spy ace

Chapter 1251 Rescue

Chapter 1251 Rescue
As soon as he opened the iron door, Mustache's first feeling was, this is not a prison cell, this is the bedroom of someone with a certain family background.Desk, kerosene lamp, radio, bookshelf, rocking chair, single bed, and a small wine cabinet next to it, which contains a row of various drinks.What is available in ordinary people's homes is available in this cell, and what is not in ordinary people's homes is also available in this cell.

Someone asked, there is still wine in here, are you afraid that the people inside will harm themselves with glass or something?The answer is not to be afraid, they have already made it clear that they will know that they will not kill the people inside.

Besides, if you want to die, you will die anyway. The chopsticks, spoons, or trays you use to deliver food can hurt others and yourself.If you want to self-harm, you can't give these things.If you don't have the heart to harm yourself, it's fine if you give him a knife.

In this cell, there was a person who might have heard the gunshot outside, and stood in the middle of the ground vigilantly.Facing the direction of the prison door.The reason why there is no sound is that who knows what happened to those gunshots?Anyone who changes it will observe and observe first.

Mustache saw this person at a glance, and it was undoubtedly Situ Ke.It was exactly the same as one of the two people they were looking for in the photo.At the age of twenty-three or four, with fair skin and slender fingers, he looked like the kind of person who had never suffered any crimes since childhood.

Although he was in the cell at this time, he was still wearing a high-end velvet pajamas.It's just that the hairstyle is a bit messy. Judging by the state, it may be because these days, it seems that I haven't slept well, and my mental state is a little sluggish.

But even though the person in the photo could match him, Bazihu ​​still asked for caution, "What's your name, sir?"

The man was slightly startled when he heard this, as if he had thought of something, he replied: "I'm Situ Ke."

"Great, from the State Security Bureau, we're here to rescue you." Mustache glanced at the clothes folded on a chair beside him, and said, "Hurry up and change your clothes. Let's go out right away."

"Hey, good." Hearing this, Situ Ke said with excitement on his face, "I knew you would come to save me, I knew it." When he was speaking, he took off his pajamas without thinking about getting naked Due to the sleeping habit, he picked up his own clothes and began to put them on quickly.

Ba Zihu asked: "Mr. Situ, how did you come here, and what date did you come?"

"My God, what's the date? You've stumped me. You know I was kidnapped at the time, and I was surrounded by several guns. Do you think I will pay attention to the number?" Stuke said with a bit of American style, After all, he was born in the Meidi family, and has lived in the Meidi family most of the time, so his tone of voice and words are naturally more American.

But he still thought about it carefully, and said again: "It seems to be on the twentieth of last month, I really don't know the specifics. They watched me come by plane, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." The mustache said, "I'm just asking." In fact, he was checking the information further, but Situ Ke's answers were all right.Now I can be sure that the other party is the target I want to save.Because some things just can't be installed.As long as this guy is taken back by himself and meets with the Situ family, it is impossible for the fake to become real.

Situ Ke has seen the hope of freedom, although here, as long as he wants something, just ask, there will be agents of the puppet government to satisfy him.And send him something.But how can it be better outside?He is the eldest son of a rich family, and he has not had enough fun in the world outside.

Because of the speed at which he puts on clothes, he performed much better than usual, and the clothes were put on by him very quickly.Mustache said: "Okay, let's go, Mr. Situ, please always follow me. Don't fall behind!"

"Okay." Situ Ke repeatedly agreed, followed behind Mustache, and walked outside.The character mustache shouted: "The mission is completed, retreat as planned!"

Hearing this, the people guarding the stairway went up immediately and joined the security bureau agents guarding upstairs.Although Situ Ke is the young master and a proper rich second generation, he is really not the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong.Apart from love to play, a bit of the squeamishness of a young master, and a bit of a flair, there are really no other problems.

When he passed by the guard duty room, the dead bodies inside, the bullet casings on the ground, the bloody clothes, etc., had a great impact on him. He knew that the process for these people to save himself was not that simple. .So he has the consciousness of gratitude in his heart.At least, at this moment, he is grateful in his heart.

The agent, who was also wearing a fake police uniform, opened the main entrance of the main building and waved towards the Changing of the Guard hut.Seeing the people in the hut, they immediately got out of it, entered the main building, and merged with the mustache who happened to come up.Bazihu ​​urged: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

When we arrived at the room on the first floor, Huo pulled Situ Ke directly to the window, "Bangbang, tie tie, bangbang"

He tapped lightly on the window frame a few times.Just looking behind a tree not far away, Huazhang appeared and waved.

Seeing the horoscope, he said, "Safety, let's go!" As he spoke, he jumped out.Turn around to help Situ Ke.

Situ Ke stretched out his hand to pull the other party, and said in surprise: "Do you still have girls?"

"Don't talk unless necessary." Ba Zihu warned him in a low voice, and immediately led him to the opposite side. Hua Zhang appeared directly, and the three of them started to walk towards the buildings ahead.

As for others, there is no need to worry about it at this time.Everyone knows how to withdraw and withdraw in that direction.After Situ Ke saw Hua Zhang, he glanced at him from time to time, but he didn't dare to speak just now outside.

After a while, several people turned into the buildings and said nonsense: "It's me."

A black figure flashed out, opened a car door, and got into the cab.Everyone got in the car.The car started, passed through the buildings, got on the road, and started out of the city in the southwest direction.

"Hello. My name is Situ Ke." After sitting in the car, Situ Ke felt more secure, and then looked at Huazhang.

"I'm observing the situation outside." Huazhang looked out of the window without turning his head, and said, "You'd better not disturb me."

"Ah." Situ Ke also looked out of the car window and said, "Hey, aren't you afraid?"

Huazhang gave him a sideways look, but didn't reply.

Situ Ke said: "Well, you have a task, you don't talk. Actually, I just want to express my gratitude..."

(End of this chapter)

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