spy ace

Chapter 1195 Rewards

Chapter 1195 Rewards
Once they are really powerful, then naturally, these gods and ghosts can only exist in books, film and television works, and they can all be read with joy.

Fan Keqin had just climbed the big steps of the Shanhu Dam Wharf, and was about to find a public phone for someone to pick him up.As a result, he saw two guys in black tunic suits looking at him.After looking at himself, he greeted him directly.

Don't get me wrong, these two guys, Fan Keqin, knew each other, and they were the two of Sun Guoxin's personal guards.The two came to the front and said with a smile: "Mr. Fan, the two of us are waiting for you here under the order of the bureau chief. Today is the second day."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "Is the boss asking you to pick me up?"

"Exactly." These two people led the way, and one of them explained: "The director said that you should be here in two days. After we see you, you will return to the office immediately during the day. You send it to his house."

"Okay." Fan Keqin agreed and got into the car.

He is the kind of person who waits on everything until he is fully sure of a situation.Although, only Sun Guoxin can roughly know when he will return.It's normal to send a few people over to pick him up, but who knows what's going on in the middle?In case there is something tricky in it.

However, seeing that the two of them were sitting in the front row of the car, Fan Keqin's guard was relaxed a bit, and he didn't talk too much along the way, looking at the direction of the security bureau.This is a good sign, but who knows if it is paralyzing himself?
The final result proved that Fan Keqin was overthinking.But the consequence of thinking too much is that nothing will be lost. If something happens, it will definitely be less than not having any precautions.

After entering the Security Bureau, Fan Keqin went directly to Sun Guoxin's office upstairs.Greetings with colleagues along the way, counting the preparation time for the secret training camp, Fan Keqin actually seldom showed up in the Security Bureau in the past two months.

After Sun Guoxin saw Fan Keqin, his face was full of relief and joy. He took out two high-end cigars from his desk and sat on the sofa beside Fan Keqin.

Fan Keqin took the celebratory cigar, put it in his mouth, and lit it with Sun Guoxin.The latter leaned back on the back of the chair relaxedly, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said, "Keqin, tell me carefully about the process. Please be more detailed."

"Yes." Fan Keqin whirled the smoke in his throat, followed by puffing out, and said, "After the humble job arrives in Shanghai..." He described the detailed situation to Sun Guoxin in detail.Finally, he said: "Boss, now it seems that Feng Hao and Shan Zaijun should have shot Chen Yibo according to this plan. We haven't received any news from the puppet government that the assassin has been caught." Come to think of it, these two people have already escaped and are on their way back."

"Well." Sun Guoxin said with a smile: "Chen Yibo is dead. If the puppet government really took the assassin, it will definitely be made public. At least they have to go back to find face. But now the public information says: They The assassin’s accomplices have been caught, and I believe the assassin will be arrested soon. Thinking about it, these are just tricks.” As he spoke, he took a newspaper from the newspaper shelf next to him, and pointed to Pointing to one of the photos, he said, "Look at it. They say this is the assassin's accomplice."

Fan Keqin took it and looked at it, and said firmly: "Fake. I have seen this man before. He is the owner of the house who assassinated the preset location. I followed him when I was checking the location. I guess the puppet government is trying to It’s all about finding someone to take the blame for.”

"Oh?" Sun Guoxin said: "So that's what happened. Well, but the transfer of this pot is not too clever. If you are interested, you can find out the identity of this man with a little research. But... it was just to save face. It’s a matter, as long as there is an action, it will be done.”

Speaking of this, Sun Guoxin said with a smile: "Keqin, coming back this time has made a great contribution, you know, when the old man defected from Wang Zhaohai, he once said in private that whoever can kill Wang Zhaohai will be directly awarded the rank of general. Although this Chen Yibo is definitely not as good as Wang Zhaohai, if ordinary people kill him, he can be promoted to three levels in a row. But now you killed him, and you, the major general and director, made the old man a little It’s difficult. For this reason, he summoned me personally and discussed with me how to reward you for your contribution.”

"Oh?" Fan Keqin said: "This is still troublesome. I actually understand that you don't care about rewards. As long as they are Japanese pirates and traitors, the meaning of killing them is a reward for me. "

"Of course I know about you, kid." Sun Guoxin said with a smile: "But, you still need a reward. Back then, a student of Confucius did a great deed, but he refused the reward that others wanted to give him. This matter After being found out by Confucius, he taught his student that you should be rewarded. Otherwise, if you don’t want rewards, then others will not be able to get rewards for doing good deeds, so people who do good deeds may also be rewarded. Fewer. Now, it's the same thing, huh?"

"What the director said is true." Fan Keqin said with a look of enlightenment on his face, "I have been educated in humble positions, then... how did you and the committee do research at that time? Speaking of which, rewards are just like money, although Enough is enough, but definitely not too much."

"Hahahaha." Sun Guoxin laughed and said, "Hey, that's right. I did help you to be humble and said that you are a workaholic and have no hobbies other than killing devils, being loyal to the party and the country, and being the leader. .Of course, that’s not what was said at the time, but that’s what it meant. After hearing this, the old man was full of praise. I personally wrote you the adverb: Pillar of the Country, National Hero.”

Speaking of this, Sun Guoxin took another puff of cigarette and continued: "This is your reward. Of course, I have already found someone to frame that word for you. It has already been sent to your home. You can get it when you go back." I can see it. How about this reward, are you satisfied?"

Fan Keqin was a little tired in his heart, but on the surface, he was naturally happy.He said happily: "These eight characters are too precious, Mr. Bureau, thank you for your kind words in front of the committee."

"Hey." Sun Guoxin said: "It's nothing, just like you said, these eight words are too precious. To put it bluntly, as long as you don't rebel in the future, haha, then no one can touch you."

(End of this chapter)

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