spy ace

Chapter 1173 Happy Gate

Chapter 1173 Happy Gate

Tian Lantian went on to say: I didn't think of the humble staff and others.In addition, I don't think there is anything wrong with the arrangement of the chief.Do you think that if this woman is really Jin Tong, then she will definitely contact their leader.If the humble job catches people and punishes them severely, she can still explain the contact method.It's just not as safe as your latter move. "

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "I'm afraid, the contact method is very special. If the punishment is imposed, the spy leader may not show up without his own presence. It is safer to do so, although it may take more time, but , if Yu Yun is really Jin Tong, she has already been grasped by us, and she can move whenever she wants."

After Zhao Debiao left the office, he trotted down the stairs and chased after him in his car. Fortunately, he knew where the two of Chen's family were going, so he speeded up and came to the Happy Gate quickly.

It is said that Happy Gate is a night show, and it is already night, so naturally it has opened for business.When Zhao Debiao arrived, he looked around, but he didn't find the cars of Chen Fu and Miao Wei.I showed my identity and asked the doorman at the door if anyone from my own had come, but there was no.It looked like, driving all the way, he should have been ahead of Chen Fu and Miao Wei.

Sure enough, about three or four minutes later, Zhao Debiao, who was playing with cigarettes at the door, saw two cars approaching, which were the cars of the local military command station.Eight men got out of the car, and the two leaders were Chen Fu and Miao Wei.

Zhao Debiao immediately went up to meet him, and when Miao Wei saw him, he asked with a smile, "Captain Zhao, why are you here?"

Zhao Debiao said in a low voice: "The officer asked me to catch up, and I should have ordered the employees of Happy Gate to secretly identify Yu Yun. If it is Jin Tong, don't arrest him. Instead, use her to catch the spy team." leader."

"Understood." Miao Wei looked at him after finishing speaking, and asked, "Then Captain Zhao go back?"

Zhao Debiao thought for a while, and said, "I'd better follow you and see the situation."

"Okay." Chen Fu and Miao Wei agreed.Start entering the happy door.Of course, due to the change of the order, they also acted in a low-key manner, breaking up into parts, two or three people, and divided into several groups to enter the Happy Gate.

Finding an opportunity when the bar was vacant, Miao Wei revealed the outer skin of his ID card, and said to the bar staff inside: "It's from the police station, where's your manager? Ask him something."

The bar clerk was slightly taken aback, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go find him."

"No need." Chen Fu said, "Tell us where he is?"

"Second floor." The barman replied: "In the middle of the corridor, there is a sign on the door."

"Hmm." The others didn't move. Zhao Debiao, Chen Fu, and Miao Wei went straight through the hall and went up the stairs next to them, but they were stopped by a spectator in the middle.But after showing the certificate, he just peeled it open and passed it.The opponent did not dare to stab.

On the second floor, the three of them found a room with the words "Manager's Office" on the door.He knocked twice, pushed the door open and walked in.

Sitting behind the desk in this office was a man in a suit, about forty-five or six-year-old.Maybe it was because he didn't hear the knock on the door or for some other reason, so he frowned, but when he saw Chen's mansion, he immediately turned into a smiling face, turned out from behind the desk, and said, "Oh, sir, what about you, sir? If I don't say it in advance, Li will be here to welcome everyone."

It turned out that Chen Fu led a team to the Happy Gate when investigating Jin Tong before, so this manager Li knew Chen Fu.

Chen Fu smiled and said, "Manager Li, we are here to trouble you again. Don't bother?"

"Hey!" Manager Li said very dissatisfied: "Don't bother me, Captain Chen can come to give Li some face. Come! Take a seat. As he said, he took out a bottle of good wine from the wine cabinet next to him. , took a few more glasses and asked while pouring the wine: "Captain Chen, why are you here this time?Or do you want to come and have fun?Let me ask a few girls to come up and let Captain Chen choose you? "

"It's not necessary." Chen Fu said: "But the younger sister... I'm afraid I still need it. And I also need to know Jin Tong's younger sister. In this regard, Manager Li needs to cooperate."

"Oh?" Manager Li said: "It's still the same thing as last time? Don't worry, Li will definitely cooperate with all his strength." Then he turned and returned to the desk, picked up the phone, and dialed an internal number.After a while, he said: "Hey, it's me. You ask Tingting to come up... Yes, I'm waiting for her in the office. Ah... Boss Wang is here... In this way, you let Yingying and Mimi Go to accompany Boss Wang alone. Add another bottle of high-end red wine and tell him that I am treating you today. Just say that I have something to do with Tingting, and Boss Wang will save face... um. I will wait."

Putting down the phone, Manager Li turned back, held up his wine glass, saluted everyone, and then said, "Captain Chen, did Jin Tong do something wrong?"

"Don't inquire about it." Chen Fu said with a smile: "It's nothing serious, I just want to ask her about the situation, oh yes. Don't gossip around."

"How can this be possible?" Manager Li said: "I'm worried that she has committed something related to our business, and it will be difficult for Li to explain to other shareholders."

"Ah." Chen Fu said in relief: "It's nothing, you just put your heart in your stomach. What I said must be true."

"Li, what Team Chen said, naturally believes it." Manager Li smiled and said, "I'm finally at ease now. By the way, after a while, Captain Chen and the brothers are done with their work, so you might as well come to Mr. Li to relax. .I know that you are busy working for the party-state, but proper relaxation can also improve the efficiency of your work. My little sister here, Captain Chen, doesn’t know yet. When the time comes, I’m sure you’ll be satisfied.”

"Hahaha." Chen Fu laughed loudly, and said, "Success, I will not be disrespectful to Manager Li's kindness. After a certain period, I will definitely come to join in."

A few people were talking, and after a while, there was a knock on the door.Manager Li turned his head and said loudly, "Come in!"

As soon as the door opened, a woman walked in from the outside.The woman was wearing a pink cheongsam that fell to mid-thigh.Almost catching up with the miniskirts of later generations.But in a nightclub like Happy Gate, that seemed normal instead.

"Come on. Tingting, let me introduce you." Manager Li said: "These are all officials from our government. This is Captain Chen, you must cooperate well.

This Tingting has a plump body and is very attractive. Hearing this, she obviously misunderstood, and said: "Yes, manager, I will definitely accompany Captain Chen well."

(End of this chapter)

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