spy ace

Chapter 1180 Secret Training Camp

Chapter 1180 Secret Training Camp

Sun Guoxin understood what Fan Keqin meant.That is to say, participate in the customized plan, customize the assassination plan, choose the location, time, and even the method of the assassination, but leave the moment before the execution.

With such an arrangement, Sun Guoxin was at ease, and the degree of danger was greatly reduced. After all, Fan Keqin had arrived in Shanghai and stayed for a while, but he didn't make any "excessive" moves.

After thinking about this, Sun Guoxin said: "Okay, that's it. I will immediately ask the General Affairs Office to allocate funds to build a secret training camp, and notify the training base to select good seedlings to participate. The chief instructor is you. In this way, we are really forming a training camp. In the training camp, no matter how good Little Japan is, he will believe it because it is true."

"Thank you, seat." Fan Keqin said: "Then I'll go back and make arrangements now, and this matter can't be made public. How to keep it secret is the most real thing."

"That's right." Sun Guoxin said: "In addition, I remind you, the executor, you must choose carefully. It is best not to have a family, but still have parents in our Kuomintang-controlled area. This means...you understand."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Don't worry, the boss, I'm humble."

Sun Guoxin said: "Well, then you can go."

Fan Keqin said goodbye to Sun Guoxin, went back downstairs, and told Zhuang Xiaoman to call Wang Zhanyuan.Then he entered his office and began to think.

The general situation of the whole plan is that the assassin and I have to go to Shanghai to wait for Chen Yibo first, but in order to avoid what the little devil thinks of me when I leave, I want to set up a secret training camp.And this training camp can't be put on the bright side, everything is done according to the word "secret".In this way, the deeper the little devil investigates, the more he will believe it.

Of course, all of this is Fan Keqin's precautionary measure. After all, Chongqing's anti-espionage system has been established. It can be said that it is difficult for the little devil's spies to carry out activities here.It's like whack-a-mole, you can survive without showing your head.But if you really get ahead, you are basically either arrested or beaten to death.

Just thinking about this, Zhuang Xiaoman brought Wang Zhanyuan in, and the former went out again, and helped two people close the door.

Fan Keqin asked Wang Zhanyuan to sit down, flicked a cigarette over, lit one himself, and said, "How is the training base running?"

Wang Zhanyuan said: "It is more efficient than before. After all, it has been established for a while, so all aspects of experience have been improved."

"Well. That's good." Fan Keqin said: "Just recently, or even today and tomorrow, the bureau may let the training base secretly select the best, and let a group of good seedlings enter the newly established secret training camp Carrying out advanced studies is like a school. A good seed in middle school will go to university for further study and will be the elite among the elite. I am the chief instructor of this training camp, and Zhuang Xiaoman is in charge of the operation of the secret training camp. But I still want to let You become the deputy, if I am not in the training camp, you will be responsible for all the training content, even the daily routine. I want to hear what you think?"

Wang Zhanyuan was stunned, and said: "The humble job is willing to follow the boss. It's just that this secret training camp... is it ready? In terms of teaching materials, how to do it?"

"It's fine if you want." Fan Keqin exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a smile: "But don't worry, you won't be tied to this matter. The textbooks will use the whole set of textbooks written by me. You also know that the training base was for Quickly cultivate qualified agents, so most of the content has been cut. Such textbooks, qualified agents are naturally no problem, but the probability of being able to produce elites is relatively low. So now it should be the stage of cultivating elites. "

Wang Zhanyuan said: "The humble job understands. So what do you need the humble job to do now?"

"Site selection." Fan Keqin said: "No place that can be seen from the map is allowed. This requires you to go to the surrounding area to choose it yourself. I have a suggestion, it is best to choose a village in the surrounding area. A little less, and then, give him two dollars and ask them to sell us all the houses and land. In this way, the whole village will belong to us."

"Understood." Wang Zhanyuan said: "I will visit the surrounding areas later."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "Hurry up, it's best to finish it within a week. Manpower...you can choose the existing good seedlings in the training base. After all, they will enter this training camp for further study in the future, so let them Helping you is no problem."

Wang Zhanyuan said: "Understood, they are going to enter the training camp anyway, so just let them keep their mouths tight. They know that nothing will happen."

Fan Keqin said: "That's what it means, it's fine, it's okay, you can go now. Wait for your good news."

Wang Zhanyuan stubbed out the cigarette butt, stood up and said, "Yes, that humble job has gone out."

"Oh, by the way, if you need money or something, go to the General Affairs Office to finance it yourself." Fan Keqin said: "They will cooperate."

After Wang Zhanyuan left, Fan Keqin called Zhuang Xiaoman over again and said the same thing to him, but this time Zhuang Xiaoman was in charge of the administrative work of the secret training camp.

The main reason is that Fan Keqin considered that it is impossible to take Zhuang Xiaoman with him when he goes to Shanghai to assassinate Chen Yibo this time. If she is allowed to work in the Intelligence Department as usual and he is not there, it may make people see something.It's better to let Zhuang Xiaoman go to the training camp during this period of time, but because of work, she must keep in touch with the headquarters to coordinate some work, so that it will give people the impression that she is with herself all day long I don't know what to do outside.At the same time, it will create a false impression that I have not left the local area.

After assigning the tasks, Fan Keqin began to think about the candidate for the executor.This time we can't bring some old buddies with us, we have to choose people who are both reliable and capable.

Fan Keqin turned around and took out the field team list from the safe.Of course, don't look at him as the captain, but there are too many people in the field, so all the files are naturally in the file room.However, every once in a while, a group of novices would come over from the training base, and he was required to have a look and be assigned to work in various departments or places.At this time, he was looking at the latest group of people.

This time, he looked very carefully. He carefully read everyone's grades for each subject, weekly evaluation, monthly evaluation, performance records, previous personnel relations, etc., and so on.In the end, he chose two people, one whose real name was Feng Hao.Another real name is Shan Zaijun.

(End of this chapter)

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