spy ace

Chapter 1330 Female Spy

Chapter 1330 Female Spy
Zhao Debiao continued to order, saying: "Then each of your groups, centering on the target building, set up temporary monitoring points in the corridors of the residential buildings below. Remember, there must be people around, and there must be no blind spots. Once Make sure there is an eagle inside, and report to me immediately. If he comes out, follow him immediately, find out where he is going, who he met, etc. In addition, in case he finds you... start arresting immediately Action. Shoot, but try not to kill! Understand?"

"Yes!" Everyone said, and immediately carried out according to his arrangement.

Following Zhao Debiao, he found two more kind-hearted people, one of whom looked like a college student.The other is a female field worker, who is specially used to contact various temporary monitoring points.Then, Zhao Debiao immediately walked away from the target building, walked two streets at random, found a public phone, dialed it to the headquarters of the Security Bureau, and learned that Fan Keqin was not there.After thinking about it, I decided to make one for Fan Keqin's family.

When Fan Keqin arrived home, it was less than six o'clock in the evening. He had practiced free-kicking with Lu Xiaoya several times, had a meal, and washed the dishes after eating. It was less than nine o'clock.At this moment, the phone rang.

Fan Keqin was wearing underwear at this time. After all, he had a meal immediately after fighting with Lu Xiaoya. He was a man again and was going to bed soon, so naturally he didn't need to pay so much attention.Shirtless came to the living room, picked up the receiver and said, "Hello? Who are you looking for?"

"Boss, it's me." Zhao Debiao's voice came from the receiver, and said, "I want to report to you that I just left the company, and now there are people on duty in the company. I asked them to turn on the lights at night. Then I will be next to the company Temporary shifts have also been arranged for the warehouse. Isn’t it the Chinese New Year, I ask Cheng Nuo to pay more for overtime work.”

"Yeah." Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said, "Don't bother, remember what I told you?" He then lowered his voice and said, "Secret arrest, just send someone to rush in, no matter who is inside, take them all. But remember, make the movement as small as possible. It must be completed in the shortest possible time. Then arrange two whistles on the spot. After escorting the person back, the surprise interrogation will begin immediately."

Zhao Debiao said: "Then I understand, boss. It's all right, you rest."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said, "You can call me anytime if you have any situation."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Debiao returned immediately, called the two "college students" who were in charge of contact and the female agent to him, and ordered: "Leave four groups of people around the center of the target building, and find the rest. Come back and let them surround the target building on time in fifteen minutes. I will personally lead people and attack from the main entrance. The other three ambushes, if anyone jumps through the window and slips through the net, they must be taken down. Check the watch now." Then, I checked the watch with the two college students and the female agent, and asked them to contact immediately.

In this way, after about fifteen minutes, most of the people who had been hiding in the temporary surveillance points set up earlier, in the corridors of the surrounding buildings, withdrew more than half of them.There were only eight people left in the southeast, northwest, and four directions, and they were still monitoring the situation.

The remaining ten or so people all secretly surrounded the target building.In other words, Eagle's safe house, which is specially used for joints, is a third-floor building as a whole.However, the specific location of the safe house is actually the room on the right side of the first floor.

Zhao Debiao seized the time and personally led four people, including him as a total of five field workers.Quietly touched the corridor of the target building.When the time was up, he waved his hand violently, and an agent next to him kicked violently.

With a crisp click, the lock of the door was kicked open.The other two agents who were ambushing on the side rushed in with a whoosh.By the way, is there anyone in there?There really are.

But there was only one woman, wearing a cheongsam, who was quite beautiful.However, what she did made Zhao Debiao and others very happy.Because there was no warning when they rushed in, and when they entered the house, the woman was in the living room outside.

At the moment when Zhao Debiao and others rushed in.Just look at this woman, sitting on a small horse on the ground, the earphone has just been taken off with her left hand, and her right hand is touching the gun on the ground.In front of her is the window of the house, and under the window is a gramophone sitting on the floor.

From the outside, this phonograph looks like a normal phonograph.It's just that at this time, a long antenna has been connected to the window above the phonograph.

From the back of the phonograph, two wires came out, one of which was connected to the sending button.The other wire is connected to the headset in the woman's hand.

The woman might have been concentrating on sending and receiving the newspaper before, but when she heard the sound of the door being kicked open behind her, she took off the earphone with her left hand, and instinctively touched the prepared weapon on the ground with her right hand.And turned to look in the direction of the door.There was a look of horror on his face.Obviously, she really didn't expect that this safe house, which had always been safe, would suddenly be rushed in.

time flies.The woman reached for the gun, just as she picked it up and twisted her body to point it at someone.The opponent is not standing still.And Zhao Debiao and the others broke in suddenly.Those who rushed in had already picked up their speed.In order to hit the opponent by surprise.

Therefore, although this woman reacted quickly, she was slowed down because of her intentions and unintentional calculations.Before he could point his gun at the person coming.The security bureau agent who had already been rushed to the first place flew forward and fell to the ground.Both hands firmly held her hand holding the gun, and pressed it to the floor.

Although she was thrown down, the woman's second reaction was not slow, and she immediately put down the headset in the other hand to reach for the pistol in her right hand.The result is not enough for her.The second agent of the Security Bureau also rushed up directly.According to this woman, because she was reaching for her other hand, she turned sideways to face her head, which fits like an electric cannon (does anyone not know the meaning of electric cannon?)
After the muffled bang, the female spy felt her head buzzing, her vision suddenly lost, and the control of her whole body seemed to be cut off from herself.He let out a sigh of relief, rolled his eyes up, and passed out directly.

When a knee bump made the woman unconscious, the first agent had already taken off the opponent's gun and pinned it to his waist.The third person who rushed up took out handcuffs and handcuffed the woman's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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