spy ace

Chapter 1214 Arrangement

Chapter 1214 Arrangement
Sun Guoxin took a sip from his water glass and said, "I think, the main composition of each special recruiting point can be handled by internal agents, and then two field agents are assigned as assistants. In this way, there is no need to take up the tasks of field operations." .”

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "I will arrange it like this later. In addition, I will let Huazhang's investigation team be responsible for the task of visiting. Now the people of the investigation team have been brought out. For them, the task of visiting is very important. It's still pretty easy."

Sun Guoxin said: "It's very good, and it's good to do it at the same time. The arrangement is very good. Even if there are any emergencies, there are still personnel from the field team and the investigation department."

Next, Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin discussed the situation of the anti-spy network in detail, and walked in several steps, what to do, and what to pay attention to.All discussed and studied.It was already noon when it was over.

Fan Keqin went downstairs to have another lunch with Sun Guoxin in the cafeteria, and then returned to his office.Tell Zhuang Xiaoman, Xu Shipeng, and Bai Fengtai to come.As for the back office, it was Sun Guoxin who personally arranged it.

After a while, both of them walked in. Fan Keqin threw a cigarette at each of them, lit one himself, and said, "Shipeng, is the image team busy now?"

"It's okay." Xu Shipeng said, "I haven't had much work in the past two months. So I arranged for the brothers below to go to various police stations to paint portraits of some criminals. In this way, it can be regarded as It has provided a certain amount of help to the stability of the local area. Secondly, you can continue to exercise the artist's level and maintain the state. But now most of the brothers are mainly helping the investigation team of Team Leader Hua. Team Leader Hua's ability to handle cases is really strong Ah. From time to time, we need the help of our brothers in the graphics team to draw some criminals."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "That's good. Recently, we plan to hold a special recruitment task for portrait painters. You recruit a few brothers to come out, and follow the specially hired personnel, who are mainly responsible for the business level assessment."

"No problem." Xu Shipeng said: "Who is in charge of this matter? Who does the humble job ask the brothers to contact?"

"You just need to choose a good person." Fan Keqin said: "Just be prepared. The bureau will personally arrange someone to take charge of this matter. When you are ready, someone from the back office will take the initiative to contact you."

Xu Shipeng nodded and said: "Understood. Then the humble job will go back and make arrangements now?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "You go. During the assessment, how should I say it... It doesn't have to be successful, but, it is okay to have a certain talent, but the current level is not good. We will do it later. Training, classes, teaching, etc., are also in charge of your image team. In short, the specific situation, when the time comes, you can talk to the person in charge of the internal special recruitment."

"Understood." Xu Shipeng said: "The humble job is ready now." Saying that, he got up and left Fan Keqin's office.

Fan Keqin took a puff of cigarette, looked at Bai Fengtai, and said, "You heard me, your tasks are similar, and you can't just let the internal staff be responsible for special recruits. For each special recruit, you send a When the two brothers follow, the first is to prevent some potential safety hazards. The second is to effectively coordinate and communicate with Huazhang. After all, they are all field work, so it can be more smooth. Huazhang is responsible for the follow-up personnel visits. She is now , I heard from Xu Shipeng that...you are busy, right?"

"Well, I'm busy." Bai Fengtai smiled and said, "Group Leader Hua's investigation team has helped the police station solve many important cases. Even during this period, she has dug out several deeply hidden cases." Spies."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Okay, that's all. You arrange for the brothers who follow the special recruits. If Huazhang comes back, you can inform her to let her come to my office. But remember, this matter is the same Keep it as secret as possible, especially the conditions and steps of special recruitment. This is also to prevent spies from sneaking into our internal opportunities. The reason why each point is followed by one or two field brothers is also because of this. Be sure to let them be careful. "

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said: "I know about it. I will draw up a candidate list for this matter when I go back. I will finish it later, the head team, do you want to have a look?"

"No need." Fan Keqin said: "I can trust you to do things." He took a puff of cigarette and said: "Okay, that's basically it, you go and get busy."

After Bai Fengtai left, Huazhang came to look for Fan Keqin after four o'clock in the afternoon.This chick is really busy now, even the busiest team in the entire investigation department.After all, the population of Chongqing is too large now, and when the population increases, the crime rate will soar.And now the spies are hiding very deeply, so Huazhang started to mainly do these jobs.In short, people can't be idle, as soon as they are idle, they will be scrapped.

After Huazhang came in, he said, "Virgin, I heard the young master tell you about the basic situation. I'm in charge of the follow-up visits to the specially recruited painters?"

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "This is just in case. You can let go of some ordinary police cases. Let the brothers be responsible for the investigation of special recruits at this stage. Make sure that In the painter's team, there is not a single spy who got in by chance."

"Yes." Huazhang stood up and said, and then said: "Virgin, can the manpower of my investigation team be expanded appropriately? I feel that the manpower is always a bit insufficient."

Fan Keqin asked: "If I remember correctly, your investigation team has increased to sixty people, isn't it enough?"

Huazhang said, "It's seventy people."

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Huazhang said: "The main reason is that there are too many cases, and there are local Japanese spies hiding too deeply. This alone requires a lot of manpower to investigate. Everyone must have read the weekly subsection. When dealing with police cases, a few Japanese spies were dug out. So I feel that these Japanese spies don’t exist, but they don’t dare to act. Or they don’t dare to make big moves. Although in this way, Their role is indeed very limited, but it is not good to keep them. Therefore, I feel that I want to expand the number of people in this group, so that it will be more effective to dig out these Japanese specials who are still lurking in the local area.”

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "There are too many people. You should know that one of your investigation teams will exceed the total number of people in many local sub-bureaus. But... it's not impossible. Let's do it, the next batch newcomer……"

(End of this chapter)

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