spy ace

Chapter 1248 Fire

Chapter 1248 Fire

"Inside..." While speaking, the pseudo-police officer pointed to the room behind him with his right thumb.But his answer was subconscious, so he immediately stopped talking, frowned and asked, "Who are you...?"

"It's from the Inspector's Office." Number One looked at the room he was pointing to, with the words "Guards on duty" written on it.Then he asked, "How many of you are on duty?"

With just a few words from this pseudo-police officer, the doubts in his heart increased greatly.But they were wearing police uniforms on the [-]st. In addition, to be able to get here, they must have passed the inspection of the gate and other sentries, so although he was puzzled, he still replied: "Eight. Are you here for inspection? At this time ?”

"I don't know if it's New Year's Eve." No. [-] said with a sneer, "Your bureau chief will have to come over to see our officer in a while. Let's come and have a look first." Following him, he turned his head and said, "Okay, Hurry up and wake up."

As for what number one said just now, it stands to reason that it is very confusing.Because this is likely to make the other party think about it, go through the form of an inspection during the New Year, go through a cutscene or something.

But just as No. [-] finished speaking, the door of the guard's duty room opened, and two people in plain clothes walked out of it. Seeing these two people, No. [-]'s heart moved.

why?It is because they are wearing plain clothes.You know, Huazhang and Ba Zihu's mission this time is to find Situ Ke, and although Situ Ke may be guarded, at least there must be professional agents.

And now, as soon as I waited for someone to say a few words outside, the other party came out of the house to check, at least it showed that the two plainclothes were very vigilant.Even the coat is worn.

So why are they so vigilant?You know, I was waiting for someone upstairs, but there was no big movement on the other floor, so it must not be because of this reason.Then it can only be said that these two plainclothes men have a certain mission on their shoulders.After hearing the conversation outside, he immediately came out to check the situation.This is very suspicious.

The character Hu was about to confuse the other party with words again, but he just opened his mouth, but immediately changed it into an order decisively, and shouted: "Fire!"

It turned out that it was when Mustache wanted to confuse the other party with words, so that his group could more easily deal with the other party's guards.The two plainclothes just came out, and the man on the left kept scanning himself and the others with his eyes.And he frowned slightly.

As for the plainclothes man on the right, he also looked at No. [-] and the others with a calm expression, and inadvertently made a sniffling motion.

On the [-]st, when these two people came out, they knew that these two people might be professionals, and they were happy that they might find Situ Ke soon.But at the same time, pay close attention to observing the two people.

So these few small movements did not escape his eyes.And there are only two possibilities.One is that the other party is still only suspicious, but does not act.The second is that the other party has seen the flaws of himself and others.

No. [-] directly chose the latter.Because of the feeling in his heart, these two plainclothes, one of them, may have smelled the blood stains that he and others had accidentally stained, a faint fishy smell.

You know, they were clothes taken from dead people, and two pseudo-police officers didn't wear overcoats, they were covered, and they weren't stained with much blood.In addition, they roughly picked them before, and even if there was blood, they were the ones with the least blood stains.Under such circumstances, most people would not be able to notice the smell of blood even if they got close.If you don’t believe me, you can go to the emergency department of the hospital. Sometimes the traumatized people are pushed by, and the bloody cart passes by you, and you may not pay attention to the smell of blood.

But professionals are completely different, at worst it is an occupational disease of a secret agent.They have seen so much that they can become numb.But this numbness doesn't mean that he won't be as frightened as a recruit, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about everything he sees.So with more experience, their ability to distinguish blood is naturally much stronger than ordinary people.

No. [-] ordered decisively because he was afraid that the other party would smell it. If the other party did not say anything, he drew his gun and shot. Although there were many people on his side, but at such a short distance, the loss would inevitably be very large.

With an order, it was too late to think about anything, so I had to do it to the end.

Fortunately, the current situation is in the basement. Even if there is no normal gunshot with a silencer, if it wants to spread out, it has to go through a thick sound insulation layer, and then pass through the rooms on the first floor, corridors, and the walls of the building to silence the sound several times.So I won't talk about attracting the attention of the outside world.

Number One started pulling the trigger as soon as he spoke.His gun was in his pocket, he didn't take it out, but raised his wrist in his pocket, put it in his pocket and fired violently.

They are all agents, and in the case of facing each other, who can be much slower than the other.But now No. [-]'s decisiveness has brought them a huge advantage.Because the opponent's plainclothes is very alert.But it is true that it has not reached the stage of action.Their arms were still hanging down before, and if they wanted to draw their guns, they had to pull them from their waists.Unlike No. [-], they have already held the handle of the gun, and they can fire as long as they raise their wrists.

So this time, there were several consecutive gunshots, at such a short distance, the two plainclothes and the police officer were shot at least twice each, and they were all shot by No. [-] and other four agents. fell to the ground.

"Rush!" No. [-] yelled again, and took the lead to rush to the guard's duty room.

If it is said that his order to fire at the beginning is open to discussion, there may be a better way.But his, the second order to charge and attack, was extremely correct.

First of all, the pseudo-government police officers or secret agents inside.It's just the distance between the inside and outside of the door. It's impossible not to hear the sound of gunfire.If there is any hesitation at this time, even if you are really cautious and other reasons, any reason will definitely leave the other party with a longer reaction time.

No. [-] issued this order, on the contrary, to shorten the reaction time of the fake police officers or special agents inside as much as possible.The best result is naturally not even touching the gun.

It really didn't take a few seconds to pull the trigger before. At such a short distance, for professionals like them, they only need to aim by feeling.Just touch the opponent twice and you're done.It was even solved in a second or two...

(End of this chapter)

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