spy ace

Chapter 1259 The Tracker

Chapter 1259 The Tracker

Kazuo Asano continued: "The intersection of these two directions, the bloodstains here, they must have treated the wounds for the injured. And the belt of the policeman is missing...I think the tool to stop the bleeding is that A missing belt."

Eishi Osuka nodded with a smile beside him, and said, "Asano-kun's analysis is exactly the same as mine. In addition, these people are indeed very professional. When they left, they tried their best to avoid Open the bloodstain. In this way, the bloodstain in this place will not be destroyed. Also, Mr. Asano said a little less, that is, these two people left the team and left first."

Damon Shingo heard that he hadn't spoken yet, because he was indeed shocked by the analysis of Osuka Hideshi and the opponent's assistant, Kazuo Asano.He was very absorbed in listening, and he heard Osuka Eiji say with certainty that it was "two people".Then leave first.He couldn't help asking, and said, "Mr. Osuka said there were two people? And they left the team and left first?"

Li Zhi and Wang Dasheng also had doubts in their hearts, and they looked at Yingshi Osuga expectantly.

"Ah. Yes." Eishi Osuka didn't hold back, and said: "There is a blood footprint here, which is the outline of the toe of a shoe. Have you seen it? From the position of the station, it can be judged that there is a blood footprint The person who was wounded was bandaged. The distribution of the blood dripping on the ground was covered by his feet, so this shape was left. As for the reason, I judged that they left first. That is the first point It is completely impossible for the wounded to evacuate alone, unless he is seriously injured. But judging from the amount of bleeding, he is not seriously injured. In addition, in the guard's duty room, our agent shot The final impact point was not found, so the bullet must have stayed in the wounded person's body."

Having said that, Osuga Yingshi paused, and said: "If a person is injured, in this kind of action, it will naturally become a drag, but his injury is serious and not fatal, at least there is still a chance to be able to recover." It was cured. So if you want to save his life, there is only one way, let someone take him away. You still remember, the one we surveyed before they came in, the room not far from the back door on the first floor Is it a room? A wounded man, it is very strenuous to step over the window sill, but there is a little blood left there, which shows that he crossed smoothly. Even if the leg is not injured, the mobility after being shot is also It was very low, so there must be someone who helped him climb over the window sill. With all the information combined, plus the amount of his bleeding, if he still insisted on leaving the city and fleeing immediately, he could be said to be in a certain situation. Besides, he His companions will not let him do this, so I judge that this person, as well as his companions who support and take care of him, are still in the city with a high probability. We still have a chance to catch them."

After Osuka Yingshi finished speaking, Li Zhi who was next to him seemed to understand suddenly, and said: "Yes, if they are still in the city, then his injury cannot be delayed. Hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies are waiting for him. will go."

Wang Dasheng said: "Yes, yes, but he has an accomplice, it is very likely... that he will move the injured guy to a safe place first, and then his accomplice will come out to buy medicine and other things, and then his accomplice will come Heal him."

Eiji Osuka glanced at his watch and said, "It's ten fifty. General hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies open at eight or half past eight, and it's only two hours from now. You just need to Immediately send more people to these places to look for it, I believe that as long as the other party buys medicines for trauma, gauze, etc., then the doctors in the hospital, the clerks in the pharmacy, and others must still have an impression of this person."

"I'll arrange it now." After Li Zhi said that, he immediately turned and ran upstairs.Wang Dasheng said: "Thank you Mr. Osuka, Mr. Asano, and Mr. Damon for your guidance. The situation is urgent. Please allow me to make a phone call."

"It's important." Osuka Yingshi waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty, just go."

"Hi one." Wang Dasheng said, quickly bowed to Osuga Yingshi, turned around and ran upstairs as well.

Damon Shingo just helped Osuka Eiji provide some information on the Kuomintang-controlled area before. This is the first time that Osuga Eishi participated in a specific incident.

Undoubtedly, Damon Shingo was shocked by the situation just now. He really didn't expect the opponent's ability to be so high.It turns out that just by the traces, you can judge specific things.Although he deliberately read several books written by Osuka Yingshi ten years ago before he received the order from the superior to let him contact Osuka Yingshi.

It can be said that these books are indeed very professionally written.And gave all professional incidents, or cases, to form a system.But he only had one thought at this time: that is, the book written by Eiji Osuka was too shallow.His own ability must be much stronger than what was written in that book.

Thinking of this, Damon Shingo couldn't help asking directly.Said: "Mr. Osuka, you are worthy of being the father of our modern police investigation in Japan. I have read your work "Traces of the Scene", and the writing of that book is naturally excellent, but from what I saw just now, I I feel that what Mr. Osuka can do is much more than that in that book. Has Mr. Osuka made any progress in the past few years after writing the book? If so, your spirit of learning is really Made me very ashamed."

"Ah." After hearing this, Osuka Yingshi waved his hand with a smile, indicating that they should also go upstairs first, and then walked up with the two of them while saying: "Mr. Well, as for continuous learning, there is. However, when I wrote that book, I considered a kind of universality and routine. Even ordinary talented police officers or special professionals, through the book The systematic learning can also reach a more professional level, so I wrote that book like this. In fact, this kind of reference book is like a bullet in my understanding. Only if it can be mass-produced, Routine, systematized, and industrialized are the best. No matter how meticulously crafted by hand, it cannot meet the requirements I mentioned. I think it is useless. Even if one or two people are more capable High, it cannot improve the overall professional quality."

Several people were talking, and they had already reached the first floor.It just so happened that Li Zhi and Wang Dasheng had already finished their missions and came back.

(End of this chapter)

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