now. Start retreating elsewhere."

"Well, this should be the case." After Fan Keqin said something, he suddenly thought about it and said, "Is there still a while before the boat that the couple is going to leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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