spy ace

Chapter 1268 Thank you

Chapter 1268 Thank you
"Hmm...not really." Huazhang straightened his words and said, "Brother Zun, I'm still in the special investigation team, but I'm almost not needed for ordinary cases, so I was thinking, can I add a little more?" , Operation missions outside. Even... going to the Japanese-occupied area and robbing two banks would be quite good."

Fan Keqin understood what she meant, and said: "That is to say, your usual job is still in the local special dispatch team, but every once in a while, you also want to go to other places to perform a mission. That's what you mean, right? "

"Yeah." Huazhang nodded and admitted, "Yes, I want to do more things in my humble position, but I don't want to leave the special dispatch team."

"Yes." Fan Keqin readily agreed.After all, now, Huazhang and Fan Keqin's jobs are classified as field agents.So there is no conflict.Huazhang's ability is also very strong, except for a certain thing that Fan Keqin already knows, she will not lie to herself.So she said that the special adjustment team can do it alone, so it must be able to do it.

But Fan Keqin didn't tell the other party right away that he might go to the Northeast after a while.This is a matter of principle, when to say it, just when to say it, not a little bit in advance.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.Fan Keqin and the others drank a lot, but his physical fitness was so amazing that he didn't have any alcohol reaction.Huazhang next to her was also a senior officer and a woman, so no one came to toast frequently.After a meal, there are only a few who are not drunk.The rest are more or less fluttering.But as an agent, he would basically keep a trace of clarity.No one ever reached the point of "can't go home".

Fan Keqin drove Huazhang back, followed by a few bodyguards who were always in the dark, and returned to his home.Soon, there were turbulent waves in the bathtub...

Early the next morning, Fan Keqin kissed Lu Xiaoya goodbye and came to the Security Bureau.Immediately let Zhuang Xiaoman pay attention to Feng Hao and Shan Zaijun, as soon as they come back, let them come to see him immediately.Then he went to the telecommunications office in person and sent a telegram to the Tianjin branch.The content is very simple and clear: "Investigate Wang Mutian's movements, do not disturb."

When Fan Keqin came out of the telecommunications office and walked to his office, he saw a familiar figure lying in the mail room, talking to the guard inside.Looking at that appearance, it is very chic.It was the rescued Situ Ke who had regained his demeanor as the eldest son of the Meidi family.Next to him were two people in black tunic suits who were showing their IDs to the guards.

But Fan Keqin didn't care. After all, this kid was sent to the military commander last night, and he might have followed him back to ask him about some details.

So Fan Keqin ignored the other party and went back to his office directly.As a result, he just signed two documents, one is the special investigation team's investigation and case filing report.The other is the latest training funding approval for the Field Corps.As a result, he was about to press the buzzer to call Zhuang Xiaoman in.There was a knock on the door, and Zhuang Xiaoman pushed the door open and walked in.

Fan Keqin handed the documents forward and said, "One for filing and one for the General Affairs Office. Do you have anything to do?"

Zhuang Xiaoman said: "Situ Ke, He Youliang is here. I need to go through the handover procedures. I'll come and tell you."

Fan Keqin said: "Is he united with the army?"

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said: "I think Team Leader Hua seems to hate Situ Ke a little bit. He Youliang has also come over and is going through the handover procedures with Team Leader Hua."

Fan Keqin waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Huazhang can handle it."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said, turned around and walked out with the documents.

But it is said that Situ Ke and He Youliang are the eldest son of the Situ family of the Meidi family.The other is the eldest son of the Ho family in Macau.The two families are actually patriotic businessmen. Since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, these two families have indeed kept donating money and materials to support the Anti-Japanese War.And not only that, the two families also called on many powerful friends to support the War of Resistance.

Let's talk about Situ's family. Three months ago, Situ Ke hadn't had any accidents at that time.He had just secretly transported a batch of anti-war supplies through his own commercial line.Among them were six Willys jeeps, two hundred Springfield rifles, sixty small-bore mortars, and forty barrels of fuel.And the corresponding various ammunition, it is the patriotism of Chicheng.

The He family has their own fields in Southeast Asia.More than [-] tons of food were donated for free.It is not inferior to Situ's family at all.Not to mention the rest, clothes, quilts, shoes and socks.

So for these two families, even the old Jiang of the state was able to treat each other with courtesy. After all, although the donations of the two families were on the entire battlefield, it was indeed a bit of a drop in the bucket, but their appeal was quite a lot.In addition, Situ's family also has many friends in Meidi's family. Every time Guan Laomei needs material assistance, their family also actively helps.Therefore, if Lao Jiang really met the heads of the two families, regardless of whether it was true or not, he must be polite.

It is also because of this that after Situ Ke and He Youliang went to the military command yesterday, they were actually verified.Make sure it's these two people.

Mao Qiwu, the director of the Military Command Secretariat, ordered that although the procedure had to go, he must be polite to these two people, and he should try his best to meet any requests made by the other party.After all, he just came back from the enemy-occupied area and suffered a lot.Also let the other party know that the government will not ignore them!

After arriving at the Security Bureau, seeing Huazhang, Situ Ke was so enthusiastic that Huazhang was even a little upset.While handing over to the people from the military commander, he also had to deal with this kid's entanglement.

"I know this question is presumptuous." Stuke said, "But can I ask how old you are this year? I don't want to know nothing about my savior. What do you say?"

Huazhang gave him a fake smile on purpose, then ignored him and looked at the handover document in his hand.After there was no problem, he signed his name, stood up and said, "Okay, now that this matter has been handed over, Mr. Situ and Mr. He will be in charge of the next matters for you two."

A military command agent nodded, got up and shook hands with Hua Zhang, and said, "Thank you, Team Leader Hua, then we won't bother you."

"Ah?" Situ Ke said: "I didn't say I was leaving. She is my savior. It is always necessary to have a meal to express my gratitude. What do you say? Brother He?"

(End of this chapter)

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