spy ace

Chapter 1212 Evacuation

Chapter 1212 Evacuation
In the film and television works of later generations, there is such a phenomenon called last-second rescue.That is, as long as it is a bomb, it will eventually involve the issue of removing stitches.The classic one is the red and blue lines, and then take the last gamble and cut that line.

Or there is a countdown, and when the time is up, it explodes with a bang.But often at the last second, the password is finally deciphered, the timing device is stopped, and the danger is eliminated.

In fact, in the above two situations, under the actual incident, as long as you don't want people to dismantle the bomb, you will not be left with a choice at all.Also red and blue two lines?timer?There is a timer, but why is it shining brightly like an electronic watch for you to see?
Just like this time, the bomb jointly designed by Jiang Bin and Du Shengli used a timer.But give you time to disassemble?Sorry, that's not possible.

A total of about thirty seconds of evacuation time.Try dismantling one, and it will break your steel underpants belt!

In addition, there are a total of eight load-bearing columns, but even if you are lucky, if you remove one or two, it will not work.Because once the other bombs went off and the pillars were broken, the entire building could be supported by just one or two load-bearing pillars that didn't explode?That is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

The two brothers who were guarding the stairs were the last to evacuate. They kept guarding the stairs and waited until everyone else had almost evacuated before retreating.So the two of them went out, leaving only the last fifteen seconds or so to explode.

As soon as the two of them went out, they rushed into a nearby car.The car has already started.At this time, he kicked the accelerator and started to drive straight forward.

The same is true for the blocking team members outside the building. As soon as the last two people came out, they all got into the car.The cars didn't turn off at all when they stopped, so they all drove outside quickly.

Athletes, the more powerful ones, can run nearly [-] meters in ten seconds.The car can only go faster, maybe in the first five seconds, many cars will be left behind by the athletes.But in the last five seconds, as long as the driver is not a fool, or has an accident, and stays focused, he will definitely be able to overtake the athlete and run a longer distance.

That's right, even the cars of this era are like this, they must be faster than people.Put on the gear, step on the accelerator directly to the bottom, and in less than ten seconds, it will go out for a hundred or so meters.

This is the case with Kang Changming, Bazi Hu Laoqi, and Gao Shengnan.As soon as the last two people came out, the three of them jumped into the car. Kang Changming drove it himself. The clutch, gear, and accelerator cooperated very well. As soon as the gas was pumped, the car rushed out on the road.

When I got to the front, I slowed down slightly, turned the steering wheel, turned to the street on the right, and drove directly to the northwest. In fact, there is no danger in this position. After all, the bomb is powerful, but it is only to blow up the load-bearing column. It's not just blowing up and blowing up the whole building.Therefore, Kang Changming's driving method immediately changed to a constant speed and then drove forward.

It was too late, but it was too fast. From the time they drove until they turned the corner, the total time was actually only about ten seconds. After all, in order to evacuate at the beginning, they didn't need to consider the problem of the car's speed being too fast and attracting attention.Because it's about to explode!
But just after one o'clock in ten seconds, the bombs installed by the blasters on the first floor of the company building were reset to zero and detonated almost at the same time.

Booming booms sounded in no particular order.The eight main load-bearing columns were directly blown off.The partition walls and annexation walls in the building couldn't bear the weight of the second, third and fourth floors.The whole building seemed to be hammered down to the ground by a huge god out of thin air.

With a low and heavy muffled sound, the whole building collapsed instantly.Followed by dust rising, blowing to the surrounding streets...

A whole building has collapsed, no matter how many people are inside, how many elites are there, as long as it is a body of flesh and blood, it is absolutely impossible to withstand such a landslide.A large number of Japanese special forces were killed by falling ceilings, bricks and other objects almost immediately, and some of them were seriously injured and buried under the ruins.Only a very small number of people suffered minor injuries.But they are still buried under tiles, glass, ceilings, stones, beams and so on.They can't even move. If no one digs up the ruins in a short time, what awaits them is a certain death situation.

Let's just talk about Kang Changming, the eight-character Hu Laoqi, and the handsome woman Gao Shengnan.Go directly to the northwest direction outside the city of Guangzhou.In order not to let people know the trajectory of the vehicle, Kang Changming made three turns in a row before driving towards the northwest again.

Kang Changming said, "Change your clothes."

Although Gao Shengnan is a woman, but when did you score, do you still need to pay so much attention at this time?Besides, it's not like letting her be completely naked.So he quickly opened his backpack on the car, took out the clothes he had prepared in advance, and began to change.

The same is true for Old Seven Hu, who took off his clothes and pants, opened his bag and began to change.

At this time, Kang Changming controlled the speed of the car to a faster speed than normal.After traveling for about twenty minutes, the car finally drove out of the urban area of ​​Guangzhou.

After stopping on the side of the road, Kang Changming and Bazi Hu Laoqi changed places, and the car quickly drove to the scheduled dumping place again.Kang Changming also quickly completed the change.

About another [-] minutes later, Laoqi Hu, the character, drove the car into a land fault formed by a large field, parked the car and put it in neutral, and several people got out of the car.

Then the three of them worked together and pushed the car into the crack in one breath.Then turned around and quickly entered the small forest. After walking for about an hour, the front suddenly became clear.But the three of them have already walked out of this small forest, and the railway is not far away.

Kang Changming, standing on the edge of the woods, said: "Okay, according to the plan, we will separate from here and go back to the headquarters on our own. As long as we keep a low profile, it is still very safe. In addition, Katsuo has resumed women's clothing now, and it is not easy to go long distances." Convenience. Dress up as husband and wife with me, Seventh, you just wait a while after we leave, and then start again. Just follow the railway and we will be able to find where the next stop is, but remember, do You can’t walk on the train tracks clearly. You have to keep a certain distance.”

"Understood." Ba Zihu said: "Sir, you go quickly, and when you get back to the headquarters, I will treat you to a drink."

(End of this chapter)

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