spy ace

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285
When Fan Keqin integrated this aspect into the secret service industry, the power produced was still considerable.

So in the end, the two of them had once again hidden into the aisle between the two train cars without any surprise or danger.It is unknown if anyone saw them before they came over.Anyway, Fan Keqin felt that there was no one there. He kept looking around from the corner of his eyes. He didn't find anyone within the range of tens of meters.The results also proved that it did not cause any commotion.

The two people's footsteps were as light as possible, but their movements were still moving forward generously.At the same time, ears and eyes mobilize all energy to listen and observe.

There are wagons parked on the two rows of train tracks.They're right in the middle, almost in full shadow.Walking all the way to the end, Fan Keqin pulled Hua Zhang and squatted under the wagon on the left side.Hua Zhang looked behind him, while Fan Keqin took advantage of the uneven shape at the end of the wagon to glance to the left.

Not far away are a dozen wooden cargo boxes, and further away, there are also dark piles of goods, like a maze.Moving the line of sight to the right, first there is an open space of more than [-] meters, on which there are two electric poles propped up, and there is a street lamp in the upper part of the middle of the two electric poles.The wattage is not small, and the surrounding darkness is driven away tens of meters away.

The far right, like a hill, is piled up very high.Visually speaking, it is also very wide.From Fan Keqin's position, there is no end in sight.

Just when Fan Keqin saw this and planned the route in his mind.Just look at the bottom of the hill, a group of soldiers circled out.A total of nine, forming a row.One of the leaders was walking on the outside of the team, holding a flashlight shining in his hand, and was constantly shining on the left and right sides of the road as he walked.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin patted Huazhang back and waved it under the wagon.Then he leaned over and got directly under the carriage.Huazhang's reaction was not slow, and he got in.

Since they were at the end of the wagon, Fan Keqin quietly climbed two steps forward, stood in a gap between the wheels, and looked forward.

I saw that group of little devil soldiers passing through the open space with boastful footsteps, and walked into the blind spot from the far right, blocked by the train carriage.After Fan Keqin listened, he could still hear the footsteps of the little devil soldiers.But other than that, there was no other sound.

Fan Keqin turned his head, touched Huazhang's hand with his foot, and then went out from the left again.It is equivalent to passing through from the other side.

The same is true for Huazhang, who got out from under the carriage.The two walked side by side again to the left for a while.Then he turned immediately and walked towards the side of the stacked goods.

Use the goods to cover the figure on one side, but they can't stay here all the time, so they walked out quickly.Came to the clearing.

This is actually impossible.This place is completely empty. The reason why Fan Keqin walked to the left for a while is because it is still relatively far away from the two street lights, and it is slightly dark.In addition, there are more than a dozen stacked cargo boxes here, so when two people pass through the empty space, using the cargo boxes can also reduce some exposure time, so the risk will naturally be reduced in terms of probability.

It was okay, it took Fan Keqin and Huazhang about [-] seconds to pass through an open area of ​​about [-] meters, and once again came to the cargo storage area on this side.There are goods here to cover the figure, so the risk of exposure will always remain a small probability.

But just when the two people stepped into the aisle formed between the cargo boxes, there was a light on the left not far away, and two people came out.

These two men were wearing Japanese military uniforms, and one of them was carrying a wind lantern. They were obviously looking at the serial number of the goods before, and they were standing in the pile of goods on the left. The light from the wind lantern was not far away, and the goods were still there. block.In addition, they hadn't walked before, so there was no sound of footsteps.This caused Fan Keqin and Huazhang to run into each other head-on with these two ghost soldiers who had just read the numbers and turned out without any awareness of anyone here.

It can be said that both parties were taken aback.After all, although Fan Keqin and Huazhang were behaving normally, they should be as careful as possible when they were walking to keep the footsteps to a minimum.So this time, as soon as the two sides met, the distance between them was already eight or nine meters at most.

The two devils were obviously frightened, but their second reaction made them relax.Because they saw that Fan Keqin and Huazhang were also "one of our own"

"Hey!" The devil who didn't carry a lamp was obviously a corporal leader.Seeing this, he said: "びっくりしました, two peopleでここに来て何をしますか?" (Scare me, what are you two doing here?)

You must know that Fan Keqin's Japanese is half-baked, and he can only speak very simple conversations.What are you doing? Goodbye.Thank you very much, please advise me a lot.

This thing, all future generations will more or less know a few words.He is better than this kind of people who can speak a few words.So he understood the "two people" and "what" in the back, and he didn't know what the rest meant.

But Fan Keqin can pretend. He seemed to be frightened at first, opened his mouth and took a breath, then smiled as if mocking himself, and finally said with doubts: "Sumi Masai? Ah Nuo..."

During these few reactions, both of them were walking towards each other, and they had already come to the front.Fan Keqin stood at attention with a click, and quickly bowed forward.

He bowed very violently, and slammed down with all his strength.A mallet hit the corporal's face, making a thud.Borrowing the strength of getting up, he took a step to the right, and pointed his left hand at the devil holding the lantern on the right, and suddenly threw a fierce uppercut.

The vigilance of this devil is still very good. At the beginning, his attention was also on the tall and burly Fan Keqin, but as the two sides approached, he glanced at Huazhang.

The illumination range of the horse lantern is limited, but it is different when it is near. From this point of view, although Huazhang's figure is a bit "strong", his face has red lips and white teeth.I immediately became suspicious in my heart.

Those who disguised themselves as men, or men disguised themselves as women, were unrecognizable. They could only be said to be a very small number of people with extraordinary talents.Either it looks very feminine, or it looks very masculine.But such people are really rare, and you may not meet one in decades.

(End of this chapter)

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