spy ace

Chapter 1297 Determining the Location

Chapter 1297 Determining the Location
Then Fan Keqin sent an agent who can repair cars to the place where he and Hua Zhang hid the car when they came to check the car from Harbin to see how the car was in condition and whether it could continue to drive. If so, are there any problems.

In the State Council Building of the Puppet Manchukuo, it is still on the south side, but to the west, there is a new street that was built less than five years ago.To be precise, it should be a renovation.Because it used to be an old street, which is rather dilapidated.The State Council Building of the Manchukuo was nearby, and the Manchukuo government had a better face. At that time, it was still dreaming of being able to win the recognition of the international community.

Because at that time, the little devil's offensive was fierce and relatively smooth.If it can be recognized by the international community, it will be able to win a so-called status for the Puppet Manchukuo.

So this group of people considered that if they sent an observation team, it would look very bad-looking to see that there were such dilapidated streets near the State Council Building.So the dilapidated places on this street were repaired, and those that could not be repaired were demolished and rebuilt.

The buildings built, residential areas, etc., are not very high. The tallest building is only five floors, and most of them are two floors.And for the sake of face, many people were mobilized to build it, so it was completed quickly.

Use the most objective eyes to evaluate this street, whether it is good or not.Not to mention, it's really pretty.At that time, they imagined that it would be best to get the support of Western countries, such as Germany and Italy, which were the allied countries of the little devils, so the designers they hired were also from Germany and Italy.It is very European style.

The reason why this European-style street is mentioned separately is because Fan Keqin finally chose to do it here after inspecting the entire area.

Among them is the attic of a family. After considering the angle, view, hiding and other issues, Fan Keqin thinks it is very suitable.The angle of view is a bit narrower, and the field of view is also narrower, but it is enough.

If this street is based on the State Council Building of the Puppet Manchukuo, the location is on the south side but westward. Therefore, if one looks at the State Council Building of the Puppet Manchukuo from this street, the State Council Building is slanted.

Therefore, the State Council Building becomes smaller and narrower in sight than it is seen from the front.The same is true, the angle of shooting, the field of vision, just can see the right door and the main entrance of the puppet Manchukuo State Council Building, but the left door is in the blind spot.

But it doesn't matter, the left door of the State Council of Manchukuo has almost nothing to do with my goals.According to the information sent back by Huazhang, Zang Fengjiu usually walked through the right door of the Manchukuo State Council building, which was the left door directly opposite him, and occasionally walked through the middle door.Therefore, it doesn't matter that the left door of the State Council of the Puppet Manchukuo is in a blind spot.

When Fan Keqin chose this family, it was already past five o'clock in the evening. It was cold in the northeast and it got dark early, so at this time, the sky was already getting dark.But Fan Keqin didn't go back in a hurry, but chose a small restaurant opposite called Laotou Biscuit.

This old man’s sesame seed cake is said to be a time-honored brand in the local area. The sesame seed cake was well made, and later he added wonton, tofu nao, and some side dishes, and turned it into a restaurant.

Now this time is the time for dinner, Fan Keqin walked in, my good guy, there are quite a lot of people in the store.Almost every table has customers.Fortunately, most of the people in this small restaurant order pancakes, wontons, etc., and the meal time is relatively short.So soon there will be empty tables.

Fan Keqin chose an empty table next to the wall instead of the window.This table may be used to make up a table. It is very small, and there are only two chairs at the front and back.So if I eat here for a while, I won't attract the attention of the store.

Fan Keqin ordered four pancakes and three side dishes to pack.Then I ordered a sesame seed cake, a portion of tofu nao, and two stir-fried vegetables separately. I saw that this shop also had homemade red sausage, so I ordered a plate, and finally ordered a jug of old wine.Put it on the table and eat and drink slowly.

Fan Keqin ate what he wanted first, the sesame seed cake and tofu brain.Then I started eating soy sauce and slowly drinking wine.In fact, he tilted his head slightly, and from the corner of his eye, he looked openly through the window at the other end of the store to observe the family's situation.

The selected default location is No. [-] of this street.The number is a bit unlucky, but Fan Keqin doesn't believe in these things at all.

This No. [-] is diagonally opposite the old man's sesame seed cake, and the straight-line distance is about thirty-seven or eight meters.The seat Fan Keqin chose was also very particular. Through the glass, it just formed a straight line obliquely, and he could see the situation of No. [-].

At this time, the lights in No. [-]'s house were on, but the lights were a little dim, and it should be a kerosene lamp or something.Didn't bother to turn on the light.

In this way, Fan Keqin has been eating and drinking slowly, observing the situation on the [-]th.It was about halfway through eating and drinking, that is to say, it was more than [-]:[-] in the evening, nearly half o'clock.A man wearing a coat, a top hat, and pushing a bicycle came to the door of No. [-].

Just look at this man, holding the car with one hand, took out the key and opened the door, but just as he opened it, a little girl wearing a school uniform ran out of the door, a girl to be exact, Dakai was only fifteen years old up and down.

The young girl's expression showed that she was very friendly when she saw the man, and then helped the man push the door, so that it would be easier for the man to enter with his bicycle.

This man is obviously very close to this girl, judging by his age, Fan Keqin should be father and daughter.Soon the door closed again, but the lights grew brighter.Apparently the light had been turned on.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin was still not in a hurry, finished eating and drinking steadily, and paid the bill.Standing up and holding the packed biscuits, Xiaocai walked out of the old man's biscuit shop.

After crossing the road, after walking about [-] meters, I passed the bright window of No. [-].Fan Keqin turned his head generously and looked inside.But there is a small table not far behind the half-open curtain.He was walking, so he could see most of the room clearly by moving from front to back.

This should be a very ordinary family, but it is a relatively stable one.It means that there is one person in the family, who has a relatively stable job, and his life can't be said to be good, but it's not too bad.

The furniture in the house is also half-old, and the house should be well-groomed, so it can be seen at a glance that the house has been tidied up neatly and cleanly.There are two large plates of dishes on the small table, one of which should be reheated...

(End of this chapter)

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