spy ace

Chapter 1203 Change Your Mind

Chapter 1203 Change Your Mind

Two brothers, Fan Keqin, are talking nonsense here.Kong Xinran's voice suddenly came from the desk buzzer, saying: "Virgin, there is a phone call for you and Chief Fan. It is a lady surnamed Jin. She asked if Chief Fan is with you."

Qian Jinxun took a look, got up and walked sideways and said, "It's Jin Manyu." Then he pressed the buzzer and said, "Come in."

Fan Keqin also came to the desk and said, "It should be the matter you said last time, and it has come to fruition."

After the call came in, Fan Keqin reached out to pick up the receiver and said, "Hello?"

"Boss, it's me." Sure enough, Jin Manyu's voice came out, saying: "Xiaojing and Ziyang have already returned, can you come to my place?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "Just wait, I'll be there in a while."

Putting down the phone, Fan Keqin said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. Let's go."

"Yeah." Qian Jinxun said, "I'll look for you when Lao Zhao comes back."

"Okay." With a promise, Fan Keqin walked out of Qian Jinxun's office, went downstairs, drove his car, and headed for Huayu Alley.In less than twenty minutes, the car stopped in the back street.Get out of the car and go up directly from the back stairs and enter the inside.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw that Jin Manyu, Sheng Jing, Dong Ziyang, Man Shanfeng, and Mi Zhijian were all there.Fan Keqin pressed his hand so that they didn't have to get up, and sat on the sofa next to him, and said, "How is it, have you figured it out?"

Sheng Jing said: "I didn't meet anyone following me here."

Man Shanfeng said: "I saw it from this side. Someone was indeed following us. He had been hanging in the distance since entering Sichuan. I found an opportunity to disembark while replenishing supplies, and then followed behind the other party instead. It was discovered that after the other party arrived in Chongqing, they also unloaded a batch of goods, which were also canned products, but... there were two boys who followed our truck and left after arriving at the warehouse. However, instead of going back to the dock, they went to into Warehouse Avenue and ended up in Pine Freight there."

Dong Ziyang said: "Qingsong Freight is Chai Tian's business."

Jin Manyu said: "Chai Tian? This name sounds familiar. Have you checked it out? Is there anything else?"

"I feel that the investigation is almost done." Dong Ziyang said: "Chai Tian was originally a junior in Shanghai, but he was very clever and often came up with ideas. Later, he became the master of the next hall. The eldest brother who followed was Li Big. Li Da’s hall is also held by Huo Wenqiang’s Wenqiang. In the previous stage, Huo Wenqiang followed Du Yuesheng’s example and went to Hong Kong. Many of his subordinates stayed in Shanghai to show him the stalls that could not be transferred, and some people dispersed. In order to set up his own family, but this Chai Tian, ​​what is going on, I have not figured it out, unless I go to Shanghai, but I am more inclined, when he comes here, he sets up his own family."

Speaking of this, Dong Ziyang paused, and said again: "Think about it, everyone, in Shanghai, the local gangs are very particular about seniority. He is a junior, so it is difficult to get ahead. But it is different here. He is basically independent. Yes, and he brought his brothers here, and he still has a certain amount of capital, so he can make his own decisions."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, have the people who contacted David found out?"

"Understood." Dong Ziyang said with a smile: "Chai Tian used to be a master in the gang, but now he also has his own master. His name is Li Guifu. Now they specialize in helping people transport goods and so on. The business is actually not small, and they I also have my own commercial radio station, but I don’t know if Chai Tian has contacted Huo Wenqiang in Hong Kong, so I’m not sure if this was ordered by Huo Wenqiang.”

Fan Keqin said: "Well, then don't worry. Anyway, looking at the current situation, Chai Tian is very careful. He followed our delivery route, which shows that he doesn't know us at all. So he didn't dare to act rashly. , Wait for my people in Hong Kong to send back news and then we will decide what to do."

Jin Manyu said: "Brother Zun, what if Chai Tian was actually appointed by Huo Wenqiang to contact us?"

"Let's be courteous before fighting." Fan Keqin said: "I asked the people in Hong Kong to warn him, if he still doesn't change, then let him disappear. And if Chai Tian himself pays attention... then let the people of the Dragon Gang get stuck They. Then make Chai Tian disappear according to the situation, and finally let the Dragon Gang come forward to recruit Chai Tian's people."

Once the plan is made, it must be put into action. On the second day, news came from Hong Kong that Huo Wenqiang has been very idle recently and has not moved at all.In addition, the people in Hong Kong checked the monitoring radio records and found that during the period when Chai Tian's people came into contact with David, no telegrams were sent at all.Fan Keqin understood that everything was Chai Tian's own idea.

But now Fan Keqin is a little puzzled, this Chai Tian is not moving now, did he withdraw after a little contact?Or do you want to figure out the company's shipping channels, and then learn it yourself?If this is the case, there is actually no need to kill the other party. After all, most of the goods now are provided by the various factories opened by the company in the United States, and the other party has no choice but to join in.

Another point is that although I have the power to decide the life and death of the company's "enemies", I cannot abuse it.It's not good for you if you abuse it.What he originally thought was that since the other party had already used the method of tracking, there was likely to be further action, and it was necessary for him to nip the danger in its infancy.

But looking at it now, it seems that the other party has no other intentions other than these.So Fan Keqin was a little hesitant now, picked up the phone and called Jin Manyu, and when he was connected, he said, "Manyu, Cha Chaitian can continue, but the order has been changed, so don't execute it directly. Wait for my message."

After hanging up the phone, Fan Keqin went upstairs directly, and entered the director's office through Liao Wangkun.

After sitting opposite Sun Guoxin, Fan Keqin explained his previous thoughts and current thoughts after the investigation to the other party in detail.

Sun Guoxin laughed after hearing this, and said, "Keqin, do you know what I admire most about you? It is your self-control ability."

While talking, Sun Guoxin handed Fan Keqin a cigar, lit one himself, and said, "Everyone makes mistakes, but as long as you don't make fatal mistakes, it's fine. In addition, you didn't make any mistakes. You just based on the situation at the time. It’s just that you have prepared for the worst situation. If it were me, I would do the same. Also, you have extraordinary abilities in this area, but you know that this is the ultimate means and cannot be abused. I really appreciate this ..."

(End of this chapter)

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