spy ace

Chapter 1238 Field Investigation

Chapter 1238 Field Investigation
"Then kill the sentry in an instant." Ba Zihu said: "At this time, there is a small time difference that can be used. After all, it is inside or outside the courtyard. People in the guard room at the gate of the courtyard may know that there is a car coming at the gate. , but if there is no sound, they may be confused, and it is impossible to act aggressively immediately. We can let the brothers ambush at the wall in advance, and after the two gate posts are killed, they will turn over immediately and approach the guard changing room from behind."

Huazhang frowned, and said: "It's still not very safe... I'm afraid it won't work. The courtyard is facing the street, so I'm afraid I might be seen. Although I haven't visited the police station, I know that this kind of institution There must be lights at the entrance of the unit, although it is midnight, but it is even more conspicuous under the lights. Once anyone sees it, our operation may fail immediately."

The character mustache said: "There is a chance, but if we act quickly, the dangerous time is actually not long, at most... a minute."

Huazhang said: "We should have a better choice. How about a disguise. For example, pretending to be a food delivery person?"

"Meal delivery?" Hu said: "Our attack time must be in the middle of the night. The act of delivering food...although they may not be suspicious when they first come into contact with it. For example, they can think of something to say, just say... It's municipal, and the benefits are distributed uniformly, but... there must not be too many people. At most, there are only one or two people, except for the sentry post, there are still people in the guard-changing hut inside. In addition, the problem you mentioned is still the same exist."

Huazhang said: "Then we can only make a fuss at the back door, as long as we can sneak in quietly... No, we haven't seen the actual situation, we are always tied up here with plans out of thin air, before it's too late , let’s go to the police station to take a look around now.”

"Okay." The character mustache got up and said, "Then let's go now."

Time is very precious now, and it is too difficult to customize an attack plan based on the current information.The two of them didn't dare to waste time, so they went straight out of the room and checked out.Still looking like a couple or a couple, they headed for Shijing Street.

Not long after they arrived at the place, the two chatted, Huazhang was on the outside, and the mustache was on the inside, so that Huazhang turned his head to look at him, but he was actually looking at the police station, so no one would notice.

I saw that the police station had a fence, an iron gate in the middle, and several concrete piers at the gate.The Japanese puppets were really scared after being attacked by a car bomb on the [-]th, and they were directly cast into the shadow of Fan Keqin's heart.But there is also a downside, that is, after the defense is in place, it may be very difficult to play similar car attacks in the future.

On the two sides outside the fence gate, a man in a black uniform stood facing each other with a gun on his back.Other than that, there are no other guard posts.

When Huazhang and the others were walking, because they were moving, they could also see some of the situation inside the courtyard gate as they moved.

Sure enough, it was like nonsense, there was a hut inside the door on the right side of the police station, facing the gate of the police station.It is estimated that there is a changing of guards inside.This hut can't see the guards on the same side outside the courtyard.But the guard on the left can see it from a perspective.

It's just that the hut is now under the shadow of the courtyard wall, and the glass is a bit reflective, so people can't see what's going on in the hut.In other words, is there anyone watching the situation of the gate of the courtyard through the glass all the time.

But Huazhang understood that there must be people in this hut, otherwise it would not be possible to use it as a decoration and build it there.

The courtyard wall was not too high either. Using the roofs of passing cars as a reference, Huazhang calculated that the height of the courtyard wall should be around [-] or [-] meters.At most it is two meters seven to the end.If it is a specially trained agent, a person can easily climb over it.Even ordinary people, as long as they are physically stronger, more flexible, and have a certain jumping ability, if they can let him climb over the wall generously, they can also climb over the wall.

Since I was walking at a relatively far end of the road, although the top plane of the courtyard wall could not be seen, I could also see some glass cracks sprinkled on it.But this point is easy to solve, as long as you get two quilts and jump up, after all, if it is not too long glass shards, it will not cause any harm.

The main building is at least on the second floor, higher than the courtyard wall. Although it is fifty or sixty meters inside, Huazhang and the others can see the upper half.Furthermore, Huazhang and the others are mobile, so from the open gate of the courtyard, they can see the general situation of the main building.

The main building of the police station is light yellow or beige as a whole, just like nonsense. There are ten windows on each floor, and twenty windows on the upper and lower sides.This is just the front. If you count the back, there are a total of forty windows.It's past the off-duty time now, and the sky is not dark, so I can really see some things clearly.

The main building is very long left and right. Through observation at this time, the courtyard wall is actually connected to the two sides of the main building.There were two cars parked in the yard. As for the situation inside the main building, it was hard to see clearly through the windows.

While observing, Huazhang was making various assessments in his mind.For example: if you successfully touch the sentry post at the gate, just pay attention to the sentry post on the right, and don’t let people in the courtyard or the guard changing room see it, then it is basically impossible for people in the main building fifty meters away from the courtyard entrance found.

Looking at the size ratio of the guard changing room, if the house is forced to fit inside, it is not a problem to stay with five or six people.Looking at it this way, the two sentry posts at the gate of the courtyard should be in three shifts. After a pair goes up, after a certain period of time, a pair will be replaced.Then change it after a while.So looking at it this way, counting the two guard posts at the gate of the courtyard, there should be six people on duty.

But one of the difficulties is that this is on the street.The road on this street is not the kind of main road, but it is not the kind of side road either. In the words of later generations, it is a two-way four-lane road.Quite an ordinary road.So the road is not wide.This makes the observation distance on both sides of the street really not too far away.If there is a sneak attack during the operation, then if there is really someone who is not sleeping in some buildings on the opposite street... In addition, there is indeed a light at the entrance of the police station. , On the contrary, it is conspicuous, and it is really easy to be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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