spy ace

Chapter 1283

Chapter 1283

Fan Keqin found a relatively secret well in a residential area with relatively few people, so while there was no one around, he lifted the lid of the well and hid the suitcase under it.

Fan Keqin looked at the ground well below after opening it, and it should also be a drainage channel.But he didn't think it mattered.The timer has been taken out by him in advance.The remaining TNT explosives are moisture-proof in nature, and there is a layer of linoleum paper on the outside as a barrier.Not to mention the fuel, as long as there is no sealing problem in the square metal barrel, nothing will happen.

Fan Keqin hid his things and went to a restaurant to have lunch.In the afternoon, I started wandering around in the relatively high-end bustling residential area.Especially when passing by, when passing cars parked on the side of the road or in the buildings of the community, he pays special attention to the dust of the vehicles.Use this to judge how often the car will be used.

In this way, Fan Keqin selected ten cars in one afternoon.These ten cars have one thing in common, that is, the location where they are parked, and the surrounding environment is very convenient to start with.

As for how often these cars will be used by people, although Fan Keqin can judge from the cleanliness of the car's appearance.But this thing is really uncertain, maybe people use the car every day, but they are lazy and just don't want to wash the car.It's really a possibility in this cold weather.

This is also the reason why Fan Keqin chose ten cars at once as alternative targets.In addition, Fan Keqin had another consideration in choosing these cars.That was four of the cars, and he looked through the dashboard, and the gas gauge was almost at the bottom.

There are five other cars with relatively high fuel levels.The tallest one is obviously freshly filled and very full.The rest are not low, the worst is [-]% of the state.There was only one car and it was about half full.

Fan Keqin did this for several reasons.First, these cars must be used by people, so the probability of any problems with the vehicles is relatively low.The second reason is that as long as the cars that are about to run out of gas continue to be used, they will have to refuel in a short time. It would be great if they could add more.I also save trouble.And the last point is that those cars with more oil, as long as they are not used too aggressively, such as normal household use.Commuting or something, the fuel consumption may not be too much, so if you steal the car just before you act, you don't have to worry too much about the fuel capacity of the car.

After writing down the positions of these ten cars.Fan Keqin started shopping, buying some sausages in the east and some dry food in the west.After buying a large bag of things, seeing that the time was almost up, Fan Keqin began to "go home from get off work"

At home, after the two of them had dinner, Fan Keqin began to witness Huazhang's achievements today.She had already made the dress she needed for herself.So the two of them can actually change into each other at any time now.

But now, from the perspective of time, they still need to wait a few days in order to cover the red agent who provided the information.As for whether he and Huazhang were worried about the transfer of ammunition and fuel in the Songjiang cargo terminal?

To be honest, they are really not worried.For example, ammunition, this thing is really not as good as moving.Unless it is a front-line unit, ammunition must be able to move with the unit at any time.But in the rear, if this thing is stored somewhere, it will basically not move frequently.After all, it is more dangerous.In addition, sometimes frequent transfers are giving the opponent a chance.

In this way, in the next few days, Fan Keqin and Huazhang will switch houses every few days.Then Fan Keqin "commuted to and from get off work" normally, but he was actually observing the conditions of the selected cars.Then the ropes and so on were all set up.

In addition, it is the investigation of the terrain. For example, after the car is stolen, it should be parked there, and then leave the city at that intersection.He even went to the Tianjin steamed stuffed bun shop on Daoli Street again, on the girder of the bathroom, to see if there was anything new.No!This proves that the last piece of information is still accurate and nothing has changed.

That night, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang had dinner and discussed the details of the operation again.Of course, this is their final check of the situation, and the plan has already been completed long ago.This is a move just in case.

When the check was almost done, the two of them went to bed.The next day, neither of them got up too early, but it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon before getting out of bed.

Now, Fan Keqin and Huazhang have fully rested, and their mental state is very good.Then took the prepared bags, dressed normally, and started to go out.

The two came near Harbin Railway Station, and they both had packages in their hands, so it was really inconspicuous to hold a package near Harbin Station.After all, almost everyone who just got off the train has a bag, or even a few bags.

Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang immediately found a dumpling restaurant, entered it, ordered two plates of meat dumplings, and began to eat and drink two other dishes.

They don't eat fast, let's go at normal speed.It was almost five o'clock when we finished eating.Check out and go out, came to a group of buildings.Fan Keqin pried open the door lock of an empty house that he had observed in the past few days, and then the two entered it and began to wait again.

This continued until about half past nine at night, when the two of them took their things and went out again silently.

After looking at three cars in a row, Fan Keqin was satisfied with the fourth car.This is a Ford, and this kind of car is quite common in the whole of China, or the whole world.So this car is also the least conspicuous.

In addition, the fuel capacity of this car is quite full, which can be [-]%.In fact, when Fan Keqin looked at this car two days ago, the fuel level was only half of the last one.Apparently the owner of the car had recently filled it up.This also proves from the side that there is nothing wrong with this car and it can definitely be driven.

Hua Zhang looked out, and Fan Keqin was responsible for the main theft.He took out two crochet hooks, and within a few seconds, opened the car door with technique.

The two put their things in the back seat, quickly started the ignition, and drove the car out of the community.Then I came to a community on the south side of Songjiang cargo terminal.

Fan Keqin didn't turn off the engine, and said, "Wait for me a while." He got out of the car and walked into the buildings.After a while, carrying the large suitcase, he walked back again.The trunk was opened, and the spare barrel of fuel was placed inside.The TNT is placed on the back seat of the car...

(End of this chapter)

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