spy ace

Chapter 1245 Kill Streak

Chapter 1245 Kill Streak
The character mustache is not the case. He still maintains a posture of holding a gun, just in case he can shoot at the first time at any time to eliminate a threatening target.

The five agents gathered together, like thieves, one by one, with short bodies, touched in.Everyone is responsible for a target, and they all stand in their positions. The mustache sticks out his left hand, stretches out three fingers, and then retracts one at short intervals. He waved his arm down.

Seeing this, everyone started to attack at the same time, some attacked from the back of the opponent's brain cartilage, and some attacked from the ears and eyes like the two agents in the mail room. Anyway, they wanted to kill the opponent instantly as much as possible.This way you can make no sound at all.

The five bodies were almost in no particular order. They twitched suddenly, and then relaxed in the next instant.Mustache, looked at the situation in the house again, hooked his hands, and drew a circle in the air.Everyone understood that this was to let them continue their search.So almost the same as when he came in, he went out again silently, and continued to search every room on the first floor.

At the same time, nearly half of the search on the second floor was carried out.Speaking of No. [-] who was in charge of the second floor, after leading the team up the stairs gently, he heard the second floor was very quiet.Yes, sometimes silence can be heard.He can even hear the sound of cars and trains in the distance.

The first floor on the second floor, which is next to the stairs, has the same layout as the first floor, which is a hall.But now there is no one.But No. [-] was very keen, and soon discovered that there was a very weak light coming from the window on the door of a room on the left side of the middle section of the corridor on the right.

That said, there are lights in the house, even if the brightness is very weak, they should be able to see the light from the window outside before they come in, right?That's right!There is light in the house, even with thick curtains drawn sometimes, but at night you can see the light from outside.But why didn't Bazihu, Huazhang and others see it?This is because the lights in this house are not so bright, and the most important point is that there is a corridor and a row of rooms on the right side.Bazihu, Huazhang and others entered through the back door.Those who don't have clairvoyant eyes naturally didn't see it.

But it didn't delay at all, No. [-] turned around and patted an agent who was following him, telling him to follow him, stretched out his left arm, drew a circle in the air, and pointed to the corridors on both sides.Get them to start searching according to plan.

No. [-] himself and another agent, bent their backs, pointed the muzzle of the gun in the direction of the eyes, and quietly touched the door of the room with light coming out.

The corridor is relatively dark, and there is light in the room, so as long as they are not standing in a place that also has light, then No. [-] and the other agent will not be seen by the people in the room.This is a law of nature.So No. [-] stood on the side, avoiding the light from the window above the door, and looked inside more generously.

This room is very recognizable, the switchboard room.Against the wall is first a row of long tables, on which there are new telephone switches made by the devils based on German switches.On the other side next to the switch, there is a man crawling.Apparently he was on the night shift in the computer room.However, this person was wearing a thick headset on his head, leaning against the back of a chair, and wearing a coat to prevent the cold air from entering his body.Probably confused, because this person opened his mouth unintentionally.His eyes were half-opened and half-closed, obviously he didn't feel comfortable sleeping, but he did fall asleep.

Number One understands that in this case, the person may actually wake up with a little movement.Maybe, after reaching a certain level in this uncomfortable sleeping position, he might wake up by himself.Therefore, the two of them must hurry up.

Number One pointed to the doorknob, then pointed a gun at the people inside through the door.Another agent saw him, and immediately put his left hand on the doorknob and pressed it lightly.Well, no locks.

So he continued to press down slowly with gentle force.Finally, two seconds later, the door was opened.Slowly and carefully pushed the door open.

Maybe it was colder in the hallway.There was a certain temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the room, so after opening the door, No. [-] saw the kid gasp, holding the handle of the chair with both hands, as if he wanted to adjust his posture.The half-opened and half-closed eyes are also a little more energetic than before.

Seeing this situation, No. [-] kicked his feet and rushed in, directly behind this kid.The left hand suddenly covered the opponent's mouth and nose, and the right hand dropped fiercely.There was a muffled sound, and the handle of the gun directly hit the opponent's temple.

Another agent followed suit.After he came in, he saw that No. [-] had violently knocked the opponent unconscious, so he took out the knife from his waist with his left hand, stabbed it forward, and with a soft hissing sound, he directly inserted it into the opponent's throat.This is not over yet, follow him to the left.The knife made a small half circle around the neck, cutting off the artery on the side of the opponent's neck as well.

When No. [-] saw him, he quickly lifted the other party's coat and covered the other party's head.He glanced at the other agent dissatisfied.Pointing to the blood splattered on his cuff because he couldn't dodge in time, the subtext is: Look what you made for me! !

The other agent, who obviously knew him well, shrugged.Meaning - I didn't mean to either.

The situation on the second floor is really much better than the first floor, because there are not many people.In other words, there are people in only one switchboard room.It is estimated that the people on the night shift, or the guards, all ran to the first floor.That might be the room where the mustaches and the others killed the card game.

However, there are few people because there are few people, but it was only discovered after searching. Naturally, one must be careful when searching. So it didn't save much time.

In addition, at this time in the square hall on the first floor, which is the main entrance of the main building of the police station, several things happened.Namely: Bazihu ​​decided to take the initiative to attack the sentry outside the yard.

The main reason is that he thought that if he waited for someone to ignore the guard post outside, he might be safe after the operation was over, and he could withdraw through the back door smoothly again.However, after I waited for someone to leave, what if someone came in at the sentry post at the gate of the yard?This thing is really not sure.Because once this happens, it is out of control.Who knows how far he will wait for someone to evacuate?Even if the other party found out at that time...

(End of this chapter)

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