spy ace

Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165
Following Chen Fu, he said to Zhuang Xiaoman again: "Secretary Zhuang."

Fan Keqin glanced at the three people who were escorted in, and asked, "Are you...arrested according to the confession?"

"Yes!" Cheng Fu said, "One of the three boys' current residence has obvious signs of packing up, so he must be running away. When we arrived, the other two were empty. Look at the scene. The traces should have been transferred, so these three people were captured."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Hurry up and interrogate, and see if you can get some other clues from their mouths. If there are any, don't delay. Anyway, we have already done it, so let's do it." a little more ruthless."

"Understood." Chen Fu stood up and said, "The humble official will keep an eye on it."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "Hurry up." Then, ignoring others, he and Zhuang Xiaoman left the interrogation room and returned to Tian Lantian's office.

After entering the room, Tian Lantian was looking at a small stack of documents in his hand. After seeing Fan Keqin and two people coming in, he got up and poured two cups of tea, and said, "Special commissioner, we have gained a lot this time. Chen The government has just captured three more spies through your interrogation."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "After Xiaoman and I finished interrogating, we saw him when we came out." Then he said to Zhuang Xiaoman, "Give it to Director Tian."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said, and then handed over the statement.

Tian Lantian looked at it after receiving it, and said, "I'm really bothering you sir, and I have to interrogate the spy myself."

"They are all doing things for the party and the country, as they should be." Fan Keqin said politely, and then asked, "What happened to the couple? Did you catch them?"

"Not yet." Tian Lantian said: "When the action at the Tangchi apartment in Nuanxi took place, the boat that the spy couple was on happened to leave for about half an hour. Otherwise, we would have just held each other down. Still It's a pity."

Having said that, Tian Lantian changed the subject and said, "However, Commissioner, we don't have to worry too much. Several brothers who were with the couple at that time, one of them mixed in with the ordinary passengers and was also on that ship. In addition, we have already told the next section of the journey and greeted them at the Huishuiji station to make them fully prepared. If the passenger ship berths at the pier to disembark passengers, the couple will be arrested immediately. It doesn't matter, there are surface patrols everywhere, and they can use the name of inspection to suddenly arrest the spy couple."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin did not express his opinion immediately, but thought about it quietly for about a minute, and then said: "We can think about it carefully. Just like what we speculated before, the Chrysanthemum organ will do today's matter , it is impossible to call spies from other places, and there is too little time. In addition, from the mouth of the spy killer who interrogated, it can also be confirmed from the side that the couple were also spies lurking in the local area. In this case, in order to prevent this incident last night After they were arrested, it is still necessary to evacuate first. But will the Juju organization allow them to evacuate directly to the Japanese-occupied area?"

After hearing this, Tian Lantian frowned slightly and thought for a while, then said: "Special commissioner, what you mean is that they will definitely continue to engage in espionage activities. In addition, they have been engaged in latent missions for a long time and have relatively rich experience. Such people It is a complete waste to withdraw to the rear after using it once. Can you change to a place where you don’t know them and continue to engage in espionage activities?”

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Director Tian is worthy of being an old military commander, he really knows everything."

"Absurd, absurd." Tian Lantian nodded and said: "I understand, if this is the case, our best way is to let them go instead. After they arrive in a city that no one knows, Always work again. Even contact with some other local spy teams. In this way, we can use this couple to grasp other Japanese special elements at the same time."

Fan Keqin said: "Director Tian is clever. And even if we guess wrong, they really want to completely evacuate the Kuomintang-controlled area and return to the Japanese-occupied area. Don't forget, there are still our people on board. As long as he doesn't show his feet, They can definitely find out in advance. They can’t run away either! But once they really go to other areas to continue spying, then we... can make a big profit again.”

Tian Lantian said: "No, no, no, the special commissioner is really clever. But please tell me, what should I do for a humble job?"

"The local situation is basically clear now." Fan Keqin said: "It's not bad for one night, let's have a look tomorrow. Then, let's convey this situation to Boss Dai so that he can feel at ease. By the way, Still use the special transmitter that was arranged before. Don’t use others for the time being.”

"Yes." Tian Lantian nodded and said: "The humble job must still use the telecommunications department Xiaoding, this young man has good skills and is also very loyal."

"Well." Fan Keqin continued: "Then, we don't need to hide anything. I think we did a good job this time. Even if the local spy team was not wiped out, it was definitely I am disabled and have no ability to move. So we can report to the headquarters normally. Including the follow-up plan of the spy couple, in this way, the headquarters will be more satisfied. What do you think?"

"That's right." Tian Lantian said: "This is all thanks to the commissioner. Think about it, it's only been a little over a week since you came here, and the entire spy team of the little devil has been taken over by you." Dropped. In this regard, the humble staff must absolutely not give any discounts to the headquarters. The same is true for others."

"Hehe." Fan Keqin smiled, but didn't say anything.That's not what he said before.But it can only be said that Tian Lantian knows how to behave, so it's okay.In addition, I also gave Tian Lantian a "yes".That is the follow-up plan of the spy couple.No matter what happens next, Natian Lantian can still get some credit.In addition, this time the spy team was taken down locally.It can be regarded as offsetting the merits and demerits of Xinyou Chengzhong before.At the very least, he didn't have to panic, worrying that it would be his turn after Boss Dai cleaned up Station Master Wu.

Tian Lantian immediately asked the cafeteria to make some late-night snacks and bring them up, and then several people began to discuss matters to report to the headquarters while eating and drinking.And also studied, what should the spy couple do.

(End of this chapter)

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