spy ace

Chapter 1293 Information Handover

Chapter 1293 Information Handover
Wang Zhanyuan went on to introduce: "In addition, he has [-] plainclothes bodyguards who follow him all the time. There are very few opportunities to attack. Judging from the behavior of the bodyguards, they have undergone special training. Except for some work matters, Zang Fengjiu usually seldom Out there. Less chance."

After hearing this, Huazhang nodded with a smile, pondered for a while, and said, "Where are the locations of the two Square South Streets? Is there an angle?"

"Long distance?" Wang Zhanyuan thought for a while, and said: "If it is at the intersection of Square South Street... It cannot be said that there is no chance, but it is still very difficult. The most important thing is the safety of the shooter. Even if he succeeds, then in the In a short period of time, even the first time, the spies in the two shops at the intersection can hear the approximate location."

Of course Huazhang understands this truth. There is still a certain difference between a professional spy and a police officer.I and Fan Keqin had been to the location of Square South Street before, and Fan Keqin and himself could clearly see that there must be little devils or spies of Manchukuo in the two shops at the intersection.The same is true for the other intersections where you can look at the State Council Building of Manchukuo.At other intersections, due to the topography, the flower bed in the middle of the square and the slope, only the upper half of the Manchukuo State Council Building can be seen.

If you choose a few other streets, this will cause a phenomenon that even if the target is fully exposed under the Manchukuo State Council Building, the angle will be blocked due to the terrain.

After thinking for a while, Huazhang said: "What about the security situation in and around the square... we'll talk about it later." Then he changed into words of concern, and continued: "Recently, the weather seems to be very cold, don't forget to go out Put on some more clothes, who in your family... probably doesn't care about you at all."

"Oh, what are you talking about her for?" Wang Zhanyuan understood immediately, his face was a little tired, and then with a smile on his face, he said: "You still care about me, don't worry, after the next year... that is, after the next year, we two can be fair ..."

At this point, Wang Zhanyuan stopped talking.It was the waiter who came up with a tray, pushed the dining cart to the front, put the food and drinks on the table one by one, and said, "Take your time, both of you."

Wang Zhanyuan took out a suitable banknote and handed it to the waiter.The latter thanked him repeatedly, turned around and pushed the dining car away.

After performing a scene where the mistress wanted to take over, Hua Zhang laughed and said in a low voice: "It's okay, it's fine."

Wang Zhanyuan looked affectionate, and whispered: "There are quite a few plainclothes spies in the square. According to our observations during this period of time, there is a small stall selling cigarettes and newspapers next to a public telephone booth on the north side of the square. The stall owner must be Secret agent. On the south side of the east side, there is a soda and cake seller in front of the lawn beside the sidewalk. On the sidewalk in the west of the square, there is also a special agent, disguised as a box-shaped vendor car for repairing clocks and watches. This is There are three fixed sentry posts. Among the pedestrians on the road, there are at least a dozen people scattered around the square. It is difficult for these people to determine their location. They themselves are the kind of free activities, wandering around the square according to the situation."

Speaking of this, Wang Zhanyuan cut off a piece of beef with a knife, then stuck it with a fork, and fed Huazhang a bite.The performance can be described as very greasy, but he continued in a low voice: "In addition, there are many patrol teams passing by on the square. Every hour, at least one team of puppet patrol troops pass by again. I asked my brother to follow it a few times. A patrol team found that almost all of them were city patrol offices in the streets around the square, or places like police stations, and each of them included the square in their patrol routes."

Huazhang also cut off a piece of beef and fed it to Wang Zhanyuan.Her performance was like that of the mistress who was about to take the position, a little excited with pride, although in the booth, the position itself was not very conspicuous.But agents are like this, no matter whether someone is really watching or no one is watching, when it's time to perform, you must perform to the end.Just in case something happens.

Huazhang asked in a low voice: "Then...these patrols, as well as plainclothes spies, were they like this from the very beginning?"

"No." Wang Zhanyuan replied: "In the beginning, it was slightly less. But the ratio is about three to two. The layer that was added recently was yesterday morning. Since we have been monitoring for a long time, those spies Some of them are familiar faces, so this increase was immediately noticed by our brothers. Before... Anyway, after we got here, the number has not changed much. Occasionally, it may be a little more or less a day. But overall Pretty much the same."

Speaking of this, Wang Zhanyuan was a little worried, and said: "Is it... that you and the boss came here, and the Puppet Man knew."

Huazhang denied it with a light smile, and said, "No, it should be a chain reaction caused by the business talks between my boss and I in Harbin. Because the time is right."

It is said that Wang Zhanyuan is in Changchun, and he does not know what happened in Harbin.Asked: "You and the boss are in Harbin, and you have also negotiated a deal?... It was reported in yesterday's evening paper that a major gas tank factory leaked and exploded in Harbin."

"Well." Huazhang said: "The little devil and the puppet man's cover-up method are actually the ammunition depot and fuel area of ​​the Songjiang cargo terminal, which were blown up by me and the boss."

Wang Zhanyuan smiled and said: "Ha, it's wonderful, it's wonderful. It's a pity, I don't have the luxury of this kind of grand fireworks from years ago."

Huazhang also smiled and said, "Boss and I didn't see it either... tell me, when they patrol, and which street they came from. On the square, what route is it?"

That's it, the two of them, like a tired and crooked couple, handed over the intelligence information in detail in the Manchurian Hotel.In the end, the two agreed on a quick contact method.After eating, I deliberately waited for a while.Only then did they check out and leave.

After Huazhang and Wang Zhanyuan left the hotel, they passed through a nearby shopping mall, and when they came out, they were completely separated.Huazhang took a taxi and went straight back to the place outside the three streets of the residence hotel.I bought some food and drink nearby, put them in my handbag, and then returned to the hotel room.

Sure enough, after a while, Fan Keqin also opened the door and walked in.He took off his coat and hung it at the door, sat next to Huazhang, lit a cigarette, and said, "It looks like everything is going well. How is it? Has Wang Zhanyuan made any breakthroughs in his investigation these days?"

"Well... yes, but... not." Huazhang said: "Captain Wang and the others found Zang Fengjiu's official residence, but there was no chance of doing anything there either."

(End of this chapter)

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